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Grey Hunter With Fists


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K so i have been reading a bit on what i should be taking with my Hunters pretty much i aim to get my units in CC so always take a mark and the melta if i have 10 take the second.


One thing i have been seeing is at the start of the new codex it was spam melta, mark, fist. Now it seems more that everyone is dropping the fist.


Kinda wanna know what people are thinkin ???

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I don't play SW, but as near as I can tell, there are only two really good Troops options in the Codex:


1. Grey Hunters.

2. Wolfguard in a Logan list.


Grey Hunters are good because they are cheap. 15 points for a unit that can rapid-fire bolters and actually punish people who dare to charge them. For 155 points, I have a well-balanced unit that can threaten tanks and infantry.


Their problem is that Leadership 8. Without an IC joining them, a Saga of Majesty Hero on the table nearby, or a Wolfguard leading them, they have a hard time staying stuck-in against the enemy. Some dedicated anti-infantry fire will force them to fall back. Any sort of assault specialist will make them fall back. In order to protect your foot infantry (which SW are pretty good at, making them the ONLY marines who can do this well right now), you need other threats. And the SW codex has quite a few of them. A Wolf Lord is a terror, especially with Saga of the Warrior Born. Lone Wolves require an insane amount of firepower to take down, and can and will threaten MCs and Walkers and Vehicles until you kill it. Thunderwolf Cavalry are scary. And would you rather spend 25 points to give a Power Fist to an unreliable squad that might spend half the game bouncing back every time you advance, or would you prefer to put it on a guy who has 25 attacks per turn? Or strap it onto the Thunderwolf Cavalry? Or hand it to a Lone Wolf? In those hands, it's a good 25-point investment that will impact upon the outcome of the game. It's less likely to do so in a Grey Hunters squad.


Grey Hunters are close fire support. They're cleaners. Anything hard and scary, you throw the real killing machines at. Lone Wolves, Wolf Lords, Thunderwolves. They're the killers. They don't need a Fist. It might benefit them more than a standard Tactical Squad, but I'd much rather save a Power Fist from four Grey Wolf squads and take another Rune Priest instead and have him join a Grey Wolf squad, reinforcing their Leadership issues, providing a "heavy weapon" (either Living Lighting or Jaws of the World Wolf), and psychic protection (best in the game).

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