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Let's talk Tac Squad loadouts


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Lately I have been using the following combinations (always at ten marine strong):


Sergeant load outs

- vanilla

- meltas only (I do this *very* rarely)

- powerfist


I never put a powersword on him, as I feel if he's going to be swinging in a melee fight I probably didn't want him in, he may as well be able to tear that Rhino open or paste some noob Tau.


Tac Marine load outs.

- flamer (very rarely)

- meltagun (very frequently)

- plasmagun (just started trying these, I do like them)


Heavy weaps:

- missile launcher (often)

- plasma cannon (almost as often)

- lascannon (very rarely)


I have (unassembled) a multimelta and two heavy bolters.


I often find that the heavy weapon feels like a dead weight for squads which I have on the move and I sometimes miss (believe it or not) that one extra bolter for a drive by. I've been considering forgoing the heavy weapon at all and sticking with eight bolters, one special weap, and some sensible load out for the sergeant.


What do you all do with your tac squads?

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My typical loadouts lok like this:



- Power weapon (always)

- Combimelta (always)

- Vanilla (rarely)

- Meltabombs (always)


I have four sergeant models. Two are pure vanilla chainsword/bolt pistol. They don't see action unless I decide to field a third tactical squad (I use bikes as troops via a Bike Captain).

I have one with a power weapon and bolt pistol. I always field him. His power weapon actually allows me to kill MEQ or other models with an armor save.

I have one model with a combimelta. I alway field this guy, as well. The melta shot comes in handy against big baddies or the vehicle I couldn't stop by other means.

I always buy my tac sergeants some meltabombs. Even if I never get to use it, just pointing it out to an opponent reminds then not to mess with my tac squads. Last month I managed to Explode a Deff Dred in close combat with a well-placed Meltabomb, where I normally would have been tarpitted and slowly chewed to pieces.


Special Weapon:

- Meltagun (almost always)

- Flamer (always)

- Plasmagun (never)


I tend to take one melta and one flamer. However, lately I've been liking the flamer more. It gets more hits in, and I have melta everywhere ELSE in my force for killing tanks. If something gets to melta range with my tac squads, I've done something wrong. I'd rather have the flamer template. It always hits what you point it at.

I don't have any plasmagunner models yet, so I haven't fielded any. it's a sexy option thoguh, because it synergizes so well with bolters.


Heavy Weapon:

- Missile Launcher (always)

- Multimelta (very often)

- lascannon (never)

- plasma cannon (never)

- heavy bolter (never)


Missile launchers are just too good to not include whenever I can. Big range, S8, and the ability to frag make it wonderful for 0 points. My squads are always mechanized, and I can fire the missile 48" out of a firepoint.

Multimeltas are scary for the opponent. Load one inside a Rhino. Place the Multimelta Marine on top of the Rhino model, as a psychological deterrent for your opponent.

I have no heavy bolters, lasscannons, or plasma cannons built. I find I haven't needed one yet. Las is too spendy, heavy bolter too one-dimensional, and plasma scatters too much.

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What do you all do with your tac squads?


This is just theoryhammer and it has to do alot with my playstyle and having difficulties with knowing when to move or shoot with a Heavy weapon.


Flamer/Power Weapon/Multi-Melta or Missile Launcher (Rhino)

(you are anti-infantry on the move and anti-tank when immobile, this means you aren't trying to maximize one type of role like Power Fist/Meltagun/Multi-Melta because you can't ever use all the weapons at once)

Power Fist/Meltagun/Heavy Bolter or Missile Launcher (Rhino)

(basically its the reverse of the squad from above. Mobile anti-tank and static anti-infantry).

Plasmagun/Plasma Cannon (Razorback)

(I'd combat squad this, put the PC in cover and use the PG squad to rapid fire. Razorback can either be used as a transport or a gun platform)

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My squads are always mechanized, and I can fire the missile 48" out of a firepoint.


Oooohhhh I never thought about that for some reason. I haven't actually had much chance to play, still building my army, and part of that means painting them before I put them together... That and still needing to buy some stuff.


But yeah a missile at 48" out of the firepoint of a transport is quite the fun thought. :(

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Indeed, I do enjoy firing the heavy weapon out of the hatch...but that's only one 48" shot where that mass of bolters inside does nothing. Useful, for sure, but I'd rather get the tac squad drive-by down (that's what I'm working on here).
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What do you all do with your tac squads?


This is just theoryhammer and it has to do alot with my playstyle and having difficulties with knowing when to move or shoot with a Heavy weapon.


Flamer/Power Weapon/Multi-Melta or Missile Launcher (Rhino)

(you are anti-infantry on the move and anti-tank when immobile, this means you aren't trying to maximize one type of role like Power Fist/Meltagun/Multi-Melta because you can't ever use all the weapons at once)

Power Fist/Meltagun/Heavy Bolter or Missile Launcher (Rhino)

(basically its the reverse of the squad from above. Mobile anti-tank and static anti-infantry).

Plasmagun/Plasma Cannon (Razorback)

(I'd combat squad this, put the PC in cover and use the PG squad to rapid fire. Razorback can either be used as a transport or a gun platform)


Funny, I'm trying out the first squad, considered the second squad and the third but opted for a mix of the two instead (as I only have two tactical squads):

Squad I: Power Fist/Melta gun/Plasma Cannon (Rhino)

Squad II: Flamer/Power Weapon (melta bombs if I have the points)/Multi-melta (Rhino)

The first squad depends on the situation, either I'll combat squad them and have them protect my objective, or I'll stick them together and have them go infantry hunting, or shooting vehicles if I have to, while the second I try and use more as rapid fire/flamer light infantry hunting, with back-up melta (the melta hasn't been used yet - not all that useful against eldar). Maybe I'll get another tactical squad, in which case I'd probably use the plasma/plasma mix, though I'd give the sergeant in the last squad something, probably a combi-weapon or a power weapon.

Though I could probably up the effectiveness of my squads, as squad I has a power fist/bolter combo (could give him a combi-weapon) and squad II has a power weapon/bolter combo (not something used very often, I think)

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It depends a lot on the list I'm running, but here's my typical two tactical squads that tend to make their way into most of my lists;


Tac Squad "Red" - 230 pts

- flamer

- missile launcher

- power fist instead of bolt pistol on sergeant

- rhino


Tac Squad "Yellow" - 215 pts

- flamer

- plasma cannon

- chainsword instead of boltgun on sergeant

- razorback


Squad "Red" is the standard support squad that moves forward, has higher survivability (since it's completely encased in a rhino), can deliver some death in close combat with its powerfist, and is generally used for rapid fire. Squad "Yellow" usually combat squads, with the plasmacannon squad staying back to hold an objective, while the sergeant and flamer embark on the razorback and proceed to support stuff or grab objectives further away. If I go for three tac squads, the third squad ("Green") will usually have the exact same gear as squad "Red".


In Vulkan lists on 1500 I tend to have two of these squads, as they're both survivable and very killy (for tac squads).


- flamer

- missile launcher

- combiflamer instead of bolt pistol

- power fist

- rhino

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Meltagun + Multimelta 99% of the time, but when I have an army where I run more than two tactical squads, the other squads get missile launchers solely because that's what I have extras of. The single most efficient way to knock an enemy unit off of an objective is by Tank Shocking, and nothing says "don't even try it" like a pair of melta weapons that'll auto-hit and roll 2d6 to penetrate.


Except in a planned Razorback spam army I had in mind, where if I go for combat squading 10-man squads, then the special weapon defaults back to flamer, as I plan to use the Razorbacks for Las/Plas, meaning my Tacticals will be left to pick up the leftovers with flamers.


Sergeant doesn't get any special wargear anymore, except occasionally picking up a combi-melta or combi-flamer once in a blue moon. My tactical squads don't need to be picking fights with Dreads.

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Sgt: Base (almost never)

PW + BP or PP (1/2 the time)

PF + Combi (1/2 the time)

I figure if your going to spend 25pts on a PF, why not add on ten more for a combi weapon. Now if I take a PW = i never take a combi weapon because I don't want to lose the extra attack.


Tac:Flamer (50%)

MG (25%)

PG (25%)

Hvy:HB (never)

ML (20%)

MM (20%)

LC (20%)

PC (100%)

I always take at least 1 PC for my tac squads, sometimes 2 if I fielding 3 or more squads. They are invalueable vs A2. Yes it difts and over heats, but only one thing is better than being target vs a group of terminators. being on target with a Vindcator vs Terminator. ^_^

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Funny, I'm trying out the first squad, considered the second squad and the third but opted for a mix of the two instead (as I only have two tactical squads):

Squad I: Power Fist/Melta gun/Plasma Cannon (Rhino)


Oh I like that squad even better then mine. Plasma Cannon nicely blends the pure anti-infantry firepower of the Heavy Bolter with the flexibility of the Missile Launcher.

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i run several tactical squads (to varying effect)


10 man, plasmagun, multi-melta, powerfist and rhino.

this is my cooky cutter. they are a jack of all trades squad. can rapid fire opponents to death, hunt enemy tanks and survive in close combat fairly well. (to bad the MM always misses, otherwise they perform just fine)


10 man, multi-melta, meltagun, powerfist and rhino.

always try (and fail) to hunt armour with this squad. the multi-melta has barely ever hit vehicles (strangely enough he can hit infantry just fine) whilst the meltagun does but has the horrible tendancy to not penetrate the armour <_<


10 man, flamer, lascannon, powerweapon and razorback.

combat squad these, only recently started using them. the lascannon shots tend to be negated by cover saves....alot...the 5 man with sarg and flamer killed loads of stuff though but mostly chaos marines and tau firewarriors :lol:


my horrible luck aside my tactical marines have won me many games. whetever they sat on an objective or drove my opponents of theirs theyre awesome :) i cant voice how each setup performs at their roles though because they always fail epicly at AT and do awesome at the others....


perhapsd the dice gods are trying to tell me something? :blush:

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I tend to use the following:

10-Man with Plasma Gun, Lascannon, BP/CCW, Rhino.

They are cheap without a PF, and their main use is as an anti-tank firebase squad for 2-3 turns before rushing foward to take objectives.

Meltagun + Multimelta 99% of the time, but when I have an army where I run more than two tactical squads, the other squads get missile launchers solely because that's what I have extras of. The single most efficient way to knock an enemy unit off of an objective is by Tank Shocking, and nothing says "don't even try it" like a pair of melta weapons that'll auto-hit and roll 2d6 to penetrate.

When you Death or Glory a Tank Shock only one model may fire.

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Most of the time for me i have powerfist sergeant, meltagun/flamer and lascannon/missile launcher (combat squadded). I find this makes a pretty reliable anti tank unit and the lascannon always pesters tau battlesuits, monstrous creatures etc. I rarely if ever use plasma as i have appalling luck when it comes to gets hot rolls...


I don't understand the idea others have of the lascannon being over priced crazy. Their points cost for tacticals is nothing compared to the amount devastators have to pay.

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5th edition I originally stuck to melta guns in the 2 10xman Tacticals, as they were there to supplement my anti-tank capacity. Problem with this is I had taken away the squads from the most efficient role of a Tactical squad, that being anti-infantry blatting! Weapons that complement the way I use the squad is the best way to equip any squad in 40K.


Of course you may choose your Tactical squads to deal with enemy armour, which means the melta gun is fine, but people should always consider what role they want their units to perform before throwing in expensive equipment.


I intend to take a Tactical squad with flamer and 1 with a Plasma gun. If they are being relied on anti-tank in my list then I'm in greater trouble anyway. The Tacticals are there to kill opposing infantry and a flamer and plasma gun helps that more than a melta gun.


Now heavy weapon selection follows that process for me too. Early turns I like to play cautiously with Tacticals in particular, sticking to the Rhinos and taking pot shots at opponents to weaken the threats to my armies ability to win games. This generally means enemy transports and other vehicles and MCs.


So taking the above methods I am now equipping my Tacticals with flamers and plasma guns and either Missile Launchers, Multi-Meltas (for cheap anti-tank/low AP shots) or a Lascannon (for long range anti-tank). Still comes in at a reasonable (for Marines) price.


Lastly, I usually stick Power Fists into 10 man Tacticals to enable me to hurt big nasties that close them down into assaults. Against lesser foes the extra attacks from a Power Weapon are generally redundant when you have additional attacks anyway (I can't roll well against Marines with S4)

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I enjoy the multi-role nature of Tacs...



My use of tactics is situational. Usually I attempt to get into rapid fire range. If my opponent is weak, I go for assault. Too strong, I tend to stand off at range for a while, if I can.


The flamer is a nice compliment to the pistols in assault, and it works a treat in cover. But, I can also use it along with rapid fire, if I am close enough.


The plasma cannon is my favorite heavy. If I am standing still to shoot, it is because I am holding an area, or the enemy is too strong to for me to want to get into rapid fire range. The plasma cannon works well to take out those kind of harder infantry targets, and I can add long range bolter fire in as well, or even rapid fire if close enough. In a pinch, I can use it against light armored vehicles. It does a great job at vaporizing things (even my own people!) LOL



Other weapons have thier uses, and I use them too. But these are my favorites!


Warprat ;)

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You can't move and shoot a heavy weapon without relentless, in transport or not. You can however, hide in a stationary rhino, fire your lascannon, and fire a plasma gun from the 2x firepoints a rhino has. Interesting to note is that if you have a LoTD squad hijack a rhino they could fire a plasma cannon or multi-melta or lascannon or whatever from the top hatch if it moved 6" or less. :P


My tactical setup varies depending on what list I'm using, what I feel my opponent may take, but I generally fill out my tac squads with a few templates. I won't list upgrades I never use.



Power Fist, as often as possible

Power Weapon, when I don't have the points for a fist, with or without meltabombs depending on points

Combi-plas, when I want to maximize firepower in a squad, taken with no other upgrades or just melta bombs.

Combi-melta, when I'm granting tank hunters with sicarius



Meltaguns some of the time. I take meltas when I think armor density will be high, or there will be things on the board that missile launchers and plasma can't take down. If I take Sicarius I take a meltagun just for the option to boost it with tank hunters.

Plasma, I've always loved plasma and I take at least one plasma gun in most lists, they have the power to easily wound any infantry model, relatively easily wound MCs, and take out light armor.

Flamers are almost always useful and since they cost me only a bolter shot I don't feel they're ever a waste.



Missile launchers, I use often, they have good strength and range, as well as the option to template hordes. They cost a grand total of 1 bolt shot so this is a mandatory minimum upgrade in my opinion.

Plasma Cannon are the best upgrade a tactical squad can take point for point in my personal opinion.

Lascannon, I take a lascannon when I field Sicarius and that's just to make best use of the tank hunters bonus. I combat squad it off and leave it in a vantage point.

Multi-melta I haven't had much luck with on my tacticals, I always seem to either be outside of melta range so it's just an Ap1 missile launcher shot.

Heavy bolters I have a pair modeled up and have tried them, they're reasonably good vs orks but most of the time I'd rather take a missile launcher for the versatility.


Favored combinations:

Combi-Plas, Plasma gun, Plasma Cannon

Fist, Flamer, Missile Launcher

Fist, Combi-Melta, Melta, Lascannon


I run my tacticals in rhinos almost exclusively, though I have used a razor on the odd occasion. Not a massive fan of combat squadding in general, though I do like razorbacks in concept.


One idea I've toyed with is taking storm bolters on sergeants to get extra shots in over the course of a game, with or without a Fist, but I'm not sure if that would make it's points back over the course of a game.

Another thing I've considered but not seriously is dual combi sergeants, say, flamer and melta to give the squad some additional help vs any given target(would give it in essence 2x melta shots vs armor and a flamer template for horde handling). Obviously it would hurt them in CC a little due to lack of a melee upgrade, but the model would be really neat to work on.

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