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Captain with 2 Power Fists

captain sox

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Looking through my bits box and I've found many spare power fists. I have some left handed and right handed ones, so I was thinking what way would be best to use them... then I thought how about on a captain?!


I know it's going to be a lot of points, especially with artificer armour, but it would be a beast in close combat.


what are all of your thoughts? Too expensive of a model, or a cool assault monster?



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my thoughts are simple, ask yourself this


Does it look good, awesome, cool, and is it fun to play with?

answers avialble: yes/no


if yes, then its a good idea

if no, then its not a good idea


thats all that matter, do you like the model and do you enjoy using it, nothing else is important

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I can't remember what Marneus Calgar costs but I know that if you get twin powerfists then you might as well get him (Bolter shots, and a heck load of powers)

I believe artificer and twin power fist captain is 65+100? 165 points VS however many Calgar is. (230?)

I might be making a twin thunder hammer captain soon though. :mellow:

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Two powerfists is paying a bunch of points for one extra attack after you've already spent a bunch to reduce the only I5 unit in your army to I1. Really expensive for very little benefit. That's not to say it can't be fun, but if you're looking to maximize a captain's effectiveness in a tourney list, you're better off with a relic blade.
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6 str 8 attacks on the charge as Calgar (4 base + 1 off-hand + 1 charge), and Calgar has Eternal Warrior and 4 wounds...which outshines every other captain. :lol:


If you build Calgar, make sure to model (somehow) storm bolters onto his powerfists so it's recognizably a "counts as". (If you run Ultramarines, the actualy model is pretty cool, but comes in Termie armor only I believe.) Calgar can choose whether to have Termie armor or not...out of terminator armor he's 3+/4++ and can Sweeping Advance...in Termie Armor he's 2+/4++ and cannot sweeping advance, but can Deepstrike. In both cases, Calgar also has a power sword, so he can elect to attack with that (he no longer gets an offhand bonus, but attacks at a much higher initiative) or the power fists. Best yet,


I run a Calgar counts-as at times which is a lot of fun, and I run a Captain with two Thunder Hammers which is a pretty fun time too. =) If you are going to put that much expensive melee-weaponry on a model, he has got to be a captain.




All that said, I do agree that you should try a Relic Blade on a captain out. It's cheaper and still very fun. :P


EDIT: I totally forgot: Calgar rerolls rolls to wound, so even though he wounds on a 4+ his odds of hitting aren't 3/6, they are 3/4...if you're an odds man, he's got roughly an 83% chance to wound MEQ with the fists, and 75% to wound MEQ with the Power Sword. For going at initiative, it's not a bad trade off.

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np =) I chopped up two bolters and used the barrels off of each to make his gauntlet-mounted storm bolters (nothing says they each need two barrels @_@ just that he's got big guns on his big guns). I also use a Counts As; my boys be not Ultras.
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I'd never take a weapon loadout that takes away my captain's one big advantage over MEQs and lesser beings - Initiative.


Captains die nicely to large volume of attacks, and anything I can do to reduce those odds makes sense. That means going first.

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I'd say go for it, if nothing else since it makes a cool model. I have a sergeant with the same load-out, eventhough he rarely gets used, and primarily in friendly games. Magnet at the back so he can use a jumppack if needed. A marine coming in hot with 2 fists is just awesome enough that I can still be happy when he dies horribly :)
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Obviously this doesn't come under the real of "tactica", but:-


There's a left-handed *pointing* powerfist on the Devastator sprue, and a right-handed pointing powerfist on the Assault Squad sprue.


I always thought that'd make a pretty cool conversion. You could point them forwards and he's doing a little "pewpew" gesture to go with his strap-on bolters, or you could point them upwards and he's doing a little victory dance...


Also, I agree, go with Calgar. You've already spent most of the points, and he gives you a lot more than a bog-standard Captain.

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I wouldn't worry about losing initiative, space marines are so pathetically weak in combat str4 ain't gonna do jack against anyone, striking first or not, especially when your most common opponent is gonna be other space marines.
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I wouldn't worry about losing initiative, space marines are so pathetically weak in combat str4 ain't gonna do jack against anyone, striking first or not, especially when your most common opponent is gonna be other space marines.

Which is why relic blades or dual lightning claws are the shizzle. :D

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imho if your taking the exotic weapons take dual thunderhammers :lol: same drawbacks as powerfists but a great deal cooler, and you have the added benefit of making your opponent strike at I1 if you wound him once (says nothing about him making any invunerable saves so even if he passes hes hitting at I1 :P)


its rediculasy expensive but hey, so is dual powerfist or any dual configuarion for that matter (except PW+bp which has the same effect as 2 PW's :))

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If you have to have a 2 power fist wielding Captain you need to give him a bike for the T5 boost or a Command squad for the FNP, to ensure he survives assaults against large numbers of weak attacks ganging up on him so he still get's to strike.


The opponents I1 powerfists will likely get you anyway as it is invariably the last model to be taken off the table, or it is fairly easy to remove that threat by putting a different model in base contact and the Captain somewhere else, thus preveting the powerfist from singling out the independent character, so don't worry about enemy powerfists too much.


Personally I prefer a S6 Captain striking at I5 so I can take down a few models before they attack my poor I4 Marines, but 5 S8 attacks on the charge is nothing to sneeze at!

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Do what looks cool/fun. Everyone says it's a waste of points but I sometimes run my Captain with a Thunder Hammer (normally use it as a Power Maul) and it's really cool and fun watching him rip through a squad with instant kill after instant kill or do a home run with an enemy tank.
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