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Blood Angel fleets


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hello brothers,


im currently waiting (rather impatiently i might add) for my battle fleet gothic ships to arrive from mailorder. i was wondering, does anyone else here own a fleet of our beloved chapter?


pictures would be appreciated ;)


*edit* omg typed bloo instead of blood :|

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Yup, had em for a long time now. I'll try to get some pics. They're actually packed away in some deep dark corner of the universe far outside the light of the astranomicon atm, but yeah I got a battle barge and a couple of the smaller ones(can't remember the names off the top of my head) a long time ago when me and a buddy were doing fleet battles prior to actuall tabletop games of 40k :D.
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Yes, I would be interested in seeing some pics of Blood Angel fleets as well, please. I have multiple, large BFG fleets for other forces, but have always been at a loss as how to paint my Space Marine ships to represent the Blood Angels. Do I paint them red, or paint them white with red details...? From the example SM fleets of other chapters that I've seen it looks like one could go either way. I can't make up my mind, and would love to see what other Blood Angel fleets look like...
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I too have been considering getting a marine fleet and painting them lovely lovely red.... what composition have you gone with? have you purchased the forgeworld thunderhawks to use?


I'm also considering getting a couple of thunderhawks for aeronautica, anyone here done that?


show us some pics when you get em!

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  • 1 year later...

its been a while since ive got (and played with) my fleet but ive so far failed to post any pictures of it. so eh.... here they are :)


my entire fleet

the lightning seems bad but i had a lamp right over the models so i dont know how i can improve it (other then get a camera with flash option :jaw:) i have 1 battlebarge, 4 Strik Cruisers (one still in box) 1 is painted 3 are base coated. i have 1 squadron of 4 gladius frigates, 1 squadron of 3 novas and 1 squadron of 4 hunter destroyers. also have an allied IN lunar cruiser :geek:


(attempted) close up of the gladius frigates

the painted strike cruiser and the nova frigates (2 out of 3)

my hunters

and in beatifull green, my IN Lunar ^_^

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Do I paint them red, or paint them white with red details...? From the example SM fleets of other chapters that I've seen it looks like one could go either way.


I've always attributed the Ultramarines white ships to the fact their chapters secondary colour is white, that would mean black with red details if the BA followed suit. Actually I rather like the scheme from Space Hulk 3rd edition:


which come to think of it could actually be well lit black (I'd always figured it was grey or gunmetal before)

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I never Played gothic, missed it all together but I liked manowar so no doubt I'll like gothic too. Is it not discontinued though, can you still getthe models from GW online?
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Is it not discontinued though, can you still getthe models from GW online?


No it's not discontinued, merely enjoying life in the undead state known as Specialist Games - and is listed under that heading on the webstore.

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its not discontinued at all and pretty activly played if im not mistaken ^_^ tourneys like Adepticon also feature this game (or so ive heard...)


its a mad fun game (i call it my new crack... i cant stand a few days without getting the chills and desiring a new game..... its 10 times worse the 40k!)


its pretty easy to get into and compared to fantasy and 40k quite inexpensive to start as well (relativly speaking) ive got a blog of sorts posted in my signature where you can see my gaming groups stumbling bad efforts at playing the game (im the only one that reads the rulebook and miss some parts of rules or dont understand them properly... causes for quite some...interesting battlefield effects ;) )

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