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Max out Tacticals

Custodian Athiair

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I was reading something cannont remember where, but it said about tacticals and how he thinks they are the best troop choice available for their price. So i was thinking how a loaded out tactical army would work: my current thinking (becuase i have 5 tacticals) is this:

5 Tactical Squads (mostly Sallies loadout becuase i am Sallies)

Cassius (by another name)

Chaplain in Termie Armour

Strenguard Squad

and Terminator Sqaud


becuase most of these guys will be equpied with bolter weapons i am low on anti-tank, which i why i am kind of relying on my melta weapons and possible chain fists to do the work.

my thought was (becuase my brother is currently borrowing my army and codex) if i had anymore points to buy some devs with either Lascannons (for the anti-tank) or Heavy Bolters if i didn't have to points.

of cousre they could be missile launchers to take down tanks and infatry.


would this work, im' not thinking tournies just games with friends?




Athiair :D

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would this work, im' not thinking tournies just games with friends?

We would have to know your friends first to know if it worked in games with them. :mellow:



Anyway, I don't think cassius is a good idea for a bunch of tactical squads. A librarian, or a standard captain might fare better, I think. If you get footslogging terminators, then make sure you give them cyclone missile launcher (for ranged anti-tank) and get as many of them as you can.


Rhinos for your tacticals, of course, are mandatory. You might also consider lascannon razorbacks for 2 of your tac squads, and lascannons for those squads too, so you can have added anti-tank.



But anyway, it really depends on what armies your friends have.

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I've had some good luck with my tactical "horde" list. Unfortunately I haven't got enough transports to mount them all yet but i'm working on it...


I agree that Cassius is a strange choice for this list. Especially with the Termie chaplain in there as well.


As a friendly list i i think this could work. I aways have great fun with my tactical horde. I use Calgar with mine to make them all immune to falling back at inopportune moments. Admittedly not very points friendly but damn good fun ;)


Cheers, roachboy

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I have a 2000pts "convoy" list that concists of 3 preds ( dakka ) 5 rhinos and 2 razorbacks ( 5+1 tacticals and a rhino with cap+sternguard ).


It has 2 las cannons ( razor squads ) and several meltas to deal with heavier stuff and the 3 autocannons are usually enough to deal with lighter targets. It's highly mobile and I can pretty much set up cover wherever I feel I need it, or simply block of "roads" when I need to slow down the enemy.


Not a power-gamer list, but it's fun to play and does a decent job overall :) And there are loooots of marines running round the board ;)

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ok thanks. the reason i was thinking cassius and termie chaplain. was just for the fluff idea of 2 chaplains issuing words of damantation to te enemy while giving the marines solid adivce (not the right words but i couldn't think of them)


i see what you mean that there are better options. but i was just going on my army which i have currently becuase i wont be getting anymore to be honest becuase i am starting a new army soon.


but i see that a libby could do some damage


thanks a lot


Athiair :P

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Have you considered Sicarius, by the way?


He improves tacticals in a very tactical way, and the fact you can use his leadership for all tests is really nice. He also unlocks a command squad, which I think would compliment an army of mass tacticals nicely.

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Two other options you might consider:


1.) Pedro Kantor - Definitely a good choice as it would make the Sternguard squad you have a scoring unit. Also, he makes the whole army stubborn, which is really handy in close combat. Thirdly, his inspiring presence rule can benefit several squads simultaneously, great for a "horde marine" army!


2.) Kahn - If you're planning on putting all your marines in rhinos/razorbacks, this is a cheap way to let them do some awesome shooting. imagine 5 full tactical squads and a sternguard squad with Kahn attached coming in on the enemies flank, all getting within rapid fire range. a truly terrible thing for your foe to behold.


Good luck with your army!



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I'd echo the usage of Sicarius in this army. His ability to confer a special rule to one squad is really nice, as is his Rites of Battle.

I used to use him exclusively before I switched to a bike-cored army. Theone problem I ran into with Sicarius was fitting him into a transport. As mentioned, he does unlock a Command Squad, which is really a good idea. Put them in a Razorback, and gear them responsibly. It's a great supporting unit for the middling power of a tactical squad. The Command Squad can either play as counterattack melee, or as special weapon spammers.

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ok i think if i start another marine army (if i ever feel like it) i will start with:


Command Squad (prob weapon spam, maybe not we'll see)

6 Tactical Squads

Chaplain (Cassius maybe)

10 Sternguard

then either Devs with Missile Launchers/Lascannons

or Preds with Lascannons


need some anti-tank


Athiair :D

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