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=][= Scale Space Marine


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Well done! The bird poo is a nice touch! My only (very miniscule, somewhat nitpicky) criticism is that you could have made it look more like the hands were broken/sheared off. Still, good work that is far better than anything I have done. Kudos!
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i agree, as it stands now the model just looks like the arms arent attached....


perhaps add some damage to the model? make it clear that things have broken off. perhaps add a few bullet holes with a pin vice and such? with some work you could make it look amazing :D

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Hey Joker, I think it's been painted well, and as a quick and easy project it works. As other have said though, what it would benefit from would be a few modifications that make the parts look like they've been snapped off. Just getting rid of the nubs and the holes would do.


The bird poo is a nice touch by the way.


It's nice!


Cool idea, but honestly thats a waste of a really cool model. Ok its a cool terrain piece but no...


I heard this when someone used a Reaver Titan head as a terrain piece. In all seriousness, it's the person's model and if they are using it in a way where they draw enjoyment from it, then it's not a waste. As for wasting, don't forget that if Joker ever wants to field it as an Inquisitor model or just paint it, he can just dunk it into Simple Green and repaint it.


And the head is missing so it isn't like he could just field it anyways.

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It's their money. It looks great as a ruined Titan wreck by the way. Don't judge! But let's not get too off topic. I think that if the point of the PC&A was to give feedback on whether a modelling project was financially viable or sound it wouldn't really be as fun. Some people see this entire hobby as a waste of money. Some people think Apocalypse models aren't worth the money. Let's just move on and realise that it doesn't matter what people spend if they're happy with it.


Of course, if you can think of a method to create a statue of comparable quality without using the parts that would be great. No sarcasm intended by the way, I mean it! I think we all wish we had those huge statues that the GW design team slap onto every modelling project they do, they are very cool. Of course if GW sold them they'd probably cost £15 or something which is how much I bought my Battle Brother Artemis for. ;)

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Long time no see compadre, how about a recipe for that lovely green-blue patina shade?


And are the dark stains inks/washes or did you stipple/drybrush the patina and leave the under/base coat showing through?


And you need to change your sig now, Hall of Honour = finished model, despite the terrain tag :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks nice. Well-weathered, and the poo is a nice touch. Maybe add a tiny bird's nest to his neck hole? :(


I don't mind the non-snapped hands and pack mount. As-is it actually looks like it was being erected in pieces (like the Statue of Liberty was), but the artist never got to finish.

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