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effective AT


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hail brothers,


im having some AT troubles with my list as of late. it seems i cant do anything to vehicles with my multi meltas on my tacticals.


i run a mech list with 2 mounted (or rather they have one) rhinos and both units have a multi-melta as heavy weaapon. one unit has a plasmagun, the other a meltagun.


for vehicles i run 2 baal predators (twin linked assault cannon blood angel only predators) and a vindicator


aside from the troops i run a unit of assault marines with a powerfist (at 1500 pts anyway)


as i run blood angels i cant really alter the size of my units but i was hoping you guys would have some suggestions for good mobile AT?

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Mobile anti-tank.


Best choices are (in my opinion)

1) multimelta attack bike squads

2) Land Speeders with multimeltas (typhoon missiles too with the new typhoon rules)

3) Veteran Assault Squads (or Honor Guards) with 2 meltaguns and jump packs and some powerfists/thunder hammers (obviously a BA only option).

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so far ive tried multi-melta attack bikes and their performance has been very disapointing... (then again i have bene very unlucky with rolling to hit rolls but anyway)


perhaps im playing them wrong but theyre a 1 trick pony. i drive up, fire at a vehicle, either pop it or i dont and next turn they get a few extra air vents given to them courtesy of my opponents :)


VAS is horribly expensive but the speeder does sound nice. i havent used them that much but my opponents either send far to much AT into them or not enough....

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One thing to remember with MM Attack Bikes (or Speeders) is that you don't HAVE to be within 12". @ 24" you are still firing an AP1 Krak Missile.

Vindicators can also work for anti-tank, being S10 and ordnance and all. Its not optimal but its viable.


Dreads can also work, either podding or shooty.

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It looks like everything in your force has a maximum range of 24".

What sort of armor are you having trouble against? AV 13+? At that value, you're going to need to get closer to use the multimeltas, since your chance of a 5+ on the AP roll isn't all that great with your S8 melta weaponry.


Your options are to get closer before you fire, or swap to longer-range weaponry.


If you want to get closer to use the melta bonus, use those Overcharged Engines and your smoke launchers. Zoom into the center of the battle, and pop smoke. Weather incoming AT fire, and let loose with the multimeltas afterward.


If you prefer to swap to longer range weapons, go for a Predator with a main lascannon. It'll be twin-linked, and S9. You can still move it up to 6" and fire. Or consider swapping your multimeltas for missile launchers or lascannons.


If you're just experiencing bad dice luck...buy new dice? lol


A sound diagnosis would really be helped by explaining what your opponents run, and HOW they end up beating you.

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It looks like everything in your force has a maximum range of 24".

What sort of armor are you having trouble against? AV 13+? At that value, you're going to need to get closer to use the multimeltas, since your chance of a 5+ on the AP roll isn't all that great with your S8 melta weaponry.


Your options are to get closer before you fire, or swap to longer-range weaponry.


If you want to get closer to use the melta bonus, use those Overcharged Engines and your smoke launchers. Zoom into the center of the battle, and pop smoke. Weather incoming AT fire, and let loose with the multimeltas afterward.


If you prefer to swap to longer range weapons, go for a Predator with a main lascannon. It'll be twin-linked, and S9. You can still move it up to 6" and fire. Or consider swapping your multimeltas for missile launchers or lascannons.


If you're just experiencing bad dice luck...buy new dice? lol


A sound diagnosis would really be helped by explaining what your opponents run, and HOW they end up beating you.


Agree with this, a couple of lascannons would help you out a lot and the most cost effective way of doing this is a predator. I'd say a combi (lascannon sponsons plus autocannon) is probably the best choice as the twin linked lascannon turret really eats up the points. Alternatively, give a tac squad a lascannon and combat squad them witha twin linked lascannon razorback.

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Lately I found I prefer my AT to be a combination of long-range firebases and close-up meltaing.


Hence, I usually run a squadron (2-3 models) of multimelta/heavy flamer speeders + a combipredator (autocannon turret and lascannon sponsors). In addition to this I tend to have sternguard with two meltaguns + my trusty land raider with its two TL-ed lascannons. If all else fails, terminators can be effectively kill anything short of a land raider/monolith. This gives me a nice combo of long-range and short-range anti-tank.


Other options include running a squadron of mm/hf speeders in addition to two dual-autocannon dreadnoughts. This setup isn't so good against tyranids or daemons, but absolutely shines against any sort of mech army, as those two dreads can really lay down the hurt on transports.


IMHO, just getting a bunch of melta isn't the good way to go unless you're making an alpha strike list, and even then it's all sorts of risky.

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Have you been shooting your T/L AssCanns at vehicles? I math hammered it once and a single assault cannon (@BS4) is MORE effective as a T/L lascannon for anti armour... A T/L Asscann is only gonna be even better. Remember that when it 'rends' it counts as AP1 so you can happily +1 to vehicle damage chart... I have long been envious of the Baal Predator and would suggest that you do not swap it for a combi pred.


I have found that melta weapons in tac squads doesn't really suit my style of play and the longer range afforded by a missile launcher is more useful but that is just how I play. I think the accepted wisdom in melta weapon platforms is to go with attack bikes; second is the drop podding dread and then speeders. I am not all that familiar with your codex so I don't know about the availibility and cost effectivness of these options though.


Good luck bud

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Brother Captain Josef, a rending hit is only AP2.


Mathematically, twin linked assault cannons do well against vehicles. In my experience, they do nothing against vehicles.

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so general concensus is either attack bikes with multi-meltas or speeders iwth multi-meltas....hmmmmmmm OR upgrade the heavy weapon in tacs to a lascannon....


hmmrm.. since my tacticals are mostly on the move (dont combat squad all that often) and the lascannon is pretty expensive il try and see if i can fit a bike (or two) in there somewhere and just hope i hit more, since i have more shots....


thanks for the help guys :P

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