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Aussie Space Marines

Logical Chaos

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I started painting these guys on February 2nd when I came up with the idea with a few friends.

This first one is a recycled model, often refered to as the paint marine due to the large number of paint layers. Most of the model's detail has been lost beneath layers of paint, but I did try to recover some of it with highlights.




This second model was only painted after much poking from friends because the first one turned out well. The model's sword was broken so we decided to replace it with a spear-like weapon from a Reaper weapons pack, we refer to his short spear as the BBQ poker.



The flag was annoying to paint, though it didn't help that I had to paint the stars twice because I forgot to put the wash on the cloak before the stars.

Anyway let me know what you guys think.


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Nice models!


Any others? (In general, not nessecarily Austarlian)

If these models are anything to go by, you've got great painting skills and should show them off at any available oppurtunity.


I recently started an IA about Aussie Space Marines.

And yes I know it's shameless self flagging.

But I thought you'd like to know.


Nytrian Rangers


Check 'em out!

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The Southern cross on the first is probably a little too subtle, especially for foreigners to pick out ;)


I really like how you have done the cape on the commander, it looks just the part. I would go with the green and gold and save the flag type painting for banners and heraldry.


Nice work. I am doing something somewhat similar with my Orcs and Goblins; the Orcstralian Army :blush:



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Any others?


I recently started an IA about Aussie Space Marines.


Thanks for the link, I'll go check it out. I only have pictures of one other model that I have painted, my digital camera broke so I have to take my minis into uni if I want to take photos of them. There is a picture of the other model here.



Ok, the union jack on the second one looks absolutely amazing ;)

And tbh you did a great job bringing back the detail on paint marine


Thanks! :blush:



The Southern cross on the first is probably a little too subtle, especially for foreigners to pick out :P


I really like how you have done the cape on the commander, it looks just the part. I would go with the green and gold and save the flag type painting for banners and heraldry.


Nice work. I am doing something somewhat similar with my Orcs and Goblins; the Orcstralian Army :)




Yeah I have had several comments from friends about the southern cross on paint marine. I would fix it but i feel that making the stars bigger would just make it look weird and out of scale.


If I was going to paint an army like this then I probably would do that, but the theme was only intended for amusing show pieces.


Your Orcstralian Army sound interesting, any pics?

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And then didst Silver Phoenix fall down upon his knees and name him God. For he was Logical Chaos, most high of high, holiest of holiest and creators of the Aussie Marines.


Uh, great models. Particulary the green and gold one. I agree that the first one looks like a pom. I've noticed a sudden surge in Aussinatism. Perhaps its because of the recent Australia Day.

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I honestly don't know what you mean by looking like a pom! If it were truely a pom, he would be driving a prison transport no? :)


But seriously I like the green and gold best, its more recognisable as an aussie rather than a pom. You have to make an army of these guys now with a rhino named Kylie! Or maybe Sheila? Chapter Master Bruce?


Ah poms and aussies love each other really, otherwise we wouldn't let you work in our bars :P

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And then didst Silver Phoenix fall down upon his knees and name him God. For he was Logical Chaos, most high of high, holiest of holiest and creators of the Aussie Marines.


Uh, great models. Particulary the green and gold one. I agree that the first one looks like a pom. I've noticed a sudden surge in Aussinatism. Perhaps its because of the recent Australia Day.


Uh... I have no idea what to say to that... Thanks?! :)


Australia day, the only time Australians are remotely patriotic, visibly at least.



You have to make an army of these guys now with a rhino named Kylie! Or maybe Sheila? Chapter Master Bruce?


I doubt that I am crazy enough to put that much effort into an entire army, it took me a solid two days worth of painting to finish the green and gold one. That and I don't have the disposable income to purchase models for said army, neither of these models are actually mine, I just painted them.

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I prefer the second model! :pinch:

Good work, but my only criticism (which may be insignificant to you) is that the face of the second marine isn't very well detailed from what I can see...maybe you could re-do it a bit if you have time? Apart from that, as I said, very nice!



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I prefer the second model! :pinch:

Good work, but my only criticism (which may be insignificant to you) is that the face of the second marine isn't very well detailed from what I can see...maybe you could re-do it a bit if you have time? Apart from that, as I said, very nice!




Heh, yeah I got a bit lazy when it come time to paint the face. There was more detail in the face, but I used a little bit too much Devlin Mud so most of the detail can't really be seen anymore. Faces are still not my strong point, I don't use enough layers to get a realistic colour range, but I'm working on it.

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You have to make an army of these guys now with a rhino named Kylie! Or maybe Sheila? Chapter Master Bruce?


I doubt that I am crazy enough to put that much effort into an entire army, it took me a solid two days worth of painting to finish the green and gold one. That and I don't have the disposable income to purchase models for said army, neither of these models are actually mine, I just painted them.


Ah I see. It would have been quite cool to see what stereotypes could be modelled in, cricket bats instead of chainswords?


I like the idea of an English chapter with a fondness for tea. Kinda like how the Wolves have their ale, well the English chapter would have to miss one turn whilst they had a tea-break..

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cricket bats instead of chainswords?


I like the idea of an English chapter with a fondness for tea. Kinda like how the Wolves have their ale, well the English chapter would have to miss one turn whilst they had a tea-break..


Hehe, cricket bats would be amusing, as would tea breaks. :)

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cricket bats instead of chainswords?


I like the idea of an English chapter with a fondness for tea. Kinda like how the Wolves have their ale, well the English chapter would have to miss one turn whilst they had a tea-break..


Hehe, cricket bats would be amusing, as would tea breaks. :lol:

We are not amused ;) It would be cool :P

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