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Tomevans' Dark Angels


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Right, here are some WIP's of my nearly finished Land Raider Crusader. Quality is slowly improving, I found the Macro function on the camera and tried my best to put multiple lights around it, I think you can see my bedside lamp in one pic :pinch: I am too tired to try for something better atm but henceforth, picture quality is going to skyrocket.


Checklist of things still to do: Headlamps, Multimelta, Freehand Deathwing symbols, Transfers, Freehand Swords, Assorted mini gubbins, Final bone stage (takes about 10 mins) and Gold parts.


Before you ask, it is a paper clip protruding from the top of the vehicle :D The cupola weapon mount broke and is awaiting pinning. The tank end will be left over night to ensure a rock solid join. Hope you enjoy, c and c welcome as always. Tutorial has started in earnest, more will be done tomorrow, however, I have quite alot of coursework to do as well so we will wait and see how much is done.










EDIT: Sorry for the first people who saw this, I clicked post before I had put the image URL's in. Doiiiii. Enjoy ;)

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Hello again, a few more WIP Terminators including the one I am painting up for the tutorial. I plan to have these finished in the next few days and then I will make a start on my Librarian. The Terminators are probably about 60% finished, the armour is the only really time consuming part and there is only the final stage to go. Belial is around 50% done now, the armour still needs to be Bleached boned all over and then the details painted but hopefully it wont take too long. Hope you all enjoy c and c welcome as always.







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Good looking Termies so far, keep it up.


One minor thing, will you give the Belial model a bit more work on the face? Currently his forehead has a dark triangle inthere that needs some smoothing, but I'd expect you to fix that because he's not done yet. (Just noticed it and you did ask for C&C. :lol: )

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey once again, sorry for the huge delay irl really is a bummer. ;) On the progress front, my DW tutorial has been finished for all those who don't know already and is in the Laws of the Lion thread at the top of the subsection. I hope you all like it, it took long enough :P Painting is generally going slowly, but I will endevour to get some pictures up over the weekend for you all, I will make an effort to get Belial done and dusted. I am considering getting the new Venerable Drednought kit as well, it looks fantastic. Does anyone else have it and if so, what do thet think?
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  • 4 months later...
Hello to everyone again, sorry for the long lay off, I was revising for my exams, but now that they are all over I can resume painting once again. During this long lay off I haven't been totally idle, as I have finished my Belial mini and started on my Terminator librarian and Interrogator Chaplain. Pics of Belial will be up in the next few days if you can stand the suspense and I would appreciate any c and c you feel is appropriate to give. Thanks in advance and it is good to be back......again.
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Right then, after a long delay here are some pictures. The first few are pics of my Belial mini. He is 99% complete, all that is needed to do is highlight the feather on his left arm but apart from that he is done. The last pic is of my WIP Interrogator Chaplain and an Assault Marine who is serving as a test mini for my new DA colour scheme. Both of these are very early in but I wanted to put them up to show what I am working on atm. C and C is welcome as always, please post your thoughts on my new colour scheme. It needs a few more washes added to it and will have a final sharp highlight on the more pronounced areas but apart from that it is done. Enjoy.







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Belial looks very nice, did you freehand the banner?


Yeah I did Kovash, going to try to freehand most things on my termies now, want to make them look special. I'll still use transfers on the marines though, they look good and save alot of time.

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A few new pics for you all, my completed Assault Marine (apart from a touch of weathering) bearing my new colour scheme. Please post any c and c you want to, only got 1 reply to my last upload so hopefully a few more people will be interested with this. All badges and iconography are hand painted.











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Thanks for all the praise guys, it means alot coming from you all.


@fearlessgod. Glad you like my Deathwing, I am painting up some more as we speak, as well as the 2nd Assault marine in the squad so they should be ready by Tuesday at the latest. Have you checked out my Deathwing tutorial in the Laws of the Lion section? If you are a fan perhaps you could pick up some tips, check out the tutorial by Vansan too, his painting is quality stuff.

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Yeah, that's a great tutorial Tomevans. I'm in the planning stage of rebuilding my Deathwing. I have 2500 points of metal DW which I will retire soon. I plan on starting my Deathwing this week. Your tutorial and this thread have given me loads of ideas.



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Well, thankyou for the praise fearless, glad to see that I have helped someone.


Here is my next Assault marine from the same squad. I am more pleased with this one than the beaky marine, the armour on this guy came out perfectly, exactly as I imagined it. Here are some pictures, c and c welcome as always. Which one of the marines do you prefer?











EDIT: Forgot to do this in an earlier post, but I need to give credit to bevulf who inspired me to change my scheme to something similar after I saw his wonderful 3rd company marines. I have tweaked his recipe a tad and I think the result are pretty nice. Big thanks to you bevulf :D

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Hmmm. Sort of a "domino" affect. You were inspired by bevulf. I was so inspired by your models that instead of buying 2 boxes of terminators, I bought the space marine battleforce ($90) and a couple pots of DA green paint. Looks like I'm starting a battle company. :D



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That's great to hear mate, I am glad that I have inspired you to go Greenwing, they are often overlooked in our Chapter at the moment but shouldn't be. I do like the odd Terminator mind, and I will revist them very soon, I still have around 10 or so to finish before I order in those FW Iron Armour marines. However, first up is a Drednought I am going to paint up in DW colours. My Greenwing got the AoBR Dred so my Deathwing will have to do with the bog standard one. I expect it wont be ready before the weekend, I have got a very busy week up ahead but I hope to squeeze some painting in.


Good luck with painting $90 worth of Dark Angels and don't forget those pots of Scorpian green :D

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Ok, gotta ask. Are your highlights snot green, scorpion green or a combination of the two? I am absolutely terrible at highlighting, so I was considering a drybrush of snot green, followed by a wash of DA green to tone down the "highlights". Any thoughts?



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My highlights are 50/50 Scorpian green/Dark Angels Green over a DA green basecoat which acts as a shade. If you are going to do a bunch of marines it might be worth mixing up a pot of 50/50 DA/SG like I have done as it makes painting far easier and faster. The extreme highlighting is done with pure Scorpian Green, only to the highest points of the armour, the ones that light would hit most often. Then I glaze the armour multiple times with DA green until the armour hue reaches the level I want. I then very carefully reapply SG highlights to the very highest parts of the model before applying a few more DA glazes to tone the model down a tiny bit.


Its definately worth doing all the glazes after the rest of the model is finished, if you balls up and smudge the armour it is very hard to correct it, so basecoat, 50/50 highlight and then extreme highlight the armour before finishing the rest of the model, as any slip ups are easily fixed. Then when all the details ae painted get going with the DA glazes. That is one of the things I changed from bevulf's recipe, I took out some highlighting and did loads of glazes instead of one wash, as well as dropping the black/green wash, but if you are struggling with my explanation head to his thread where he has a good recipe for the green there. Hope that was useful to you.

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Hello again, sorry for the small delay, irl pushed back the finish time a few days. Here is the front pic of my finished Dreadnought, other pics will be up soon, my camera is out of battery at the moment so no more can be taken. C and C welcome as always. I am not entirely sure what I am going to paint next so I might run a bit of a straw poll. Currently I have my Land Raider Crusader, Assault Squad, quite a few Terminators including my Interrogator Chaplain and Librarian, Devastator Squad, Vindicator and Whirlwind (yes it is a lot :P) to finish before I re paint my Tac squads with my new colour scheme. Which one of those would you prefer to see next?



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