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Assault Terminators


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Hey guys, I want to build a strong CC oriented unit and I think I have decided on a 5 man assault terminator squad, 4 LC and 1 TH/SS. Does anyone have recommendations for a better unit? (With initiative, # of attacks and cost in mind) I dont mind the loss of sweeping advances and I play planetstrike sometimes.

Also what tactics do you use with mostly LC terminators? I was planning on deepstriking behind cover and then moving and assaulting the next turn, or deepstriking then running behind cover. I have a LRR/LRC that I can use with them (And already use for the firepower) but I hear that is to many points to do a simple job.


Apparently this was not clear enough but I do not want a pure TH/SS unit because they will strike at initiative 1 and have 2 attacks. The reason for the 1 TH/SS I have is to try and take those heavy shots.


If the idea of not using a land raider or TH/SS is daft tell me.

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as long as your playing codex marines then all thunder hammers and storm shields is good.


seriously, speaking from personal experiance, you don't want to be lashed into chaos vindicator range and hit with a shell which'll take out 4/5 terminators. Give them storm shields and hunt some tanks/MC's.


don't deep stike assault terminators. stick them in a LRC and plough into the enemy.

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I usually pull out 7 TH/SS and 3 DLCs for my infiltrating terminator squad, it gives me a good mix between thinning out the ranks before lower initiative enemies strike and obliterating armor. It doesn't help at all against higher initiative, so I don't take many LCs. When I face Orks, however, the Lightning claws are bloody murder.


TH/SS are able to handle more types of threats than LCs, so I prefer the hammernators.

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I usually pull out 7 TH/SS and 3 DLCs for my infiltrating terminator squad, it gives me a good mix between thinning out the ranks before lower initiative enemies strike and obliterating armor.

Infiltrating terminator squads? Am I missing something?

I'm thinking 2 TH/SS and 3 DLC's so far, deepstriking behind cover and forcing the enemy to choose between them and a nice, juicy tactical squad in move/assault range. It might just be me but I'm not eager on tank shocking through units, firing off all the guns and assaulting...

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D: Well, I bought and painted up all of my Shrike/Hammernators so I could avert such claims, and I've been playing Shrike along with Terminators since 4th edition... So bleh to you sir. I also did Shrike's Wing, but that's another matter >.>


Now, granted, I usually ran Shrike with one of my infiltrating tactical squads and had the termies deep strike in somewhere close, but the new codex gave me an excuse to have shrike actually team up with the termies from the onset, and that's how I've been running them since. Maybe it's cheese, maybe it's not, but there are ways to handle and completely shut down the terminators, which means that the terminators are not broken. As long as they are not unbeatable, they're fine with me. Then again, I play against Nob Bikers, Full mech IG, Various flavors of either Seer Council spammage or Flying Circus eldar, and other such "cheesy" lists, so I guess I'm more forgiving than the others.


In any case, I say you experiment and find out what works with your playstyle. More LCs make you much better at killing infantry, while THs have more versatility and are able to take down everything but AV14 all around.

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The thing about assault terminators is that they tend to scare the enemy into keeping out of charge range, or be slow enough that he can charge you first. Granted, they still give effect, by the fear-field you can heard your enemy to where you want him, or simply target a zone where you know he can't move, such as a squad on an objective.

Taking the charge will cost you attacks, but as tough as these guys are they tend to be able to dish out some pain regardless.


The downside to DP is that you don't know when you'll have them on the board, or where they will land after scattering. If you're unlucky your 2-400pts unit will sit aboard the strike cruiser and have tea untill the 5th turn, or land in terrain/of the board and decide they don't want to play anymore.

Secondly if the unit DP it WILL suffer heavy fire the next turn as the enemy sees death apearing in the middle of their line, and even terminators go down under a rain of bullets.


Personally I think the best way to go is either a small squad in a LRC, with a chaplain or librerian for support, or take a full 10 man squad and jump ( DP ). A chaplain will give you re-rolls that will boost the squad quite a bit, esp if you want your hammers to taget a moving vehicle, while a librerian can soften up the target before the charge wth doom or avenger, or if facing a Inv save army the null zone will give you a boost to your kill-rate.

A 5 man squad going in via teleport will likely turn out to be a fire magnet, only, since the chances of more than 0-2 surviving the enemy shootingfaze is slim. Not saying that it can't happen, but they WILL take casualties.


A small assasination squad in a LRC will hit something, hit it hard as :P and unless the enemy has a very thin line, be close enough to start hunting things down the next turn. Ideal would be for the enemy unit to hold, and then díe in his turn, so he loses the 1 round of shooting at them.


Going with LC is cool, and somethng I do often. I love hammers, but the extra attacks, the high initiative and re-roll makes up for the lack of str and save. And if nothng else so only to bugg hardcore players and stop people from whining about the OP'ness of shields.

Though I do recommend having 1-2 hammers with you, if nothing else so to deal with dreads/wraithlords. You don't want a full 11 man LC squad ( 10+commander ) being charged by a dreadnought. I learned that the hard way.....

If going with a high count of LC you will want to make sure that they have support that can deal with enemy armour. Long range devs, a melta-rhino squad or a ironclad podding with them, there are plenty of ways to give solid back-up.


Well that's just a few thoughts ;)



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