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Tomevans' Dark Angels


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That's a beautiful dread --- it could be just a trick of the light but watch your paint doesn't get too thick. I love the hazzard stripes on the missile launcher adn also the detail in the different frag/krak nosecone colours :P.




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Thanks Isiah, you are right about the paint thickness, on the left hand side chest plate it is a tad thick, but the light makes it look 100 times worse. You have to really peer at it to notice irl :D


I have decided to get cracking and finish my Assault squad, which will act as a guard for my LRC in battle, but after that I am easy, so please say what you want me to paint. I know a few of you want to see more Terminators or perhaps another vehicle so if you do shout up! More pics will hopefully be up asap.

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Some more pictures of my Dreadnought for you as well as the 3rd Assault Marine of my squad. I have found and undercoated 2 whole Tac squads and the AoBR SM Captain to paint up after my Squad is finished. After that I am going to do my Vindicator, so alot of work to do :woot:. Hope you enjoy these and please can we have a little more C and C this time? Even "It's good" or "It's bad" is ok :yes:

















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Thanks Max, I will keep on going :)


Good news everyone, I passed my exams so I am going to order in some Mk III armour from Forge World at some point in the near future, probably after I have painted at least one Greenwing tank, which shouldn't take too long. On the Assault squad, the 4th marine is finished and the Sergeant will be ready in the next few days so more pictures will be up soon. My Vindicator has been pretty bashed about in the box it was in when we moved house so I will have to make some running repairs to it before I can get painting. The worst damage is the Demolisher cannon cowling has been broken on the right hand side, bending in quite severely. I have no idea how so much damage could have been done but either way it will take a while to repair, so it is ore likely that my Whirlwind will be up and painted first. After that I will probably move on to the Forge World stuff.


Just a few questions, I am going to do some freehand on the Assault Squad Sergeant's Combat shield, but I want something other than the ubiquitous angel, sword or chapter badge, so if you have any ideas please post them here. Also, if you have any tips working with resin models they would be useful, my friend got a whole army of Elysian drop troops from FW but I have never got a single thing from them, so any help would be much appreciated.


Thanks for all your patience, I am a notoriously slow painter, especially as I am trying to up my quality to improve my skills ( I will win a Golden Demon one day, promise :P ) but I will always try to get the pictures up as soon as the models are finished. More stuff up soon so hang on in there.

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As promised, here are my 2 final Assault Marines and a squad picture of my first finished squad with my new colour scheme. Tonight I will get started on the AoBR Captain and after that probably my Whirlwind. Hope you enjoy them, c and c welcome as always.











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Hello again, just a small update. I am currently working on the AoBR Master, hopefully I will be able to get him painted up over the weekend for you to see. My MK III Armour arrived from Forgeworld today so I will get them built up and painted asap. One quick question for you all, I have taken a picture of the cloak on my Belial and the one on my WIP Master. The Master one has one more highlight stage to do but apart from that both are finished. Which one do you prefer, the subtler change of the master or the darker tone of Belial. C and C appreciated.





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I understand interest in this thread has dipped a little recently, however I hope this post will rekindle it a little. I have my first Mk III Forgeworld Marine painted and ready, I haven't seen one painted yet so this may be an exclusive to this thread :D The models are fantastic, really detailed and look magnificent. The backpacks need a little careful cutting and smoothing, as the moulds appear to have been positioned slightly off, but apart from that they are fantastic. I am working on the rest of the squad so hopefully more will be up in the near future. The reason why he doesn't have a weapon or a squad badge is I am not quite sure where I am going to fit them into my army, I think the most will be special weapon bearers, which makes some sense as these trusted soldiers are more likely to be given the older armour so I might go that way.


Hope you enjoy this and hopefully it will encourage you all to post some feedback. More stuff up soon, for the moment I hope you enjoy this guy.










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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, here are my first 2 completely finished Mk III marines. I am going to sprinkle these throughout all my Tac squads as special weapons dont fit the arms quite as well as I hoped. Bolters are a much better fit if you just snip a tiny bit off the back. I hope you like these guys, more of them will be up asap, hopefully before the weekend as I go to uni then so I will not be able to post models until the holidays again.









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Thank you both for your praise. Con-fusion, I have only nudged the 2nd marine a tiny bit to make it look like he is charging forward as the 3 marines looked a little samey. I will try and push him back a bit to make it look less unstable so thank you for the feedback.
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Hello again, another finished MK III Marine for you. This will probably the last mini I post until my next break from Uni so make the enjoyment last :) Found a pot of Chestnut Ink lurking under my desk which is as near as makes no difference Flesh Wash so more Terminators can be painted up without having to experiment mixing Ogryn Flesh up with other paints, which is good news. I am going to paint up my Terminator Librarian in standard DW coulour with just a few added blue areas as I am not happy with how he looks atm in all blue and if the looks goes well I will probably do the same for my Int Chappie. Anyway, enjoy this guy and hopefully I will have more stuff up in the nearish future.









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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice indeed! I agree it's nice to see the Mk III armour painted in DA livery. I picked up some last week at Games Day, along with some Heresy armour. I'm really looking forward to getting them assembled now!


As to the cloak question you posed quite a while ago - I think they both work. Belial's more contrasting shading suits the deeper folds of his cloak, whereas the shallow folds in the Master's cloak are well-served by the more gradual approach.

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Hi. New to this site, and fairly new to DA, having been a stalwart WHFB player for several years. Have to say that your work is amazing! It's kinda shameful that more people haven't been forthcoming with comments seeing as how great your work is, how committed to the community you are and how responsive/communicative you are on this thread! I can only say one word about how amazing this thread and your work is...inspirational!!


Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see more of your work.

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  • 2 months later...
Hey again all, got back from Uni this weekend and have begun the long process of searching for my painting stuff again so hopefully I will be able to post some more models over the Winter. I plan to finish my Forge World Mk III marine section and then get going on some Terminators once again, but if there is anything you want me to do just shout out and I will be glad to oblige. I have Scouts, Tac squads, Devastators, Numerous HQ choices, my unfinished Land Raider Crusader and a Whirlwind ready to go if you want to see them. I have to do some major repair work on the front of my Vindicator as it got smashed up during a move a while back but if you are keen to see that painted I would be happy to have a go at the repairs. Otherwise, I'll just get cracking with hopefully some new stuff ready for you during the week. Good to be back (again :huh:)
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