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Tomevans' Dark Angels


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Hey all. After seeing some fantastically painted minis on this forum I decided to brush the dust off my digital camera and post some pictures. This is my first one, a Deathwing standard bearer. It uses all plastic parts and the only conversion work was trimming the banner standard in half and drilling and pinning the standard either side of the normal storm bolter Terminator hand. This is the model I have entered in the Golden Bolter (Sammy wasnt finished and I dont want to rush what is a brilliant model). Hope you enjoy, all c and c welcome.









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Cheers for the praise mate, still think your mini edges it.


As for the pictures, I followed that advice and it just deleted the url. Whats going on? I am a total novice when it comes to posting pictures lol.


EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out :P

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Decided to do a smallish update with a few of my other DA minis. First few are pictures of my WIP Land Raider Crusader. The freehand swords are only about 30% done so that is why they look a little sketchy. The Terminators are my 2nd Belial conversion based on the Lysander mini, my WIP Apothecary and my (nearly) finished Assault Cannon Termi. I decided to add in 3 Greenwing marines with my different take on the DA colour scheme. (Avid followers of my fluff might recognise this as a morph of my "Angles Elect" colour scheme.) Hope you alll enjoy, as always c and c welcome.











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Just an update of what I will put up in the near future. I have finished my Apothcary tonight and got some pretty decent progress done on my Land raider, so I will have a few pictures of those put up in a day or so. On a bad note, I dropped my Interrogator Chaplain and both his arms came off, but oh well. I will make a start on him after the repairs and my Terminator librarian as well. Then I think I will hit the Greenies again, my Battle Company force is feeling a little left out. Might finally finish my Assault squad, only a year after I started painting them.....
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Crusader and DW models looking excellent ;). The white details on the Apoth is neat.


I'm not too sure on the white shoulder pads combining with DA green on your power armour guys though. As it stands contast is too harsh to my eyes. That white needs taking back somehow – maybe to a more light bone colour. Or they might look better in real life [cameras can do strange things].


But all said and done – everythings very well painted so keep going with it.




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Those look fantastic konrad. I will do a colour test on them as soon as possible but for now, you will have to do with my finished (apart from basing) Apothecary.









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Looking fantastic wish I could get my deathwing to look like that


Is it worth me doing a tutorial for them? If you want one I will do it, although it will take a while. I still have a few AoBR Termis that are only undercoated so I could always knock one up for you if you were interested.


EDIT: Hmm just noticed a few loose ends on my Apoth. Thats the beauty of takings pics, you pick something up you otherwise would have missed :Elite:

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Looking fantastic wish I could get my deathwing to look like that


Is it worth me doing a tutorial for them? If you want one I will do it, although it will take a while. I still have a few AoBR Termis that are only undercoated so I could always knock one up for you if you were interested.




well knowledge is power and I'm always looking for new Ideas and techniques so a how 2 would be fun

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Im am afriad the tutorial will have to wait until Friday. I have just got back from the first cricket net of the season and I am cream crackered :) I will only paint briefly tonight and get cracking on the tutorial from tomorrow. Hopefully I will have a few more pictures up as well.
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Hello Brothers,


Very nice pics Tomevans... used a standard SM Apo N/R and stuck it to the PF? Or did a Termi Apo go out and I didn't hear about? ;)


Thank you for the praise, comparing it to a GW sculpt is perhaps the highest praise you can give any conversion. It was actually quite easy, if you file down the Power fist and the N/R you can attach it directly to the power lead that connects the fist to the power supply. That way it looks like the N/R is directly powered from the armour's power plant. Then, a touch of Green Stuff and a handy filed down Meltabomb is stuck over the join to cover up any slips with the clippers. Paint the meltabomb disguised as a vial so it is half filled with fluid and you are done. Easy Peasy ;)

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Just a little update, I have finished the AoBR Dred and I will put some pics of that up asap. Started on my Belial now, I tried to do a crystal sword for him and totally ballsed it up so I will have another go at that at some other point. Command squad Sergeant and Chainfist Terminators are nearly done and the Hurricane Bolters are painted for my LRC. Pictures will be up tomorrow.
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Sorry for the delay over the pictures, irl got in the way once again :devil: For today's update I have my AoBR Drednought with Multimelta and Drednought CC weapon and a WIP picture of my happy DW command squad band. I know you cant see the back right chainfist guy but trust me, he isn't that interesting yet, the armour is in stage 4 out of 5 but nothing else is really done. Belial is around 40% done with still 2 armour stages to do and some more glazes to be done on the cloak, although I am pretty happy with the blending. All his trinketry still needs to be done as well as the back banner, which hopefully should be done this week.


My DW tutorial will be done by the end of the week, hopefully although I have shed loads of coursework to do. Still, can't keep you waiting for ever can I? Enjoy the pics, c and c welcome.


AoBR Drednought



Happy Deathwing Command Squad band


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Not great quality photos Brother Tovemas but nice clean looking work!



I know mate, first time taking minature pictures. I am getting better though, trust me :yes:


A few updates, my LRC is practically finished with pictures up asap. Tutorial work is starting in earnest.

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