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Back bone for a new army.


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I figure a quarter of the thought of building an army is figuring what the heck to do with the HQ. I'm thinking a good HQ and role for him in games 1500pts. and under is a vanilla Librarian leading a full bike squad.


I relize a capt. is better melee and makes that squad troops, but we're talking about tacking on 45-60 more points of gear (RB,Artificer armor, SS) to make him a one man melee show. I.E. forcing a unit into melee, which isn't its primary function.


What you would get from this squad would be respectable at shooting/melee, highly mobile hood bubble, and absolutly deadly with 2x melta guns/MM/Vortex against armor. Possibly using 2xPlasma guns, some sort of plasma sergeant, MM attack bike, and Vortex would be devesating to MEQ/TEQ/MC's or AV 12. Granted it makes the squad expensive and a fire magnet.


I'm the type that avoids LR's until 2000pts or some wierd total close to it. That said, I try to cram alot of 120pt and under vehicles Dread/Land speaders/Vindi to make up for not having a uber killy unit of termies or sternguard.



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I think even if you didnt go with that bike squad you were talking about your HQ would still be a fire magnet. I think that makking other very annoying and cheesy things would attract more attention. If you do use that bike squad then i would try and create more fire magnets so the enemy cant decide which to start killing. Also it doesnt sound like you have many weapons that are made to destroy hordes of enemys so think about that. Im not the best at giving advice but I try my best. ^_^
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I think even if you didnt go with that bike squad you were talking about your HQ would still be a fire magnet. I think that makking other very annoying and cheesy things would attract more attention. If you do use that bike squad then i would try and create more fire magnets so the enemy cant decide which to start killing. Also it doesnt sound like you have many weapons that are made to destroy hordes of enemys so think about that. Im not the best at giving advice but I try my best. :)



Tac squads in rinos, typhoons, and vindi(s) would handle hords. The HQ bike squad itself would help alot too.

What about the Thunder Fire Cannon? i played against that ounce and it was hellll ^_^ !!!!!!

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I think even if you didnt go with that bike squad you were talking about your HQ would still be a fire magnet. I think that makking other very annoying and cheesy things would attract more attention. If you do use that bike squad then i would try and create more fire magnets so the enemy cant decide which to start killing. Also it doesnt sound like you have many weapons that are made to destroy hordes of enemys so think about that. Im not the best at giving advice but I try my best. :lol:



Tac squads in rinos, typhoons, and vindi(s) would handle hords. The HQ bike squad itself would help alot too.

What about the Thunder Fire Cannon? i played against that ounce and it was hellll :lol: !!!!!!

Thunderfires also tend to die as soon as you sneeze in their general direction. Sometimes just from thinking about getting sneezed on. You need something sturdier.

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I think even if you didnt go with that bike squad you were talking about your HQ would still be a fire magnet. I think that makking other very annoying and cheesy things would attract more attention. If you do use that bike squad then i would try and create more fire magnets so the enemy cant decide which to start killing. Also it doesnt sound like you have many weapons that are made to destroy hordes of enemys so think about that. Im not the best at giving advice but I try my best. :D



Tac squads in rinos, typhoons, and vindi(s) would handle hords. The HQ bike squad itself would help alot too.

What about the Thunder Fire Cannon? i played against that ounce and it was hellll :cuss !!!!!!

Thunderfires also tend to die as soon as you sneeze in their general direction. Sometimes just from thinking about getting sneezed on. You need something sturdier.

Thats true but you always keep it away and in cover. Even so i think that you have a point there.

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I like the idea of the Linrarian on a bike, but I'm not a huge fan of Vortex of Doom. It's only got a 12" range. Why not try Machine Curse instead? It's got 24" range, and whenit hits, it auto-glances. You can chain-stun a Landraider for the whole game with it.
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I like the idea of the Linrarian on a bike, but I'm not a huge fan of Vortex of Doom. It's only got a 12" range. Why not try Machine Curse instead? It's got 24" range, and whenit hits, it auto-glances. You can chain-stun a Landraider for the whole game with it.


Only chain stun it to a certain degree unless you're REALLY good at rolling consistent 6s. POTMS / Extra Armor will cause those stuns to be marginally annoying. Librarians are support units first, offense second. Never leave home without Null Zone.


In a friendly game I've tried the chain stunning Libby idea.... it's cute for a turn or 2, but then your librarian gets a thunder hammer jammed into an uncomfortable place.

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I like the idea of the Linrarian on a bike, but I'm not a huge fan of Vortex of Doom. It's only got a 12" range. Why not try Machine Curse instead? It's got 24" range, and whenit hits, it auto-glances. You can chain-stun a Landraider for the whole game with it.


Only chain stun it to a certain degree unless you're REALLY good at rolling consistent 6s. POTMS / Extra Armor will cause those stuns to be marginally annoying. Librarians are support units first, offense second. Never leave home without Null Zone.


In a friendly game I've tried the chain stunning Libby idea.... it's cute for a turn or 2, but then your librarian gets a thunder hammer jammed into an uncomfortable place.




Even a chain-shake on something like a Crusader will make back your points in models not killed by the tank's weaponry. Granted, Machine Curse is FAR more useful against non-Marine stuff, like Russ tanks, Fire Prisms, etc.

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Vortex's range matches nicely with bolters, Plasma guns, melta guns, and Multi meltas. That and it being mounting on a relentless bike is a "free" mobile heavy weapon. Null is nice for use agianst veteran players, but those are few in my area. A termicide unit or a daemon prince may be the only things that show up regularly at my venue.


Machine curse however will be useful on the IG mech army that one of the shop guys keeps there.

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