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A single Space Marine in custom scheme


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Here is a marine I painted to the best of my abilities (as of yet). I'm very interested in taking my painting skills to the next level, so I'd like some advice and ideas and tips on how to improve and what new techniques to look into.

(Questions are also welcome.)


Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, my Space Marine:



(I realise that the cable from his right shoulder isn't painted as well as the lens on the side of his helmet. Also, I should have shown a bit more enthusiasm when painting the bolter.)




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I think your highlights could be a bit bolder (thicker and/or brighter) because atm they are so fine they will be lost at the "3 foot look". The purity seal between his legs looks a bit poor, a tad more blending and not using the black liner would do well there.


You could look into buying a drill to drill out the barrel.

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It is nice and neat. You could certainly do with at least one more layer of sharper brighter highlight. Mix in some bleached bone to your green highlight mix.


And you should try and stay away from using pure black lines to shade things. Try and use thin washes to build up more subtle depth.

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I like it, the black lining technique is quite retro, but works well in defining the models armour, because you kept it so neat. The eyes are very good, as is the design of the colour scheme.


I agree that if you want to make the model 'pop' out at people, then another highligh is necessary (just a thinner brighter line ontop of the existing ones).


also, the eyes, bing lenses need quite hars highlighting too. Your base is great, but I would add a tiny dot of white in both lense corners of each lense, and then apply a red ink.


Other than that, possibly a bit of watered badab black over the metal work, and a blending wash on the purity seal, and you'll have improved an already great looking model :tu:


You should br proud of this, its excellent.


Also, as a note: its very easy to criticise, but is much harder to modify that criticism into constructive comments, so that the reader knows they need to improve, but feels positive about doing so.

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As a single model there are aspects that could be enhanced. But as a standard marine in a larger army I think you're pretty much there. The highlights "could" be a little bolder, maybe do a thin white wash or two over the purity seal paper, maybe try a basic gem effect on the helm targeting sensor. But I really like the paint scheme. Lime green with deep purple is very cool.
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I think it is more than tabletop worthy. You could add more highlights but it is not really necessary for gaming purposes. If you want the model to be showcase worthy as well then more highlights and shading is definitely needed. as well as the chapter badge. Your purity seals could also do with a bit more whitening. Otherwise i'd say keep up the good work and keep on posting those pics, I'd be interested in following up this thread.
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Looks like you usea basecoat + 2 levels of highlights on the armour. If you want to go to the next level, be ready to use more of them, either moving towards a pale yellow or a pale green. Both work, the yellow will pop more.


Genrally speaking, your model looks a little weird as it shows the same amount of effort hasn't been invested in all areas. The eyes are well done, but the scroll and the eagle are definitely not in the same league. It also looks like you didn't thin your white enough on the eagle. Then again, this doesn't appear elsewhere on the model. As you say, the bolter was more of an afterthought, it shows.


To go to the next step, I suggest you focus on painting everything on your minis up to the same standard, then starting using additional highlights. This, in turn, will require you get you paints thinned correctly.


Don't get me wrong, this is already very good tabletop quality. Keep the good work!

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"Ask and you shall receive." Heh!


All replies duly noted. A very fait bit of useful tips!

I probably won't alter the blacklining. I know it's a bit too much, but I really like that comic-like look. So I guess I should give him some extreme highlight to really make him glow.

The boltgun and the purity seal (the red "stamp" is painted to a much higher standard that the parchment itself) are in for an overhaul, let me assure you. I'll also fix the face grill.

The extra lens and the cable under his arm were painted just after the pic was taken, actually.

And if you squint really hard, you can see a white dot in his right helmet lens.


Actually it is just a marine I painted as a one-off figure, but if I really grow to like him, I might do a small army. If that's the case, I'm probably going with Toxic Avengers. Yes.


Thank you very much for your interest and criticism, it's very appreciated.



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I can't really add anything to the comments already made. I like the colour scheme. I like the pure black in the recesses because its something a bit different but as already stated, if you want to go for the next level, you can't go wrong with some dark (not black) washes. And yeah, that extra level of highlight to really bring out the different plates.
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Sorry for not updating, I've had a sore throat and a grim cold.


Yeah, I know he's a bit Donatello.. If he had darker skin.

I'm actually making a 4-man squad where they're all painted as Turtles. The old school ones.

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