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LPC2010 - DA Tactical Squad

Alys Dwr

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Hi all,


Thought i'd best get a pic up to get me started. Sorry about the picture, i haven't got a decent light set up at the moment. But as they are only up to a basecoat of black it's not too much of a problem.


I've had the AoBR marines since they came out and they've sat there in the cupboard doing... well not much really. I didn't like how static and "codex" they were but the more i looked at them the more i love them. A few gun/arm swaps, shoulder pads, back packs and then a bit more on the sarge later and i've got what i think is a decent looking tactical sqaud that fits into my army nicely. All have had the :mellow: carved off their right shoulder.


Not expecting many comments at the mo but let me know what you think. I'm going to try and get them greened up a bit tonight.




edit= for spelling /edit

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HUZZAH! for more green. hey i was the same with my AOBR dudes but i like the little differences in them- helmets, guns and the shiz. looking forward toseeing them painted up, by the way because you cut off the tac "up arrow" does that mean you're going to paint the moe seen DA double headed horizontal arrow?

More green is always the way! I'm very pleased with the number of unforgiven in the LPC and golden bolter.

does that mean you're going to paint the moe seen DA double headed horizontal arrow?

Indeed it does! At first i though about using some of the very thin platicard i've got to cut out the horizontal double-arrow out and then stick to the shoulder pads. All the hassle of getting a flat object to fit nicelyonto a curved surface gave me a head ache so i'm going fo free hand squad markings as i have done on all my other marines.


Carving the arrow off the missile launcher arm was a bit of a chore but it was worth it in the end. He is the only un-converted model as i just couldn't decide what to do with him. I like his knife and love the old school helmet and think they both lend quite well to the DA spirit. I'm still quite tempted to remove the missile loader arm and replace it with the one from the dev squad, but i'll wait and see. He'll be the last i paint so i've got a month or so to decide.



  • 2 weeks later...
I did the same thing to my AoBR DA conversion, filing all those arrows was not fun.....although I wasn't as ambitious with the rocket launcher guy and just painted the arrow red! ;) I'm looking forward to seeing this squad complete. Keep it up!

Hodo folks,


@Brother Gideon - i must admit i was tempted! Fun? no, i agree with you there but it has been the plan all along so i applied some legendary DA stubbornness.


@Koz - i think the head swap is very simple but makes the whole model far more dynamic. I used the MkVI helmet to point where his finger was pointing. In removing the emblem, i just had at it with my hobby knife. First cut was to press the blade in slightly and roll back and forth where the lower rim of the pad would be. The aim of this was to leave a nice clean, straight rim when the rest of the icon was removed. This went to about the right depth and left a nice line to carve down to in the next step. The blade was pushed into the tip of the arrow and carved slowly down to the first cut, trying to echo the shape of the pad beneath. This leaves just a little bit more carving to remove the left and right sides of the icon. Then smooth it over with a quick file or scrape from the blade and bob's your teapot.


Now if i'd though ahead i would have taken photos and been a little more in depth, but as i do owe the Librarium an article i'll have to see what i can conjure up.


Anyway, now to the meat of the post. Update number two!


This is the stage i'm at after 2 hours or so. They've had two coats of DA green to get a solid colour. I always find that while this paint covers well, one coat is never quite green enough over black. They're then had a good overbrushing of "wet DA green" followed by a lighter brush of goblin green. I'm not a big fan of hard edge highlighting. Areas to be gold or bleahced bone have been given a coat of bestial brown.


Wet DA green = I noticed that watered dwn DA green goes brighter/lighter so i've mixed up a pot of paint that is that colour as standard.


Next up will be a good wash of watered down chaos black, some more highlighting and then the main armour should be just about done.


Oh, and while not a part of my LPC vow, i found an old project of mine a few weeks ago and have made some progress on him. I've sculpted one arm and am rather pleased with how good he looks so far. He's been painted black so that i can smooth him over easier - hence the scraped patches. I present my true scale, hand sculpted Asmodai.




  • 3 weeks later...

Things are getting done, slowly but surely. Think i can complete my vow this year!


They've had a black wash and another gentle overbrushing of goblin green. I've started on the chest eagles with a coat of bleached bone and the eyes have had a darkened coat of blood red to start them off.


still a lot to do but, fingers crossed, an hour a day will get them finished in time.



  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers AL.


With less than a week to go, i though i'd best post an update as i move into the down hill straight. All that remains is:

- a highlight on the bolter casings followed by a wash of black ink

- sargeants power sword, tabbard and a few other details

- shoulder icons and a few other details here and there.


Now, i would also like to have a go at some nice eye lenses but that's a bit beyond my usual tabletop painting quality and such i feel it doesn't fall under the remit of the librarian challenge. However, it might be nice if i can find the time to get these done it time too.


Sory about the dodgy photo quality, i couldn't find any white tissue to filter the flash so peach it was!





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