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How do i kill templars


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OK so the store I play were doing a Campaign (just started on Sunday actually) and in my next move I'm moving into Black Templar territory. So my question is how do i defeat him. Not completely sure on his list however he usually uses a 8 to 10 man sword brother squad lead but a Emperors Champ. 2 or 3 of those mixed scout/marine squads not that big, a vindicator and usually a predator annihilator. Also there will probably be more surprises in the coming games as the points are now going to be 1500 this week then 2K the next two games.


Like i said I'm using a list with special rules. I have 2 tactical squads, 1 assault squad, 1 devastator squad a vindicator and my favorite commander used buy the Iron Hands Venerable Dreadnought Bannus (he gives relentless and counter-attack to any IH unit within 12"). Also he has other cool stuff. And one of my Tac squads has a special SGT in it who has TDA and gives his squad Prefered Enemy. O and i almost forgot a 6man sternguard squad with 2 heavy bolters and a combi-melta/powersword wielding SGT.


So any help would be appreciated.

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well the main thing to remember with BT is that they're usually better at assault then you are. The Emperor's Champion will almost always have the Vow that gives them Preferred Enemy and with 2 attacks each, you'll be getting hit alot in HtH combat.


They also have the rule "Righteous Zeal" which means if you shoot and wound a squad, they must take a LD check and if they pass, they move 1D6 towards the nearest unit (they get to pick the unit if the squad is lead by a Chaplain). This means you want to focus fire on squads to only give them 1 chance to move each turn. Don't target 3 squads or you could have all 3 of them skipipng ahead.


As for the rest of their stuff, its pretty much like fighting other Marines with a few minor exceptions. Focus on killing them at range and using your own Assault Squads to steal their charges.

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Agreed with minigun. The funny thing is, though, occasionally a BT list will decide to play like 4th Ed. Codex Marines, and can be very shooty. With the availability of las/plas squads, that could challenge your armor. Luckily, though, it sounds like he's running a pretty normal list. The Emperor's Champion WILL have the Preferred Enemy vow. If you see Chaplains, keep in mind that they aren't too much of a priority since they're already re-rolling misses all the time, and BTs are Fearless in assault.


It sounds like the way I'd use your list is to pump out as much long range firepower as possible. Your homegrown rules do allow for a fair bit of shooty on the move, especially with those heavy weapons in there. So just shoot 'em as they get close, counter-assault with your Assault Marines, hide your Dread from the Annihilator, and play 'em like you would normal Marines.

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OK cool thanks for the tips guys. I do have a change to my list the wife let me get a drop pod finally. So I've dropped the vindicator and replaced it with a dreadnought with multi-melta and a heavy flamer. The plan is too drop it in 1st turn behind something big like his predator and hopefully at least take away its shooting for a turn then ill assault it. I have one question using a drop pod i know it can do the DP assault but once i do can i move or assault or can i only shoot like in deep striking? Again thanks for the replies guys.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have one question using a drop pod i know it can do the DP assault but once i do can i move or assault or can i only shoot like in deep striking? Again thanks for the replies guys.


Unless you have a vehicle or a unit with a special rule, you cannot assault on the turn you deep strike.


The Lucious Pattern Drop Pod, in the Imperial Armor 2, Apocolypse book, would let you deep strike a Dreadnought and assault with it. However, that is a forgeworld book, and your group may require permission first.



Back to killing Templars (me):


We need to get to HtH to really excel, so pop our transports and make us walk. I hate that.


Focus firepower is right. Do not kill 3 guys from 3 units and let the remaining 7 to 17 guys in each of 3 squads move up. Kill 9 guys in 1 unit, and let the remaining 1 to 11 guys move up while the other 2 units sit still.


We don't generally bring a lot of heavy support, other then Land Raiders and Dreadnought. Some do, though. Most likely, our best killy squad will be in the land raider. Pop it. Melta the hell out of it. Get a small squad in first, or dump your predator at it. (I do like to shake things up and bring a lot of vehicles sometimes, but it usually backfires.) Also, I have brought 6 6-man squads, each with lascannons/plasmacannon and plasmaguns/Meltaguns. The BT codex lets you bring special and heavy weapons in small units. That was a complete surprise for my space marine buddy. I did lose, but it confused the hell out of him.


One trick a Tau buddy has used was place a small fire warrior squad at my advancing unit, with 1 or 2 other shooty units behind it. I'll get tied up in close combat with the throw-away unit, which I will win on my turn. Then, I sit there while he shoots me on the following turn.


Anyway, that's all I'm going to share.

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dont split your fire focus on one squad and the rest is history.templar lists can always be beaten easily. black templar are merely a gimmick army, although there fluff is friggin awesome!




OK cool thanks for the tips guys. I do have a change to my list the wife let me get a drop pod finally. So I've dropped the vindicator and replaced it with a dreadnought with multi-melta and a heavy flamer. The plan is too drop it in 1st turn behind something big like his predator and hopefully at least take away its shooting for a turn then ill assault it. I have one question using a drop pod i know it can do the DP assault but once i do can i move or assault or can i only shoot like in deep striking? Again thanks for the replies guys.

and why are you drop podding templars in the first place? do you like throwing away points.

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While your best bet as a C:SM army for beating Templars is outshooting them, they can be assaulted. Just know that they are generally better at it than you. You want to assault them, not the other way around. You want that +1 attack.


Rhinos and Landraiders might serve you better. When you drop pod, you get to shoot, but not assault. Vangaurd get to assault after they deepstrike (if they don't shoot), so that is one option. Lucious Pattern Dreadnought Drop pods are another. But that's about it. Better to use the assault ramp on your land raider than land in a drop pod and get assaulted, if you follow me.


Another option, Sternguard + Vanguard. Have the Sternguard thin out a large crusaider squad with their special ammo, and then have the vanguard assault them. Expensive as hell (certainly not my first choice), but effective.

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Greetings brothers again thanks for the advise. OK down too business I finally played against the Templar and let me say it was great fun. The Iron Hands annihilated the BT in a game of (weird)ANNIHILATION with pitched battle deployment.


MY list was

Iron Commander (captain)


Iron Father (Chaplin)

-PW/ PFist (servo arm)

Termies heavy flamer/ Chainfist



Tac 1 Sgt Telamon, MG/ML (SGT terminator armor PFist SB/ AGL gives his squad Preferred Enemy)

Tac 2 Sgt PFist, MG/MM (razorback)


Assault squad PFist, Flamer x2 (reserve)


Ironclad Hurricane bolter, Chainfist/heavy flamer drop pod



Devastator squad Sgt SB, MLx3/Lascannon


He ran and don't quote me on this.



Sword Brethren

Crusader Squads x3 (10 man)

Ven Dread (forge-world very nice model)


Annihilator Pred

LR Crusader

Assault squad (reserve)


Ill be quick as i have a bad memory and I'm not in the mood too write that big of a report.


I deployed 1st (left to right) LRC, Tac 1, MM combat squad, vindi, razorback, devi on a hill all the way on the right. He deployed from my point of view. Again left to right. Crusader squad 1&2, center crusader squad 3/dread, LRC. I went 1st. My Ironclad dropped in between crusader squads 1&2 and didn't scatter. Then everything moved forward 6". Ironclad and LRC shot Crusader squad 1 almost to last man. my tac fired all they could at another squad 2 killed 1, combat squad MM ran a whole 3" (yeah :P ). Vindi shot at dread knocked off its CCW/flamer hahahaha. Razorback shot at squad 3 min damage. Lastly devi shoot shook and knocked off the assault cannons of his LRC hahahaha :) . then he moved the units i shot at towards me.

Sorry i don't remember much he moved shot Wrecked my LRC then charged my CPT/Iron Father/Termies. The CPT killed 2of them before they could scratch my armor , witch for all good he did against my squad is what happen. Mostly he shot at my vehicles but didn't amount too anything other then the LRC.



Next I moved my CDRs unit flames his 2nd squad shot them with tac 1 assaulted and walked through that unit. Combat squad moved into some difficult terrain at an ok speed. Vindi moved and shot squad 3, Ironclad assaulted his pred and ripped off the turret and through it over its shoulder like it was nothing. Devs continued to shoot and this time mad it immobile.

He moved a bit all around. Disembarked his SB/Champ moved them then ran too...well open ground. Squad 3 shot my CDRs squad who were only 3" away with bolters and killed a termie. Vindi shot at my Ironclad and scattered behind him just throwing dust on him. Most of his shooting in this turn was misses so i wont get into them. He wanted to assault my CDR but couldn't because the squad who he wanted too shot bolters before.



My 3rd i moved my CDR 1" away from his last crusader squad flamed them assaulted and ate them (yum). I disembarked my razorback that hadn't moved and moved the squad up within 6" of his dread shot its other arm off with my melta gun then assaulted it. My assault squad came in and too my surprise didn't scatter they shot causing 13 wounds on his SB (I love flamers in assault squads). Devs blew up his pred. Ironclad blew up his vindi.

All he had left was a dread stuck in CC with no arms a Champ and 3 SB. He shot charged and killed all but 3 of my assault marines. They broke and ran 11". From there i shot with everything at his brothers and killed them befor they could do more damage. Finally i had a Sgt with a Fist wreck his dread and that was game. Good thing it was only a training exercise because we would never kill a fellow son of the emperor thank him on earth for M.I.L.E.S. (military people know what I'm talking about).


End result was I had 10 kill points and he only had 1. This was only like his 6th or so game but I've only been playing sense mid September. So i won the Zone in this little campaign of ours and i attacked him because were both on around the same level. Don't mind the spelling I'm tared and need too go to bed (11:30pm).

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Brother-Chaplain Gaius Posted Yesterday, 07:09 PM

congratulations beating the templar is never easy

Especially when you've never played them before - that damn "shoot me will you - let me pick up the pace so I can shove this sword through your throat" rule caught me out & cost me my Terminator Captain & 5-man Terminator entourage on their debut outing - what a kick in the teeth <_<

Nice followup report too, always nice to hear the advice being put to good use.

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Especially when you've never played them before - that damn "shoot me will you - let me pick up the pace so I can shove this sword through your throat" rule caught me out & cost me my Terminator Captain & 5-man Terminator entourage on their debut outing - what a kick in the teeth ;)


Thats why its also so important to focus fire on BT. Only let one of their squads get that zeal move each turn if at all possible.

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I had actually played this player before however it didn't go as well. It was his 1st game and well lets just say he rolled dice that's about it. He had a coach but its OK it was still a fun game. Ill be playing against the Templar again coming up this weekend because he attacked my rail head that gives me a +1 to my reserve rolls. I like a dumb :cuss told him what he did wrong in the last game such as transport so I'm expecting more mobility next time around. My only changes are my Iron Father is going too have a relic blade, and the Ironclad is taking a Pfist with heavy flamer instead of the hurricane bolter/ the melta gun is going back on the chainfist. O and both my CPT (I call him an Iron commander) and Iron Father are getting digital lasers. Any help would be nice thanks guys.
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