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Scout weaponry question


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I have finally gotten to the scouts in the battle force and I am looking for reccomendations on how to arm them. I currently have 2 AOBR sets of marines, 1 rhino, and the rest of the battle force, note I converted the combat squad into sternguard. Does anyone have any reccomendations for how to outfit the scouts? Thank you.
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depends on what you want to do with them. if they will be sitting on an objective id suggest normal bolters. if you intend to harry flanks id get another box (if you want) slap a powerfist on a sarg and use them as as a cheap assault unit :)


if your feeling like taking a gamble equip them with snipers (think you got the wrong box for it though...) and try to force pinning tests on certain key units :D


i wouldnt bother with shotguns tbh, you may score some hits before a charge but after the initial charge youl only have 1 attack per model which isent the point of a close combat scout squad...

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Yep, depends on where you want them.


Sniper scouts camp objectives pretty well, they have that 36" range and sometimes you can force pinning saves to slow down charging assault squads or whatever. A sniper squad with a missile launcher is good support, and the Heavy Bolter is pretty good with its hellfire rounds to wound infantry. Add camo cloaks and they have a 3+ in some ruins, add a Thunderfire Cannon in there with them and they can get 2+ saves, which makes them nigh impossible to kill with dakka.


I've found bolter scouts to be good in a Land Speeder Storm, because everyone on board can rapid fire 12". One time on turn 5 I had my LSS charge over and contest an objective. It's harder than you think to take down even a light vehicle and 5 infantry in one turn. And they all could fire, weakening the objective holders even more.


Some people use shotgun scouts because you can fire twice at 12" and still assault. Personally, I don't think scouts should be in assault in most circumstances, so I haven't tried the shotguns yet.


And I always give my sarge a combi-melta, and meltabombs and/or a PF. Sometimes he doesn't make back those points, but sometimes he takes out a Dreadnought.

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Scouts, what cool models.

My CF force has 3 scout squads (they are in the process of rebuilding after all).

Scouts 1: 2 snipers, 2 bolters 1 shotgun 1hvy bltr, camo cloaks (plus Telion's cousin :D )

Scouts 2 & 3: btl pstl and combat blades all round (sergeants get combies)


have to agree with glayvin34,

Yep, depends on where you want them.
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scouts are great I am working on doing a 10th Co. of Crimson Fists.


I have to agree with what everyone has said about arming them (shotguns are ok but great for hitting light armoured units) with what you have I would go for CCW and a power weapon on the sgt and infiltrate them

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