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Too much green?


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Alright, so I've played around 10 games of 40k with my Raven Guard around 2k points. I'm 2/4/4 at this point and those 4 Losses came from the same Ork player. I just have a really tough time beating him. He is Green Tide/Shooty. In 2k points he runs about 90 Ork Boys, 30 of the Assault type orks with rockets on their back. 2x 10 man Luda Squads, 3 killa kans, 2 deff dreads, an Ork Truk, Defkopttas, etc.


I've tried to beat him using a gun line (Dev Squads, Terminators with Cyclones, Scouts with Snipers, Missile/Las Cannon dread, Whirlwind, etc.) I've tried to beat him using nearly even numbers (3 tac squads, a scout squad, a sternguard and vanguard squad, assault squad, 2 dev squads and a dread) and I've tried a mixture of both. I can't seem to beat him, I also currently have no money and am unable to buy anything right now. So using what I have how can I beat Orks? Not really looking for an army list, just some advice.


I have 4 Tac Squads (About 50 basic Marines)

I have 1 scout squad with Snipers

I have 2 Dev. squad boxes (and about 10 Missile Launchers, which I bought seperate)

I have a Whirlwind, and a Razorback/Rhino

I have a Vanguard and Sternguard squad and a squad of Assault Marines

I have a command squad


What works good against Orks? What should I take?




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I am not seeing any sure fire way with what you currently have. He has a standard Space Marine killer list. Vanguard and Assault Marines are completely worthless against Orks. Even if every one of their attacks hit and wound and kill an Ork on a charge his squads will return with twice the amount of attacks. Sternguard cannot do anything meaningful due to their high numbers, perhaps if he ran heavy Nobz for the Hellfire rounds but does not sound like he is doing that. Basically you have too many overspecialized units where his Ork list requires brute force like multiple Thunderfire cannons or 6 drop pod dreadnoughts.
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Whirlwind is good. Templates help a lot.


Forget the vanguard. Go with the standard assault marines. Full squad of ten with flamers. Power weapons are expensive and largely useless against 6+ armor.


Devistators with MLs are useful. Use frag against the boys.


In my opinion, orks are tough to beat these days due to the heavy anti-armor focus of a lot of marine armies. If you're tooled out to beat land raiders with storm shield terminators, you will generally do poorly against orks. Why? Orks have horrible armor on infantry (6+ for most, 4+ for some, maybe one squad in the army with ++ saves). They make up for it with large numbers of models and large numbers of wounds. Making matters worse, their vehicles have weak armor (except for battlewagons at 14 up front and dreads). All the points you paid for power weapons and meltas are wasted, meaning you're often fighting at a 10-20% handicap. Go back to things that cause a lot of wounds on the cheap. He won't save them. One more thing, orks in numbers are fearless. This is good for his morale, but bad for combat resolution. If you can win a round against a mob he will take extra casualties.

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Problem is those Deffkoptas will pop any whirlwinds or Thunderfire cannons in his backfield. With the list that his opponent has he effectively has won before they put the models on the table. He controls how the Space Marines will move and where they will move. Playing Orks is like going against Eldar or Chaos Daemons it is hard to use a metagame list against them because they are against the normal game paradigms. Playing gun line the Space Marines are static and will not get enough shots off to do anything meaningful to 120 foot slogging Orks. Mechanized Space Marines will get you surrounded and stranded. The key to this will be Drop Pods so that he can seize the initiative of the flow of battle. Six dreadnoughts, Iron Clad if possible will bring the Orks to a halt. His list is great for Space Marine on Space Marine combat but is cannot deal with horde armies. Warhammer 40k is a mind game as much as luck of dice rolls, you need something that can pop in and make him bunch up or hold back slightly.
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Drop Pod Dreads. They keep a good portion of his boyz distracted long enough for you to get some tactical wiggle room. Crusaders (or Redeemers if the terrain is promising) with ML Termis, and maybe a Rhino with an HB loaded Tac squad should do it.


Orks are tough this time around, but if you can keep them slogging with a behemoth for three turns, you can turn the 'sacrifice' of your dreads into a bullet buffet for the rest of your army.

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I agree with Ntin. I think a couple of Thunderfire cannons would help greatly.


Yeah, there are quite a few things on my list. I have no money to spend right now though.


Also, the problem with Thunderfire Cannons is his Luda's if I remember right all that has to happen is for the tech priest to die and the thunderfire cannon is dead. That means he only has to get within 36 to take out the cannon in likely one turn.




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Mind if I ask..


Where are your rhinos?


Ya know. The vehicles that two can block his line for a turn by moving 1" from his men. Then block him some more as he assaults it. Then slow him down with difficult terrain tests/moving around them. Then be blocked again by another two rhinos and be faced with only one turn to do damage to you if you guys happen to get a 7th turn.



No seriously, where are your damn rhinos? They're part of the plan that makes orks useless without transports to make them go fasta'. I play orks, and I know what they're weak to. That's why I use 4 battlewagons. That's why I send empty battlewagons after an adversary who uses horde orks and block them the same way damning the cost of doing so.


I will even go as far as using three land raiders to rush in his face and block him off. It's seriously that easy to win against orks in non KP missions.


make him come at you in pieces, deal with them as they get there. Like a faucet and a cup. If its running full blast with you having two cups to deal with it to try and run the cups outside to dump water on the lawn... You can't do it if it's running full blast. If its a trickle, you can leave one cup behind as you go outside with one full cup and replace that other cup when you return to make another trip.


Orks hate being eaten up in pieces. That's why its good to run horde, because you hit all at once.


Don't be afraid of getting the charge. Your basic marines double their melee ability when they charge. So use those pistols and dig in. Your initiative is higher...

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