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The suicide mission

Knights of Serath

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Hello I am fairly new here so if I am doing this wrong I apologize please correct me. I have made it my mission to become one of the shining example members of this site. I know my previous posts aren’t great examples of this but that will change. From this moment forward I am going to strive to become a member of the Librarium team. So here is the bone work for what I intend to make my first of many articles. I have set a personal deadline of March 1st so if you could give me all the good or bad feedback possible I would appreciate it. Please by all the gods worshiped on this earth do not hesitate to poke holes in it. I am like I said new but I will do this. Without further ado here goes.



“Brother captain Draco I am glad to see you have made a full recovery. I am especially glad because I now have a new mission for you and your men. It will be long and dangerous and it will try your resolve. I am sending you to recover the security codes from the governor of Pearl. It will not be an easy task. Are you up to it?”

Chapter Master Brutus to Captain Draco

Like five flaming fingers on a giant hand that was swooping down from the heavens to swat away a small village a cluster of drop pods descended on the

planet. Smoke rose to meet the drop pods as evidence of the previous low orbital bombardment. As the pods approached they activated retro thrusters to

slow their decent. The first three pods hit and dirt and debris formed a torrent around them when they landed. When the dirt cleared the pods opened like a

deadly flower and spat missiles and bolts into the surrounding buildings. The Orks caught in the open by these heavily armed drop pods were instantly cut

down and disappeared in a red mist.

Ten seconds later the last two drop pods opened revealing a tactical squad of ghostly armored marines and an equally ghostly dreadnought. The massive

machine piloted by what was left of a marine stepped out of the drop pod and its multi barreled assault cannon began to spit led into the Orks that

surrounded it. Meanwhile the tactical squad ran up the steps of a large manor and a marine kicked down the door. Brother Sergeant Ajax stormed into the

house and scanned the opening room. He moved to the left and the marines quickly filled the opening room. He had just recently received his rank as

Sergeant and he was determined to prove to captain Draco and his squad brothers that he deserved it. That’s why he had volunteered for this virtual suicide

mission. “Remember we are looking for the Governor alive.” He sounded with a voice as hard as diamonds.

The team split up into two groups of five and began clearing the manor. Ajax took point on the next room and had one of his brothers kick open the door.

When it wouldn’t budge he made a few curt hand gestures and the marine produced a line of explosive with some adhesive. The marine began placing it on

the wall next to the door. “Governor this is Brother Sergeant Ajax we are here to rescue you!” He alerted whoever was occupying the room. There was no

answer so he nodded to the marine. The charges ignited and the wall was blown into the room in a rain of shrapnel. Ajax charged in and surveyed the scene.

From what was left after the concentrated blast he could guess that a piece of furniture had fallen over during the bombardment of the town and had blocked

the door.

Ajax exited the room and repeated the process many times as the ten marines cleared the entire building. When they finished the house smelled of

explosives and the strong smell of flash powder hung on the air from the squads nonlethal grenades. “Sergeant the building is empty I advise we move on to

the capitol building.” Brother Tecton addressed Ajax as he walked down the marble staircase. Ajax had always wondered where he had acquired a chain

sword but he wasn’t complaining he had saved his life with it more than once. The squad filed out of the building and back into the now body strewn lawn of

the manor, the marines weren’t kidding when they said Brother Darius knew how to handle an assault cannon but how could he have guesses how well.

The squad took positions around the ruins of a fountain and began firing into the green skins methodically. “Brother Darius I commend you. Now we are

going to move onwards to the capitol building. Move out marines!” Ajax commanded with fire in his voice. “Let us strike with the power of Sanguinius

himself!” The marines advanced to the road and began their advance. The tem split into two combat squads and one covered the other when it moved and

they advanced covering each other. Brother Darius the ancient dreadnought simply advanced from pile of rubble to pile o rubble. Occasionally they would see

a stray Ork and would dispatch the creature with the quick chirp of Bolter fire.

The sound of the nearby horde of Orks was slowly getting louder and Ajax couldn’t help but try to estimate their numbers. He didn’t like the numbers that

came to mind. The sound of sporadic fire into the air and the shouts of a Warboss could be heard over the sounds of the still active hellfire drop pods that had

opened the assault. It wouldn’t be long until the pods ran out of ammunition and then the squad and Darius would be completely alone until the next wave of

drop pods were ready that would bring down the whole company on the Orks.

Several minutes later the sound of the drop pods fire stopped. Ajax glanced back down the road and sure enough a group of about twenty Orks, not a horde

but enough to cause trouble, were sprinting down the road calling ‘WAAAGH!’ The tactical squad halted and took firing positions. Slowly bolters began to cut

down the lead Orks. Moments later Brother Darius’s assault cannon joined the fray. Slowly the Orks were cut down leaving a long path of crimson road marking where their demise had began and where it had ended. The sound of their assault cannon which was far louder than any bolter had revealed their

true position and now he could tell the Ork horde was advancing from all around them.

“We are short of time brothers’ double time!” He called and the force including the dreadnought broke into a run in two columns on either side of the road

with Darius up the middle. It took just a minute of running for them to reach the capitol building but the site did not look promising. The Ork Warboss had

made the building his personal castle in the ruins of the city. Ajax counted upwards of a hundred Orks just in the courtyard. He signaled to stop and the squad took firing positions. Darius buckled down and braced to fire.

“Evisceration this is Sergeant Ajax we are in position in front of the capitol building but it is overrun by Orks. What are our new orders?” Ajax asked the Iron

fading from his voice. The marines moved quietly into the ruins of a building across from the capitol building and three marines took positions on the second story of the ruins. Darius stepped behind the ruin and faced the way they came to act as the rearguard.

“This is the Evisceration to Sergeant Ajax. Brother this is Captain Draco we are on our way get your beacon as close to the building is possible and the

warriors of Sanguinius will rain down upon them.” Draco’s voice sounded calm and confident restoring Ajax’s resolve. Ajax looked at the building, a large

rectangular three story structure surrounded by a wall twice the height of a marine. The wall had gaps but few were big enough to fit the whole squad through

at once. Ajax smiled as an idea came to him.

“Tecton sneak up to the wall over there and get ready to throw smoke grenades.” Tecton nodded and beneath his fearsome ghost like helmet Ajax could

guess he was smiling. “Darius and the rest of you get ready to move to the wall just there.” He pointed to a piece of wall just by the gate. “We will break

through and take the Orks by surprise. Now by the blood of Sanguinius let it be done.” The squad moved as one well oiled machine each marine a cog in its

workings. As soon as Tecton was in position Ajax signaled him to throw the grenades. The orbs flew over the wall and smoke erupted on the far side of the

courtyard drawing all the Orks attention. Tecton sprinted away from the site towards the rendezvous point as the squad did the same. In a last minute

thought Ajax signaled Darius to hold at the ruin.

The squad reached the section of wall and stayed low the sound of Orks gathering around the smoke could be heard as the confused voices reached their

ears. “Brother Darius fire on the biggest cluster of Orks when we breach the wall.” There was a blink of light in his HUD showing that Darius had received the

order. Moments later He was handed a detonator and given a thumbs up sign, the breach charges were in place. Ajax took a deep breath and blew the

charges. Simultaneously the whir of the assault cannon sounded and soon after the sound of dying Orks.

The squad charged into the courtyard and took cover behind a series of raised flowed beds relying on the dirt to save them from the inaccurate Ork shooting.

The sound of Bolters joined the assault cannon and Orks began to fall in droves. The tracers of the assault cannon marked the line of Ork bodies as Darius

swiveled back and forth killing dozens of Orks who had clustered around the smoke like targets in a shooting gallery. The marines felled the vast majority of

them before they had fully realized what was happening. The ones that lived to begin to fight back were quickly dispatched.

Ajax grabbed his homing device and lobbed it into the center of the yard. “Evisceration the beacon is in place begin your assault.” Ajax paused and resumed

killing Orks with his holy Bolter. He slid a new clip into the feed as the last one slid out and fell to the ground there was only a second’s gap in-between the

two clips. Mere moment’s later one of the marines pointed to the sky. Ajax raised his eyes to the heavens to see not only a cluster of drop pods inbound to

the capitol building but several clusters heading to recapture the capitol. They fell like flaming snowflakes and just before impact they fired their retro

thrusters kicking up dust and debris everywhere.

The drop pods fell all around the squad and each one opened like the pedals of a flower revealing a squad of marines. Ajax smiled revealing his fangs. “The

day is ours brothers! By the blood of Sanguinius it is ours!”

Well thats it. Once again I would apreciate any feedback what so ever.

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