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Nurgle Terminator Champion


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Converted from the White Dwarf freebie terminator.














With the rest of the squad!



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I applaud your sculpting skills and paintwork, but your color selection is all over the place. The book, the eyes, the gauntlet, the heavy flamer, and the spilled organs are all in such different parts of the spectrum that it makes the model appear cluttered and hard to look at. The texture on the armor should probably be a shade or two off from the rest of the armor itself, it almost looks like whatever rot or disease has afflicted the wearer has been painted over.



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Thanks for the reply! Interesting comments, I admit I find the sand texture difficult to paint up effectively, so I tend to carry on the Bleached Bone colour over it and let the texture do the work using with washes. I don't feel the colour combination is much of an issue, my whole army is based on Bleached Bone and Scorched Brown, with green for fungus areas and the odd Scab Red detail. Perhaps it makes this model look a bit cluttered (I don't really see that) but I think the tabletop impression of whole squads in a unified theme is what I was going for.
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Aye great work, love the hooved feet (yet to start that part of my project on my DG, but this gives me yet more inspiration!).


I would agree with the above poster in so much that the colours look a little disjointed / unblended. Some of the greens are very bright in comparison to the other colours and shine out very dominantly, taking the visual impact of the model to the brightly coloured areas. Maybe it's the camera flash, who knows.


My question would be - have you thought about blending in the overall colour theme in with the greens ? Ie, mixing the green with a little Bleached bone and/or scorched brown for a few thin washes or drybrushes to blend in each are with the next ? It may help to blend in the almost lime dominant greens with the rest of the models' colours and tone it down just a little.


The same goes for some of the other very differing coloured elements. Just a few gently thing layers of the colours on the parts next to it to blend each area in to give it a much more blended feel.


However, with all that said, keep up the great work, and I would be very interested to see the rest of your army to see how themed overall it is. It may just be that as a stand alone unit these paint schemes look out of place - but with the rest of the army, they might bring everything together :)

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Lots of helpful comments - I'm not very familiar with blending but I agree that may take some of the starkness out of the contrasts. I've always found the camera flash is my enemy when photographing my Nurgle army, but I've found it's pretty essential to get a clear picture.


Perhaps for example if I blended into the green a bit more on his left shoulder pad, so it didn't simply go Scorched Brown > Catachan/Camo. I juggled with the idea of giving the edges of the armour a thin Camo Green wash, but decided against it only because the rest of the terminator squad hasn't had this treatment. I may try this out when I come to paint a more stand-alone model such as a Daemon Prince.


R-code may also have a point with the choice of Scab Red - I guess I was striving for a colour that wouldn't get lost in the earthy tones of armour and skin. I think ultimately these features work better from a distance, as they're painted for tabletop cohesion more than close-up photos!


Good advice though, keep it coming.


Looking adequately sickening :cuss Reminds me of my brother's Death Guard Terminator Lord (Linky)


That lord rules, love the green stuff work and helmet. Disgustingly cool armour texture too!


Incidentally, I really wanted to give my champ that terminator lord cloak, but didn't have any luck finding it on bitz sites. Toyed with the idea of making my own out of Logan Grimnar's metal wolf pelt, but couldn't really be bothered in the end. My army definitely lacks cloaks so far :(

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Funny you should mention the sand because I totally agree! I felt the sand was too much on the other terminators after painting them up, but I also wanted a model that would fit in with the rest of the squad, so I felt I ought to give the champ the same treatment. I doubt I'll be using it in that way again, or at least not painting it with the uniform bone colour. Ah well...


Regarding the book, check out the Empire Flagellants sprue for loads of medieval accessories like that. Books, scrolls, bells, chains... perfect for Nurgle!

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