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how many honor gaurd did you run? what was their loadout and what not


I use 5 Honour Guard, a Relic Blade on the Champion and Chapter Banner. Comes in at a healthy 225pts. I bolster them up with a Chapter Master with Relic Blade and Storm Shield so I can kill I4 models before they strike at my men (lessening the amount of damage the unit takes), to take as much fire as possible (put those AP2 hits on him!) and finally put him in base contact with those hidden power fists/weapons to protect the unit.


They were actually really unlucky too! I rolled snake eyes for a difficult terrain assault move, the distance was only 2 away! They then got charged by the Command squad, killed them all but suffered 2 dead. Then Mephiston and his Death Company charged in and killed the Master and another 2 Honour Guard, but not before my return attacks took the unit down to 2 plus the Mephiston killing machine. The unit had held them up, thanks largely to the Master taking the brunt of the Death Company attacks (I can't remember but at least 2 could only make contact with him and Mephiston split his attacks, reducing his chances of instant killing the Master).


Since they were pinned I counter charged with a Dread, killed Mephiston and finished off the Death Company over the next turn. This left a sizeable portion of the opponents attack capability down, to only a single character and unit of mine. I still had attacking options in the shape of unhurt Dreads and Tacticals.

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I really like the sound of that!


so essentially my next few purchases will be a LSS for speed and annoyance.. if i cant knock out something i can distract/damage things for a little


the honor guard would probably replace my normal pic of terminators + cyclone missle


so to keep with talking tactics... LSS to outflank, force assault on vehicles nice and early (depending if i take terminators or not) use tele homer


the meat of my force ( depending how i feel) will lumber up the field.. troops in rhinos with a vindicator protected by preds/dreads or footbound angry infantry... prob Devs with ML's


i'm also considering having a fast element consisting of the LSS + scouts and a 3 speeder squad... comments/ advice?

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Just be warned that Honour Guard are not a point and click and destroy unit, they have to be used with a little more forethought. I'm sure you will do fine, but I just wanted to warn you <_<


Infact all Space Marines players should be aware of the benefits (and risks) of putting wounds on their characters to protect the units that are with. When I have a unit of 3 Honour Guard left plus Master I will often put that odd bolter round on the Master just because I know if I suffer bad luck I still have 4 models on the table.


Hope I have converted another person to the Honour Guard flock! :D

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well how do you bring them on the board? just heap them in a ground based DC or just walk them


I use a Landraider normally, though as they are power armoured you can use a Rhino or Razorback with a little practice. After all, if a transport is destroyed you can always move 6" and charge 6" next turn anyway (after a 2" disembark).

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see that fit with my normal list then... so you run 5 and ChChamp gets a relic and a standard... plus a generic chapter master with relic and storm shield.. we play 1500 points normally


so thats what... around 700 with a normal run-of-the-mill LR.. (i like the LRR+ multi melta for dealing with him..it at least dents him if he doesnt get me with an attack bike)? i'm "from the hip"-ing it here as i'm "studying" for a psyche exam lol so if i run that... what would a nice build be with the rest..


the more a read about speeders the more i like as my friends BA army isn't ranged except for a razorback and 2 baal preds.. so scooting circles faster than anything sounds nice...

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i was thinking of running 3 MM speeders... maybe with an alternate weapon... essentially i want them cheap and fast... like and worth while prostitute.. but anyhow i'm not worried about their survival so long as the preds are dead.. thats where i'm lost mostly
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645pts actually and that isn't more expensive than usual really.


Figure this; you have to spend a good 150pts on a HQ anyway, so the extra 20pts for a one off S10 AP1 Ordnance barrage is more than worth it! Most Space Marines units cost over 200 odd points, so the Honour Guard is not extortinate. Lastly the Landraider is a power house and many people love use them without a feeling of them being easy meat.



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1500 point game... he held everything in reserve...so that kiled the LSS tactic...


we ended up tying but he had at least 600 points on my by games end


we played a quick 1200 point game where i hunkered down and let the dev squad tear up everything... EVERYTHING...


i'll give more after some sleep... comments welcome

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1500 point game... he held everything in reserve...so that kiled the LSS tactic...


we ended up tying but he had at least 600 points on my by games end


we played a quick 1200 point game where i hunkered down and let the dev squad tear up everything... EVERYTHING...


i'll give more after some sleep... comments welcome


Did you use Honour Guard? How did they fare?

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i didn't run HG in that list... but i ran sternguard for the first time. they put a hurting on one of his VAS and knocked out a few DC.. they also tacked a wound or two on Dante.. proven to me to be a quality unit


i ran a terminator squad... only because i wanted to try something with the scouts in the LSS.. when he reserved everything (which literally made me rage before the game even started) i got flustered and didnt know what to do with the LSS.. so during the scout turn and my turn one i poofed it in the right corner on his side and let off my scouts asap and used their tele homer to get my 5 man terms behind him.. they knocked out an entire VAS before the game ended as a draw..


my Vind popped by turn 3 :) everything that could sht at his attack bike but missed... it was dumb

-How should i counter something major like that?


my tac squads... they seemed really squishy against his list.. seeing as how everything had jump packs cept for 2 rhino'd 5 man NAS's.. so largely i wasted them... i just sat them in the back and had the two ML's (one from each 10 man) take shots at his vehicles..(i totally need help figuring things to do with tacs.. i dont think i've ever used them optimally..


Devs (4ML) didnt kill any preds due to bad pen rolls... but they kept them far enough away which was nice


the 1200 point game was almost dumb...i made a firing line... and moved one tac squad to contest the obj 2nd to last turn...i lost no full unit.. killed 4 of his 6, a pred turn 1 and knoced out te TL AC one his other one.. by the end of 4 he had dante.. corbolo.. and a rhino with a 5 man NAS.. it was.. scary how stomped he was


this game had a number of firsts for both of us... but it gave me 2 main questions


tank shock... Whats the point really...


tele homers.. what are the rules if the scouts die by chance

-does it drop?

-or just go away

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the next day i played another ultra to show him the new codex (he hasnt played since 04 or earlier) he ran 3 5 man squads of termies, 1 melee, 2 5 mans (squaded up)


lost the melees in the rift due to bad rolls.. i ran calgar... 2 tacs and 3 5 man bannered HG and a vind..


2 HG in rhinos ran with vind staight up the field... all he had were normal tac squads


calgar curb stomped his CH.Master and tied himself up with one of the terms



and the last term squad managed to assault one of my tacs.. but i combat tacs out of there to return with a ML shot from them and rapid fire+ml+flamer from my other


by this time my reserve HG assaulted the termies and though it lasted a 2 turns they came out on top with 3 HG left killing all 5 terms


tho i will say he didnt do a thing with his tac squads for crap... he let them get rolled...

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