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Espada Azul's LPC: A 5-man Assault Squad

Espada Azul

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This squad was actually primed a loooooong time ago, when I started repainting my army. Unfortunately, work and later my Postgraduate degree got in the way. Well no longer! Let's get these guys finished eh?


Don't blame me for the kooky poses; aside from the Sergeant, all of my Assault Marines were bought second-hand off Ebay. My contributions post-stripping and re-priming have been grenades, and hanging scrolls. A relatively quiet start yes?

While the models look like a dark blue, they're actually a vibrant (and VERY shiny) blue. I used the Tamiya TS-15 Spraypaint for it, but hopefully that brightness will be toned down when I dip them.

  • 3 weeks later...

UPDATE 03/02/2010:

Finished basecoating, and gave the models a dip in wood stain to even out the colors. Next up is touch-up, detailing, and highlighting before hitting it with Matte Seal. So far so good.



Since I don't have a detail brush, coloring the helmet lenses was pretty much hit and miss, which was annoying. Oh well.

The gloss will vanish once I hit it with Matte Varnish (used Tamiya before, now switched over to the more economical and larger Mr. Hobby Mr. Super Clear), which is always the last step in my models.


As for a close up of the Sarge, hmm. I do think I still have a large pic of the group in my camera, but don't expect much, as I mentioned the fact that I have no detail/micro-point brush for stuff like the eyeballs.

  • 3 weeks later...

UPDATE 03/24/2010: Highlights and detailing finished. As usual, since I didn't have any micro-point/detail brushes, I just did one pass of highlighting to avoid any messy mistakes.



All that's left now really is for me to name the Sergeant, then hit the squad with a coat of Matte seal.


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