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Thanks guys,glad you like him! :)


It is the Phoenix Knight model,that i chose to paint-like and call Fulgrim... Oh and,The Great Crusade doesnt sell anything as a site.Its just a pre-heresy community.Trading between members is another matter.I hope you understand why i'm writing all this stuff... ;)


You can find the Phoenix Knight here:



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Neat! I don't really like how his cape is just flying around, but it's nice to see that the modeller was at least consistent with his hair. Shame I already made my pre-heresy, pre-Emperor Fulgrim, it would have been nice to have made a side by side before/after type of thing :)
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Sweet model, love the painting! you've done the model justice for sure.


By the looks of that Ebay page


Odin knight = Russ

Dark Knight = Horus

Ultimate knight = The Emperor

Death Knight = Mortarion

Pheonix knight = Fulgrim (Judging by the slave girl he has.)


The sculpts do look pretty sweet, pricy though.

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