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The Emperor

gil galed

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my freshly painted emperor, I do apologize for it being in metalics but my Gk's he'll be with have gold metalics so he wouldn't fit in very well ;)












Hope you like it, the cloak will get a nice decal at some point, but he's fieldable now ;)

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Your carriongod - Emphrah looks good ;)

Btw, what is wrong with metalics? Imo unless you are REALY good with NMM painting it is better to rely on metalic colours because, if applied with care, they look much better than a badly or even just mediocrely done NMM.

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A suitably evil looking Emperor. You can really feel his hate for freedom and knowledge radiating off his unholy form.


Though, the paint looks a little thick. I'd watch out for that. Gold is a rich colour and should be done in several watered down layers for a strong tone, followed by a few washes and highlights.

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