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Salamanders Tactical Squad & Scratch LR


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Can't put my finger on it but for some reason I really like these..... Maybe it reminds me of when i first started painting :-)


A good solid start don't let anyone tell you different keep practicing, and read all the painting guides you can from here on in they really do help.


good start and good look :-)

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B) eh, it would be MUCH better if you actually BOUGHT a Land Raider because that, to be brutally honest, isn't even good enough to be considered an Ork vehicle conversion, and that's saying a lot. I honestly wouldn't play a game with someone who had a "scratch built" Land Raider like yours, cause you couldn't enter that into a serious tournament. So you should seriously look into buying an actual one.


There are a few places on the internet I know of where you can buy a Land Raider under the normal cost if you're interested.

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;) eh, it would be MUCH better if you actually BOUGHT a Land Raider because that, to be brutally honest, isn't even good enough to be considered an Ork vehicle conversion, and that's saying a lot. I honestly wouldn't play a game with someone who had a "scratch built" Land Raider like yours, cause you couldn't enter that into a serious tournament. So you should seriously look into buying an actual one.


There are a few places on the internet I know of where you can buy a Land Raider under the normal cost if you're interested.


I really disagree with this to be brutally honest. It's cool and it gets the job done. And IMHO if you wouldn't play a game with someone who had a scratchbuilt then you are just being...well to put it very nicely 'antisocial'


Like I said before that is an awesome scratchbuild.

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Nice work with painting your marines, they aren't quite there yet but given time and practice they ll look really good.


I first of all want to say here that I m not going out of my way to specifically rude or nasty, but am going to agree with what some others have said in regards to the LRC.


I think its very impressive that you tried to do a scratch build job ( its something I would never dare try ) but if I m honest it hasn't come out all that well. I know exactly why its been done and very much appreciate that the cost of an LRC is prohibitive, but I think that more work needs doing to bring it to a table top standed. The use of some plasti-card and a few other bits would do wonders in improving the look of the vehicle. Some defined armour plating and tracks are very much needed. The lack of definition to the model really bring it down and I really feel thats something worth working on.

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Congratulations on the scratchbuild. It's clearly not an official model but I took one look at the picture and I knew it was a Land Raider Crusader - it has the correct shape, identifiable weapons and though I can't be certain from the pics it looks to be about the right dimensions. Would I use it now? - No. Would I have used it fifteen years ago when I was a teenager whose pocket money was such that a Land Raider represented three months income - Hell yeah!


I would happily play against it - it beats some of the proxying I've seen by a long way. I'm not certain since I don't use paper much except on terrain and even then only sparingly but if you have any spray varnish then a coat of that MIGHT stiffen up the paper and allow you to use things like washes without the paper turning to mush. But if you try that, please, PLEASE, experiment on the underside first.

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