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Ironclad spam 2000pts


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Tac w/X5/Sword/Melta/

+Razorback w/basic/


Tac w/X5/Sword/Melta/

+Razorback w/basic/


Tac w/X5/Sword/Melta/

+Razorback w/basic/


Tac w/X5/Sword/Melta/

+Razorback w/basic/


Tac w/X5/Sword/Melta/

+Razorback w/basic/



Ironclad w/A-launchers/

+Droppod w/basic/


Ironclad w/A-launchers/

+Droppod w/homer/


Ironclad w/A-launchers/

+Droppod w/basic/



Ironclad w/A-launchers/

+Droppod w/basic/


Ironclad w/A-launchers/

+Droppod w/basic/


Ironclad w/A-launchers/

+Droppod w/basic/


Total: 2000pts





Basic strategy is to focus on enemy tanks once I pod in, then if possible assault enemy infantry so as to avoid my dreads from being owned by HW fire. The dreads will act in pairs when nessecary, but other than when fighting enemy dreads and MC's I don't see when they'll be acting in pairs.




Any advice as to how I can better use this list would be appreciated.

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First problem I see is that the list isn't legal. You can't buy special weapons until you have a 10-man tac squad, so cut out all those meltaguns.


Other than that, it's a very Shock And Awe list, but one that is VERY susceptible to meltaguns. Ironclads are fancy and all, but still die to pressured application of anti-armor fire. You'll want to be very careful about where you land the Ironclads. Monstrous Creatures, Meltavets, and Lance weapons will take your Ironclads apart at the seams.

I do like the large number of twin-linked heavy bolters, though. They chew through infantry as a disgusting rate. Just be sure to focus fire on a unit til you break it.


Do you have any plans for Dawn of War deloyment scenarios? A smart opponent will see all those pods and keep everything off the board. They'll give you first turn if they can, and roll in the anti-tank fire. Your options will be to land outside their deployment zone, or weather the incoming fire for a turn before you can strike back.

Watch out for outflankers shooting you in the butt once the game gets rolling. A couple Scout Sentinels, Scout Bikes with AGL, or War Walkers will shove fire into the back of your Razorbacks. Watch for that.


All in all, looks like a tough list to play against, but it can be countered by a level-headed opponent.

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