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Iron Resolve


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"Push through! Push through! Keep up the assault!" Captain Kargaz screamed.


"Sir! There are to many of them! They have us surrounded!" Sergeant Scronus replied spitting curses and defiance into the seemingly endless horde of traitors.


"Regroup! Regroup!" Captain Kargaz screamed to his men.


Above the carnage of battle he held aloft a single banner. It was torn to shreds by bolter fire, but still it could proudly be read. A single shining, metal hand was painted atop it. It was the banner of the Iron Hands. A banner that had been carried throughout a hundred worlds and a hundred victories. Never once had it been lost. Never once had the enemy managed to take it. Never once had the enemy managed to even win. Today was the day they would... What was supposed to be a one-sided battle with the true loyalists to the Emperor winning almost instantly was already in the hands of the traitors. Treachery by the other four legions had managed to surround the few loyalists left. The Salamanders and Raven Guard were cut off and most likely being butchered right now. Sporadic gunfire and artillery bombardments fell around them. They were surrounded by a horde of traitor marines, but they would not fall. They were Morlocks, best of the legion. They were Ferrus's personal guard and they would not fall.


Ferrus, the towering giant smashed through the traitor's ranks with ease. His few guards left tried to keep up making their own impressive tallies of kills. His deep battle-cry sounded across the battle-field. It sparked some since of fear in the traitors and a spark of resolve in the Morlocks. Painfully they grinded against there traitorous brethren smashing and bashing them. Their massive forms could be seen through the smoke that had already engulfed the entire field. They were Angels of Death. Bringers of Doom and a plethora of other grim names given to them throughout their hundred years of service. But, most of all they were Iron Hands and they would not fall as cowering children. They would fall as servants of the Emperor forever chanting his name even in battle.


"For the Emperor! For the Emperor!" Kargaz screamed smashing through them with his hammer.


The cry was taken up by the few veterans left. They were few in number, but they would get the job done none-the-less. Ferrus continued to bulldoze his way through the traitors. He would meet Fulgrim and he would kill them. Every Morlock with him had taken a vow to escort him there, not that he needed it. They just wished to see his oath completed. They wished to see him die honorably. Kargaz watched as there Primarch crushed power-armored foes with mere flicks of his mighty metal hands. His guards were faultering however, slowly being picked off one by one. Kargaz would not have it. They were merely a hundred feet away from their Primarch, however that hundred feet was swarming with enemies and traitors. Traitors determined to win. Determined to kill. There blasphemy angered him. There mere presence sent him into action. He charged forward brandishing his massive power-sword menacingly. It cut through power-armor easily sheering the tainted bones within.


Sergeant Scronus followed behind him smashing the enemy hordes back with his two-handed thunderhammer. At his side was Brother Kurd the bestial roar of his multi-melta scattered the enemy time and time again. Although there massive Terminator Armour was smashed and dented in a thousnad places they would not fall until they reached there Primarch. The sight of him tearing the traitorous Fulgrim limb from limb would satisfy him. It would send him to the afterlife for sure, if there was one. Nothing seemed true in these dark times. The only truth Kargaz knew was that Manus had to be defended. They would get him to Fulgrim and die valiantly after their Primarch had smashed the traitor into a thousand pieces. Brother Arda and Brother Urdu followed behind him. power-swords and stormbolters and smashing through the enemies swarming over them. Emperor's Children scattered before their titanic might foolishly trying to bring them down with mere swords and bolt-pistols. They met the folly of there ways every time. A folly which ended in death.


Ferrus was only feet away from the now, however he had halted. His guards stood defiantly around him. The traitor had revealed himself. A piercing scream filled the air. So foul and evil was it that it had to be none other than Fulgrim himself. The traitor was here. Ferrus was standing defiantly against him despite the prolonged assault made by the Emperor's Children around him. The traitors barely fit in their power armor warped and tainted they were. They called them gifts, they were know such thing. Tentacled hands tore at the Morlocks along with spiked fingers. The mutated marines swarmed around Ferrus. They had to be none other than Fulgrim's own personal guard. For not even the traitors looked so hideous.


"TO FERRUS! TO FERRUS!" Captain Kargaz shouted bringing his sword down in wide arcs.


Each time he was satisfied with a killing blow. The multi-melta roared its vengeance time and time again as if calling out to Ferrus. Such was the ferocity of there assault that the traitor marines could do little but break away. Sergeant Scronus leapt side-long into the rearing traitors making them pay for every dent in his armor. A single swoop of his massive hammer shattered the armors of nearly a dozen. Brothers Arda and Urdu charged forward into the marines encircling Ferrus. There blades carved through any that got in there way. Kargaz smashed forward with all his strength trying to break through the last protective circle of enemies around Ferrus. He hacked through them as best he could, but they were to many. Kargaz stumbled as they encircled him and charged at him time and time again. Their weight was to much for him to bear, he fell dropping his sword to the ground. But, he was not defenseless, with the little room he had left to maneouvre he opened fire with his stormbolter. Explosive bullets tore through the marines atop him killing them instantly. Using the last vistages of strength in him he tore out of the grip the traitors had him. He was running out of ammo and he used the last of his clip to pick off as many traitors as he could.


He cursed as the traitors encircled him again. Chainswords were revved drowning out almost everything else on the battle-field. Everything but the scream. The horrible scream once again filled the air. The traitors halted for a second. Kargaz did the same looking to see Ferrus standing atop a mighty moutnain of corpses. A mighty man came forth matching Ferrus in height and strength as his blade matched every blow Ferrus landed. It was none other than Fulgrim. Kargaz watched as the mighty duel ensued, so fierce was it that for a split second the traitors had stopped their assault to watch. Kargaz smashed through them embracing death as they swarmed around him tearing through his armor with chainswords. The pain was immense, but it was nothing compared to his since of success. Ferrus would win...Ferrus would kill Fulgrim...they had succeeded. They had succeeded. With that he blacked out almost instantly as his own armor was covered with his own blood.




Sergeant Scronus screamed his battle-cry of vengeance. Captain Kargaz was down his titanic form covered in his own blood and his armor battered beyond repair. His sword and stormbolter lay at his side and he looked peaceful despite the painful death he had in know doubt endured. His thunderhammer smashed the traitors back time and time again as they encircled for the kill. Scronus was fighting as hard as he could, but it was not enough. Bolter fire dented his armor in a dozen places. Every hit was like a wound and he knew his armor would not last that long. He had only minutes of life left, but he would not die alone. With a final heave of his hammer he crushed the few traitors in front of him and smashed his way to his Primarch Ferrus. The duel was still going on as Scronus fell to the ground countless pieces of shrapnel in his skin. It burned and he knew he would die any minute as his secondary heat slowly failed. He looked up seeing the duel rage right in front of his eyes. Any minute Ferrus would crush the bastard's skull. Scronus only hoped he would live to see. The final thing he saw was the traitor's sword lash out. It was fast, quicker than anything he had seen. He watched helplessly as it cavorted through Ferrus's own defenses and inevitably cut off his head in a single swipe. Ferrus fell back, killed instantly by the traitor. It was bitter and horrible at the same time. Scronus had never witnessed failure on such a grand scale. The battle was lost and Ferrus dead. The pain burnt through his skin even hotter than the shrapnel that was implanted in it. Tears filled his eyes as he watched the triumphant Fulgrim heft Ferrus's head in victory. Scronus sobbed silently looking upon the head of Ferrus. His final expression was one of defiance and hatred. One that Scronus would not forget. The tears stopped instantly as he was reminded of the iron resolve his legion was known for. His entire body was numb, but warmed at the same time by an unexplainable thing. At that moment Scronus died his last memory of Ferrus's defiance and of the defiance of the Iron Hands themselves.




Brother Kurd was angered and astonished at the sight of the revered Primarch struck down by the traitor's blade fought as hard as he could. He watched grossly and full of fear as Fulgrim's own flesh tore itself apart and became tainted. It was warped beyond measure twisted and horrid beyond any sane man's eyes could bear. Kurd spat disgust as Fulgrim attained all he had hoped for. A mighty Daemon Prince he was, blessed by the Dark Gods themselves. It was disgusting and terrifying at the same time. Kurd would not bare the sight for long however as the traitors swarmed around him. His multi-melta was sparking all around from its extended over-use and the numerous hits it had sustained. Kurd grimaced knowing what was coming. Knowing that the end was near. It was not for the healthy human mind to dwell on it, but Kurd was no human. He was Space Marine, an Iron Hand. Where others faultered, he would fight. Where others fled he would stand defiant. As hard as iron he would remain no matter how many foes he faced. Such was only one moment in a glorious number of deaths amongst the Space Marines. Such moment would be his last he thought over-charging the multi-melta as they swarmed around. Even when all life had left his body his finger had remained locked around the trigger, incinerating his hated foes even in death. The core overcharged and in an explosion of fire and burning metal where the foe completely incinerated. Brother Kurd was dead only scraps of his armor remaining. In the blackened part of earth where the explosion went off did his legion symbol remain. A burned, but still shining shoulder-plate with an iron hand engraved upon it.




Brother Arda and Urda remained encircled by traitors hungering for there bloody. Fulgrim himself, tainted and smiling in his horrid glory was with them. His mighty blade was raised and the defiant head of Ferrus still in his twisted hands. The traitors slowly advanced gripping blades and chainswords even tighter. They chanted war-cries and screamed victory as they closed in hefting their tainted and daemonic weapons forward. Brother Arda's armor was painted crimson by the blood spilled. His armor was torn and dented in almost every possible place. His flesh was visible in the center where his chest-plate was completely torn off from the sheer impact of the enemies blades in previous fighting. Brother Urda's own armor was rented and torn in sections. His helmet was ripped off exposing his scarred and hardened face. His expression was mutual to Ferrus's own, defiant despite the impossible odds laid out before them. His eyes showed that they were doomed, but they were not broken. They remaind as hard as iron. Their stormbolters were discarded long ago after running out of ammunition. Only swords remained shining despite the gore and blood that covered them.


"For Ferrus!" The duo cried charging headlong into the odds.


A single flick of Fulgrim's sword cut one of them in half. Urda died cut in twain by the same daemonic blade that had killed his Primarch. Arda did not faulter in his task, however. He charged headlong into the fray falling upon the traitors with all the strength he had left. He hacked and slashed at them until he was breathless. A dozen blows fell off his armor not even phasing him. But, a dozen more cut through his exposed flesh. In a shower of blood, sweat, and curses did Arda fall to his knees. His armor was getting heavier and the wounds seemingly took there toll. He breathed heavily his face etched with hate and anger towards the encircling traitors. The final thing he saw was the daemonic blade of Fulgrim rise and fall one last time. In a roar of rage and agony did he die, literally split in half. No matter how paintful however his resolve remained as strong as ever, even in death.

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  calgar101 said:
That is an awesome piece of writing my friend! I just have two issues; storm bolters and thunder hammers were not around in the time of the heresy i dont think, but that is a truly marvelous piece of writing! :huh:


Yes, shamefully I am not an expert on Heresy tech which detracts from the overall writing of the story. But, I will try to do some serious research. And thanks for the comment my friend.

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  • 1 month later...

@calgar101, Storm Bolters where only available to the Custodians stationed on Terra, so yes, you're right, but the Thunderhammers were around; Eidolon has one in Fulgrim, and there are several mentions in previous books as well.


It is truly a great story, love the continued attack of the Hands as well! :P

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