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Hi All!

I'm going in mid of April to tourney and I want to use following Dark Angels list with 1850 pts.

I hope you can review my list and strategy for improvement. C&C is welcome!



Company Master

- Power weapon

- Combi-plasma gun

- - - > 125 pts


Command Squad (5 Veterans)

- 2 x Plasma pistol

- 2 x Plasma gun

- Upgrade zum Apothecary

+ - Razorback, TLHB

- Hunter-killer missile

- - - > 250 pts



Tac. Squad 1

- 9 Space Marines

- Meltagun

- Heavy bolter

- 1 Space Marine Sergeant

- Plasma pistol

+ - Razorback, TLHB

- Hunter-killer missile

- - - > 265 pts


Tac. Squad 2

- 9 Space Marines

- Plasma gun

- Plasma cannon

- 1 Space Marine Sergeant

+ - Rhino

- Storm bolter

- - - > 235 pts


Tac. Squad 3

- 9 Space Marines

- Plasma gun

- Plasma cannon

- 1 Space Marine Sergeant

- Power weapon

+ - Rhino

- Storm bolter

- - - > 250 pts


Tac. Squad 4

- 4 Space Marines

- Flamer

- 1 Space Marine Sergeant

- Power weapon

+ - Razorback

- twin-linked lascannon

- - - > 190 pts

Tac. Squad 5

- 4 Space Marines

- Flamer

- 1 Space Marine Sergeant

- Power weapon

+ - Razorback

- twin-linked lascannon

- - - > 190 pts



Tri-Las Pred

- twin-linked lascannon

- side sponsons: Lascannons

- - - > 165 pts



- Autocannon

- side sponsons: Heavy bolters

- - - > 95 pts



- - - > 85 pts




On the tournament the top five armies which were present are:

1. C: IG

2. C: SW

3. C: Eldar

4. C: SM

5. C: Tyraniden

My strategy will be as mentioned below and should give an idea what I have planed to do. The detailed strategy will be adapted if I know which kind of mission and which kind of enemy I will face. But the core should be always the same.


1. Deployment:

Tact. Squads 1, 2 and 3 will combat squad. The heavy weapon carried squad will deploy on the home objective and near by in cover. The Sarge and the special weapon squads are embarked in there Transporters.

The Bolterbacks were deployed in front of the objective and the two Laserback on the each side.

The Rhinos will be placed between the Razorbacks. I think the gap between the Rhinos and Razorback will be about 6 inches.

The two preds will be placed on the flanks and a bit behind of the transporters.

I will place my army not more than 12 inches away from the table edge. Important is that I deploy my units with a good LOS.

I think I will place the Whirlwind to the other end of the board behind a cover and in reach of one of the opponent’s objective.


2. Game time

2.1 First Turn:

In my first turn following things should be happen:

The Bolterbacks will shoot with the hunter-killer missile at AV/MC which is out of the Lascannon range (like Manticore or Basilisk).

Tri-Las Pred will shoot against fast heavier armoured troop carriers like LR or Vendettas.

The two Laserback will engage another target which will be the same category as for the Tri-Las Pred.

If any APC popped the rest shoots were going against them.


2.2 Turn 2-3/4:

I will move 6 inches with my APC’s forward and will to same shooting procedure as in turn in again. OR I will defend my objective(s) with my Preds and 3 heavy weapon squads against any outflanker/DS or similar think.

If on the opponent's objective were occupied by infantry than the WW will start shoot against them.


2.3 Turn 4/5 and ongiong:

Now I’m about 24/30 inches inside the board and at this moment I will move 12 inches against the opponent’s objectives.

In turn 4/5 I will split my force (hopefully I have one :) ) in two groups.

Group one consists of:

- One Combat squad with flamer and Laserback

- One Combat squad with PG and Rhino

- One Comabt squad with MG and Bolterback

Gropu two consists of:

- One Combat squad with flamer and Laserback

- One Combat squad with PG and Rhino

- Command squad with attached Master and Bolterback

The reason for the splitting my force is to give the enemies objective defender the rest and to claim them for me.



This will be basically good work for objective games. In annihilation games I think I will deploy in the same way but more closer and the Tat squads will deploy as full 10 men squads.


Thanks in advance.



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