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which list is stronger?


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Hey guys looking for some help. I've got my first tournament coming up in a few months so I'm trying to get a jump on what I might need for it. I've got 2 armies I could field but I'm looking for some help determining which would be better in the competitive environment. I do not have the means to change either list much. Both have performed well in the past but none of my regular opponents are particularly competitive. So here are the lists:



5 Terminators, heavy flamer

Land Raider

Dreadnought, multimelta, heavy flamer, extra armor

Drop Pod, locator beacon

Dreadnought, multimelta, heavy flamer, extra armor

Drop Pod

10 Tactical Marines, plasma gun, heavy bolter

10 Tactical Marines, plasma gun, heavy bolter

10 Tactical Marines, flamer, power fist

Rhino, extra armor

Thunderfire Cannon

5 Devastators, 4 missile launchers

5 Devastators, 4 missile launchers


Khârn the Betrayer

Chaos Lord, mark of Khorne, wings, Bloodfeeder

Dreadnought, plasma cannon, extra armor, heavy flamer

10 Possessed, icon of Khorne

8 Berzerkers, plasma pistol, Champion, power fist

Rhino, extra armor

9 Berzerkers, plasma pistol, Champion, power weapon

Rhino, extra armor

10 Berzerkers, plasma pistol, Champion, power weapon

2 Obliterators


Vindicator, daemonic possession

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