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4th Company Red Scorpions


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Guys, I'm new to B&C and although have had this army since I started WH40K abou 4 years ago, I've never got round to doing them properly until now.

The army is based on 1750 points and comprises of


A proxy Vulkan He'stan called Androctonus Crassicauda


A proxy Chaplain Cassius, yet to be named


2 10 man tactical squads, ML, Flamer and Razorback


1 5 man terminator assault squad TH/SS


1 7 man Vanguard Squad (without jump packs) Sgt TH/SS remainder all power weapons


1 Landraider Multi Melta


1 Landraider Crusader


Comments on the finished minis to date would be appreciated.























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They're looking really good overall and I look forward to seeing the rest of your force painted up. I really like some of the details such as the left knee markings and the red skull symbol on the shoulder pad. I assume you've used decals? You've done a good job at hiding the edges if so. What technique did you use?


My only criticisms would be that you've not shaded the white helmets or the armor of the apothecary. Given that you've highlighted the black armor and details like chest armor and base textures, the flat panels of white really stand out and feel unfinished. A thin wash of Devlan Mud would help give the white armor some depth, and filling in details like eyes and weapon lenses would make the minis have the same overall level of detail.

When one part of the miniature is really detailed and weathered, the absence in other parts really stands out. Also, the overall effect is let down in your fourth picture by the visible mould lines


The Razorback looks great and I like the streaking you've done on the chapter symbol. It really fits in well with the heavy level of weathering you've done. The skulls do seem a little too clean, though, and the exhausts and surrounding armor could do with a wash of black and/or some black weathering powder to represent soot. I notice that you've picked out the raised details on the tracks but I can't tell if you've used a metallic paint or applied graphite. Applying graphite to the some of the edges where you've applied a chipped paint and rust effect would give the impression that some of the chips are older than others, and improve on what is already a fantastically detailed paintjob.


Please take all my comments as constructive criticism. You've certainly provided some inspiration and raised the bar for me with what I'm trying to achieve in my own army.

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Very nice, I love these and its a chapter I don't get to see often. The only thing that needs something more is the apothecary, the white needs a little more shading, add some waterd down fortress grey in fine lines in the recesses of the model.


Everything else looks amazing and the razor backs battle damge is done considerbly well

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the positive and constructive comments guys.


I think alot of the finer details have been washed out of the photos, as the apothecary is blended up from light grey, although I did do a darker wash in the armour cracks, does look better now, so thanks.


The razorback does have mig pigment metalic grey rubbed over the tracks and other areas, again washed out by the photos, I really should learn to take better photos.

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If I can say this without appearing too negative -- but I prefer your vehicles to your marines. Marines just look too clinical, the razor nice and battered.


Isiah, no worries, the marines were done first and then I did the Razorback and decided to weather and battle damage it.


I agree the marines now look out of place against it, so I'm debating whether to "rough" the marines up somewhat? Although they don't always accompany the vehicles in my lists, so, I'm in two minds.

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