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great work on the runepriest's runes!


it's interesting that you chose to do the power armored wolves with drybrushing but did layering on Arjac and the scouts. Also, you seemed to have used a bunch of different greys. mind me asking the reason for this?

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And to titan136 the reason they are all different is because i am yet to settle on one particular way on painting my wolves. As for the different colours i wanted to use Grey for my grey hunters, blue for my Blood claws and a different blue for my long fangs so they didnt seem like blood claws. My dreadnoughts are also painted in the same way as my units so that i have a bloodclaws dreadnought, grey hunters dreadnought and a long fang dreadnought. Also the different colours allow me to quickly identify my units on the table. Im a tad weird like that! Im glad you like them though :P



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From one Wolf to another, what Great Company are you planning on doing them? Also just a technicality, but the pack markings usually go on the right shoulder pad, while the company badge on the left. I say this cause in one of the pics there is a kneeling Long Fang with a missile launcher with pack markings on the right. But these are Wolves not Ultramarines, so I guess you are free to do them anyway you like! One of the reasons it's good to be a wolf. :(


Also in the first pic with the dreadnought, there is a wolf-like creature in the background. What is it and what make?

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your painting is great, I love the Lord, the scouts look great apart from the mohawk guy, he looks like a hive ganger not a SW, thats not your fault just GW for maing that ugly head.


I dont understant how you have such nicely painted models and then the long fangs? they dont seem to fit the neatness and crisp painting that the rest of your models have? Why?

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