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White Scars WIP


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Well...the bug bit me yet again.

After realizing that bike armies actual function in this new edition I decided to take the plunge I wanted to take when I first started 10 years ago: White Scars.

I have never really painted white before so this will be a challenge/journey. To force myself to paint the miniatures I have modeled and painted the bases first, since attaching them to flat bases would have just let me play with them and never really finish what I started :).

I am still waiting on the materials for the MASS of White Scar shields I will need so I will have to start on foot marines first. I will take update photos as I go, which is a long ways considering how many bikes there will be in the end. Add on top of that my entire non-bike marine army of 2500 points ;).

Well...without further adieu:

First progress: 6 bases to force me to paint 6 bikes :tu:


Seeing as they have a nomadic feeling to them I used Palo Duro Canyon as inspiration. It is a canyon just south of Amarillo, where I live, and it embodies nomadic mounted tribes. It is an area that is ripe with the history of the Comanches and US Cavalry battles. It is one portion of the Steepes of North America, which is actually very similar to the Steepes of Russia/Central Asia. Seeing as that is the region that the tribes that the White Scars were modeled after roamed I figured it was a good place to start.

Here is a picture of the canyon so you can see my inspiration.


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Well, the Steppes of Russia and North America are VERY similar.


The Tumbleweed, which is extremely common here, and seen in every western film ever :P, is native to Russia, not North America. I intend to keep the mongolian feel; however, I just drew inspiration for the bases from local scenery, which is very similar to that halfway across the world :)

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