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red chaos terminators


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they're red!!!

and chaotic!!!


number one



number two



number three



number four



number five



number six



number seven



number eight



number nine



number ten



number eleven



number twelve



number thirteen



obliterator one



obliterator two



lord one



lord two



and their daemon buddies!




and their defiler!







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Very snazzy, the red is done extremly well, Im not sure about the lord with the book it seams odd for a Khorne lord, and the oblitraters look too much like normal terminators, I think the scorpion style deflier is quite nice, might I recomend adding sctrach marks to the metal areas of it?

And did I mention that the red is very well done.


keep it up

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huh... never thought to do bloodletters with green tongues... that works quite well...


Good conversions throughout and quite well painted (better than I can do)


one question though, is lord 2 a sorcerer? because khorne kinda hates magic...

other than that one blip, amazing word there!




P.S I love the ultramarine arm on the bloodletter base :P

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first off, thanks and stuff


the defiler is the result of me going: 'hmm, brass scorpions are sweet but i don't have $100+ to drop on one model right now...' and then messing around with the kit. never did like that big ol' turret on top; it just looks so clunky.


the reason they're khorne is because i wanted to paint them like so and khorne has kind of cornered the market on red-and-gold chaos marines. i guess i could repaint the banners and say they're just red, but then there's brass scorpion junior and the bloodletters. also i kind of like lord 2 as is... who's to say he's casting spells anyway, maybe he just brought his book for show and tell.


the obliterators... yeah. the plasma guy is really the worst of the lot, dunno why i painted him first. the other conversions (which i haven't painted yet) are much more distinct. someday when i have money i'll buy a bunch of cyclone launchers, i think that would make them stand out as different.


what do you all think of the basing? should i add grass or something to it? (i was thinking maybe light tan)

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@sjon: the bases are dead simple. i got myself one of the 40k building kits and a super cheap 'generic sci-fi structure thing' from some other company (sorry, the name doesnt quite spring to mind), cut them up, and put them on bases. add sand and presto! most of it is from the other company's kit, because i dont feel so much like im mutilating expensive models, plus theyre much thinner than gw's floor sections and therefore much more reasonable to screw around with.


and thanks everyone for the feedback, its nice to receive some compliments :-) i would like to paint more of these guys, but one of the medications im on now makes my hands shake just a little bit. and just a little bit is way too much for doing fine detail work. oooh well....

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