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Blood Angels 4th Company


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Hi All,


Thanks again for your kind comments.


@ Saddist - The dirt on the Vindicator was done using a powdery substance from my local model shop, it's like powder in a paint pot, you simply add water to a small amount of it & it turns like mud. You then apply this to the area of your model & when it drys it comes out like in the pictures.


I'll have to find the name of the substance & post it on here. I know the colour was russian earth. I also used smoke black, deep rust & brick dust on various parts of my army as well, all the same make.


@Glidder0880 - The yellow was applied as follows (from memory)


Iyanden Darksun (foundation) > Golden Yellow > Ogryn Flesh (wash) > Golden Yellow > Golden yellow/Bleach bone 3/1 > GY/BB mix + white 3/1 > Serpia (wash) then 1/1 mix of GY/BB & white.


The may be skull white on the very edges.


I've just painted 4 more Assault guys to bring my existing squad up to 10 so the memory is pretty fresh.


I'll be posting new pics soon, promise

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Ok as promised here aresome recent pics. enjoy.


10 man assault squad









Sanguine Guard



New Sgts Power fist spec



C&C is most wlcome

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Like the gritty style and the sublte conversions. Do I spy oop devastator legs on the pf sergeant on the left?


My fave has to be the assault squad sergeant though. What bits did you use for him?


Good spot Midnight Runner, those are OOP devistator legs. I collected a lot of blister pacs over the years growing up. Painting very little as my interest went from one area to another, 40k, WFB, historical etc.


So when I finaly came to building an army I had a lot of bits hanging around. You'll see a couple of oop bits throughout the force, I've got a couple of old Terminator Inquistors that I'm going to convert into 1st Company Librairians etc.


The Assault Sgt, is from the Space Marine Veterans MKII box. If you find the picture of these on GW website, I used the body on the far left wih the arm from the guy on his right.


Thanks again for everyones kind comments, this is my bread & butter & helps keep me focused.

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  • 1 month later...



Going to add a couple of flamer options for the RAS in a bit.


I've just finished a Seth conversion to represent the company commander. (he'll be Seth in all but name & chapter). Also finished a RAS to ride with him & a Razorback turret swap out for one of the rhinos.


This suqad has been awesome in its first 3 games (all of which were wins).


1st game Vs Guard they destroyed - Commissar Lord & 4 Ogrins, squad of 10 Guard & platoon command, then ran to contest a final objective meaning a 1-0 victory rather than a 1-1 draw.


2nd game Vs Eldar, destroyed a troop of 8 eldar Harlequins, 10 guardians & held up 2 wriath lords in combat for 2 rounds.


3rd game Vs vanilla marines, destoryed Van Vet squad, then sat on an objective for 3 turns, winning the game.


Pic to follow shortly, I promise.

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  • 1 year later...
That is a shame that you are forced to sell such a beautiful army


Hi Zendrenael,


Thanks for the sympathy, not something I wanted to do, but needs must. Besides I know someone else will be able to use & get enjoyment out of them now.


I'm turning my head to other projects & this sale will hopefully generate enough cash to clear some debts & invest in something new.


Honestly gutted, but keeping my head up.

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