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Blood Angels 4th Company


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok I've been busy painting & playing over the last few weeks, so here's an update o

n where I am,


First, here's a rhino for squad Kastor






Some Heavy Support in the shape of a Vindicator




A group shot of my Company's armour so far




New base for company commander



And here's my latest project, Space Hulk Terminators







As always C&C is most welcome


In terms of gaming, I've managed 3 games in the last week. These were my first taste of 40k & as a result I lost all three.

On the brightside, I've managed to get some valuble exprience under my belt.


1st game was 1000k against Ork biker force & as close run thing only losing by one point. Death Company went on a slaughter fest desroyig 3 ork units before dying to a man in true BA style.


Second game was 1500k against Space Wolves Another close one but his terminators were the difference.


The final games was 1500k against a veteran Blood Angels player who basically unleshed a can of hurt on my from turn 1. got an insight on how to use a BA force to more effectively & I'm lookng forward to a couple more games at my gaming club tomorrow.


Wsh me luck!

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very interesting update :lol:


could you perhaps enlighten me to how you accomplished the "shining" effect on the blood drops on your vehicles? it looks very nice ;) also: how did you accomplish to paint the blood angels symbol so perfectly? did you paint over the transfer? or did you just practice it a lot?


also@ the rhino interior -> ;)

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could you perhaps enlighten me to how you accomplished the "shining" effect on the blood drops on your vehicles? it looks very nice ;) also: how did you accomplish to paint the blood angels symbol so perfectly? did you paint over the transfer? or did you just practice it a lot?


Hi Demoulius,


Thanks for your comments glad you like.


The blood drops on my vehicles are done via the same method shown in the Space Hulk heavy WD a few months back.


Some of the BA symbols are transfers, which i've applied then painted over. Others ae just painted, I've practiced by using the dot to dot method. Instead of just painting the symbol straight on to the armour I paint dots indicating the main points of its outline, then join the dots & then fill in the centre. It took me a few attempts to get it right, but can now paint the symbol as & when its needed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so here's my latest update, hope you like.


DC Dreadnought



DC Rhino



DC Tycho



DC foot sloggers



DC Jump packs



Vanguard Vets



Lynch Pins of my army Sang Priests



Let me know what you think?

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the DC elements + sanguinary priests look awesome!


rule wise: what is the function of a bolter equipped DC unit? I thought they were monsters in close combat


I wanted to mix it up a bit, the Jump Pack DC were my main choice.


I gave the second squad bolters for a change. In my 2 battles last night, i didnt miss the one extra dice attack in CC.


In the first game they disembarked from a moving Rhino & so couldn't assault on that turn, they rapid fired thei bolters instead & cut apart the closest enemy unit so much so that my DC won the combat in my opposition's following turn when he charged them.


In the Second game, the unit marched 6 inches, Rapid fired & because of relentless charged home. The rapid firing accounted for as many kills as their 3 CC attacks. so intesad of 4 CC attacks on the charge, they had 2 range attacks & 3 CC attacks each. making them a more viable option


Originally I was planing to only use them in an Astorath unlimited DC list, but following yesterdays exploits I think they are easily on par with the more expensive JP DC troops

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liking the DC themed army :wub: only gripe that i have with it is TT wise, you cant control it and cant capture anything :down:


I know, here's hoping they can just clear the table so the enemy cant take the objectives, due to being dead

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  • 2 months later...



I've finished The Sanguinor, 5 Sanguine Guard & a Lemertes figure since the last update. I just need to sort my camera out & get some pic taken & posted.


On the work Bench is 4 extra Assault marines to make a squad of 10, a Sanguine priest with JP. This guy is heavily converted & im very happy with him (just need to paint him up, but not sure if to do him all white or not?), my Baal pred & a 10 man devi squad.


I'm steady away, but have recently joined the gym & im still a little over addicted to that.


Pics to follow soon I promise

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I've finished The Sanguinor, 5 Sanguine Guard & a Lemertes figure since the last update. I just need to sort my camera out & get some pic taken & posted.


On the work Bench is 4 extra Assault marines to make a squad of 10, a Sanguine priest with JP. This guy is heavily converted & im very happy with him (just need to paint him up, but not sure if to do him all white or not?), my Baal pred & a 10 man devi squad.


I'm steady away, but have recently joined the gym & im still a little over addicted to that.


Pics to follow soon I promise

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