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Radical inquizitor


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Very Nice!!!! a simple but awesome converision. The only thing i would do is switch out the eagle for something more "warpy," maybe a dragon from the dark elf range.

Even if you keep the eagle, great job.

The thought had entered my mind, but I'm not good enough with greenstuff to re-sculpt his arm,; maybe one day :)



The deamon head doesn't fit, remember, radical inquisitors aren't possessed or enthralled to Chaos, they just use Chaos as a tool to fight it. A human head, albeit one with a nice evil grin on it would have been nicer.

True, Xanthites do use chaos as a tool and therefore do not allow themselves to be possessed; however this model is supposed to be a representation of the chaos that lies within everyone.

They believe that Chaos cannot be defeated, for it is merely a reflection of humanity itself.

(It's a metaphor)


That guy is
, he has a Z in his name!


*cough* I'm sorry.


Well, I like the staff, but imo the demonhead isn't that great. I like simple conversions, but somehow he lacks the "thing" that makes him really special. Dunno.

*palmface* I always spell that wrong...

Staff is just from the Ahriman model (had one to hand and thought it fitted quite well).

I know I see this model through rose tinted glasses; the head was originally going to be a mask, but the chin bashed against his armour, in the end, I preferred this resultas it match the background for it better (it being a metaphor etc)


Thanks for our replies




P.S no offence intended guys, sorry if any was taken!


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