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rangar and a friend


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Did you airbrush Ragnar's armor? If not it's a ridiculously smooth blend!


Great figs, i'm not a huge fan of the "lets stand on a huge rock" base, mainly because i think it's a little boring and figures as well painted as yours deserve a little more base attention

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i love the way you painted both models. the armour especially is very smooth and the transitions between your base through midtones and highlight colours is very very good. certainly better than what i could do. however did you use brush or an airbrush for the majority of the work? as i cant tell from the pics.


the faces too are very well done. and i do really like the final skin tones you achieved on Ragnar especially. i know its been mentioned before concerning the bases and i do agree, models painted to this level really cry out for prettier bases however it doesnt affect your work negatively.


really good to see you posting models on here to such a high standard. i really do want to welcome you to B&C and i hope you have a long and productive stay.

best of luck in all your endevours.



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thanks for the comments guys. i glad you like them. yes i like to use airbrushing on vehicles and large areas. i airbrushed ragnars legs to get that smooth transition. but i go back with the brush to deeper shadows and fine highlights. the priest is all brush work. i know the bases are lame, but i sold these on ebay and i didn't think extra base work was going to pay off. and i just noticed i spelled ragnar's name wrong in the title, oops.
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