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Tuning a list


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Good day everyone,


My current list has either 2 vindicators or a vindicator and a Vindicaire assassin. The vindicaire isn't quite as useful as I thought he would be, and the second vindicator is just lacking a little bit. I run a vulkan salamanders list.


What I need is more lethality. I love my vindicator, but the template makes close fire support difficult. Does anyone have any recommendations? One thought I have is cutting my assault squad down in size and adding another one. I could also do a real slim dreadnought, though he'd be walking as I can't afford a transport.


Just looking for advice - thanks for looking, thanks even more for any help!

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I suppose the initial question would be, why is one Vindicator consistently "lacking" and the other is performing? Secondly, how much armour do you have in your list without the second vindicator? Armour is always better in multiples and unless you have a lot of other vehicles rocking about the battlefield then I wouldn't drop the second vindicator at all, dual-vindicators are a very viable set-up for an all-comers list.


Personally I don't use vindicators at all so I don't have much experience using them, I prefer using slightly faster elements as it fits with my chapters fluff but having faced them I can vouch for the intimidation factor when they appear in multiples! If you use just one then all your opponent has to do is keep glancing it and it probably won't fire for the entire game.


Put up your list if you would, it'll help everyone in giving some constructive advice. :P

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I'm not going to post my list-if I do that no one will reply. There is an unreasonable amount of discrimination against the salamanders these days - I suspect it's because they're black.


The list has 1 vindicator, 3 rhinos, 1 landspeeder, 1 landraider, and 1 dreadnought. It also has some close combat termis, an assault squad, 2 attack bikes, 3 tactical squads, and an inquisitor lord and stormtroopers (who are so worth it). My hq is a certain special character with a spear, heavy flamer, and lizard skin cloak.


I know what you mean about one vindicator not surviving- I've faced them several times and they've never gotten to fire. My concern is that there are too many armies that will be in my face, to where a vindi will be a 120 point stormbolter. Having said that I'm still just tuning my list, and will probably try at least one more game with a vindicaire, and one with a second vindicator.

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I'm not going to post my list-if I do that no one will reply. There is an unreasonable amount of discrimination against the salamanders these days - I suspect it's because they're black.

Is that a joke? Being as Vulkan lists are one of the main uber lists for Codex Marines, I can't see there being alot of discrimination. Its like saying there is discrimination for Lash/Oblits Chaos list.


2 Vindicators are usually better then 1. Less chance to stun both and less chance that one of the blasts will hit on target. Considering that you only need 1-2 accurate shots to demolish a squad, its well worth it.


However if its just not working for you, the best replacements are either a Whirlwind or Combi-Predator.

Both are able to fire at 2x the range of the Vindicator so you get more shots in early. The Whirlwind will keep you with a pie plate and the Predator will help you bust transports.

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Yes it was a joke - glad humor goes over here as well as anyone else. I just thought that marines were supposed to be an egalitarian brotherhood...but I suppose even in the grim darkness of the far future there is still discrimination. Completely joking.


It didn't even occur to me to run a predator with an autocannon and lascannon sponsons - I was just reflecting after my game last night "I need a long range transport popper", and I went through my options, ruling out a lascannon/missile launcher dread as too expensive, dev.s are too expensive, etc. The predator never even entered my mind. I'll try that next game, and rotate between it and a second vindicator to see which works out better.


Further suggestions are welcome, and thanks for reading!

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You have a lot of one-ofs, and not many of them cover the others' bases. Autocannon Predators do good work when it comes to popping transports. If you drop both the Vindicators, you can almost afford three Dakka Preds (with an Autocannon and 2x Heavy Bolters).
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