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Vulkan He'stan


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Hey folks I'm painting up my sallie successors chapter and I plan on taking Vulkan as an HQ choice. His model is just great looking, and he looks pretty good from my very basic understanding of the rules (I'm just getting started).


How effective is he though? How effective will he be in an army with heavy librarian support and termies (if I can fit em in) as well as mid range fire support from tac marines?

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Instead of launching on to my usual rant about how ridiculously overpowered he is for the price he costs, I will focus on the word "usual" that you may have noticed I used ;) and suggest you use the search function. Just look for "Vulkan" in this forum and you'll see many posts about him.


In summary: he's *very* effective, twin-linking melta weapons and flamers is very good against any mechanized (which is almost any tournie army) list and he's very, very good in an assault.

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Not only does Vulkan twin link meltas and flamers, he also makes all Thunder hammers count as master-crafted, which makes your Assault termies all the more powerful. I've seen him run in a Land Raider Crusader (with twin linked flamestorms) with a squad of 5 terminators, all with Thunder hammers and Storm Sheids. The lowest strength in the group was 6 (Vulkan's relic blade), everyone had a 3+ invul, 2+ armor, and all hits in CC re-rolled. The larger your army is (that is, the more thunder-hammers, meltas, and flamers it includes) the more powerful Vulkan's special rules become. Additionally, his rules remain in effect even if he gets knocked out of the game. Truly a terror on the table.
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...I've seen him run in a Land Raider Crusader (with twin linked flamestorms)...

I believe you mean Land Raider Redeemer(though that's immaterial).

The important note here is that the sponson flamestorm cannon don't benefit from Vulkan's rerolls(they're not flamers, or heavy flamers, nor are they meltas, or multi-melta).


I personally don't like Vulkan as I don't feel he's appropriately costed for his effect(he's cheaper than Sicarius why now?). However, don't let that stop you from using him and spamming meltas and flamers, just don't expect people to like you taking that list in a friendly game.

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I personally don't like Vulkan as I don't feel he's appropriately costed for his effect(he's cheaper than Sicarius why now?). However, don't let that stop you from using him and spamming meltas and flamers, just don't expect people to like you taking that list in a friendly game.

This. /\


While I think he could be fun to use, if you go the spamming option it starts to look rather like a crutch. I believe for some this is their prefered method of winning.


In local tournaments, this sort of army gets very low comp scores, and deservedly so.

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Vulkan is awesome. Great HQ, lots of fun, and can be extremely fluffy.


Scroll down on this forum, there's another big thread on the same topic.


Haha in which Giga, RoV, and I each weighed in a great amount on our views. :)

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Not only does Vulkan twin link meltas and flamers, he also makes all Thunder hammers count as master-crafted, which makes your Assault termies all the more powerful. I've seen him run in a Land Raider Crusader (with twin linked flamestorms) with a squad of 5 terminators, all with Thunder hammers and Storm Sheids. The lowest strength in the group was 6 (Vulkan's relic blade), everyone had a 3+ invul, 2+ armor, and all hits in CC re-rolled. The larger your army is (that is, the more thunder-hammers, meltas, and flamers it includes) the more powerful Vulkan's special rules become. Additionally, his rules remain in effect even if he gets knocked out of the game. Truly a terror on the table.

As has been mentioned flamestorms are not twinlinked by Vulkan. Also you dont reroll ALL hits in CC. Master crafting only provides one reroll. Thus you need to roll for each hammer individualy, and only reroll one miss per terminator. Vulkan himself can reroll two misses due to both master crafting and digital weapons.



That said Vulkan is still realy, realy realy good. just his captain base with wargear would be worth 170 points, without his heavy flamer, or hte master crafting on the relic blade. And then their is the whole one of the very best chapter tactics thing

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Not only does Vulkan twin link meltas and flamers, he also makes all Thunder hammers count as master-crafted, which makes your Assault termies all the more powerful. I've seen him run in a Land Raider Crusader (with twin linked flamestorms) with a squad of 5 terminators, all with Thunder hammers and Storm Sheids. The lowest strength in the group was 6 (Vulkan's relic blade), everyone had a 3+ invul, 2+ armor, and all hits in CC re-rolled. The larger your army is (that is, the more thunder-hammers, meltas, and flamers it includes) the more powerful Vulkan's special rules become. Additionally, his rules remain in effect even if he gets knocked out of the game. Truly a terror on the table.

As has been mentioned flamestorms are not twinlinked by Vulkan. Also you dont reroll ALL hits in CC. Master crafting only provides one reroll. Thus you need to roll for each hammer individualy, and only reroll one miss per terminator. Vulkan himself can reroll two misses due to both master crafting and digital weapons.



That said Vulkan is still realy, realy realy good. just his captain base with wargear would be worth 170 points, without his heavy flamer, or hte master crafting on the relic blade. And then their is the whole one of the very best chapter tactics thing



...I've seen him run in a Land Raider Crusader (with twin linked flamestorms)...

I believe you mean Land Raider Redeemer(though that's immaterial).

The important note here is that the sponson flamestorm cannon don't benefit from Vulkan's rerolls(they're not flamers, or heavy flamers, nor are they meltas, or multi-melta).


I personally don't like Vulkan as I don't feel he's appropriately costed for his effect(he's cheaper than Sicarius why now?). However, don't let that stop you from using him and spamming meltas and flamers, just don't expect people to like you taking that list in a friendly game.



You're both right, guys, sorry for the information I put out there. It is the Redeemer, and technically the flamestorm cannons aren't flamers (though they should be, maybe an errata will rectify this obvious fluff/rules conflict.) Even with those limitations noted, Vulkan is still a big bad voodoo daddy.

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Wow I have made two errors in the bast 24 hours, I am getting really sloppy, If I get much worse I might be able to work for GW.

If only. I sometimes feel like anyone that frequents this forum, if given just a few weeks with authority over the codex, could fix a great deal of what we've all highlighted and discussed here.

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