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Lightning Claws or Thunder Hammers?


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I'm tempted to buy a Land Raider Crusader and stick a squad of Assault Terminators in it with a Terminator Chaplain - but should I go with Lightning Claws or Thunder Hammers?


I'm playing against Orks, Tyranids and Space Wolves. On one hand, I like hitting first against the Orks, but it's hard to argue with a 3+ invulnerable save from a Storm Shield.


Any thoughts?

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Well, the TH/SS Terminators are currently one of the toughest units in the Vanilla Codex, so they're definitely worth a try. You could also go for a mix of LC and TH/SS, like one or two with LC and the rest with TH/SS. That way you can both strike at initiative level, potentially eliminating a couple of the attackers, while the rest with the TH/SS takes care of the big stuff.
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As this does not appear to be a Blood Angels related question (we don't get 3+ invul save shields, though hopefully will soon), I'm going to send this to Tactica Astartes.
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I guess to summarize my previous post I would say take 1 more LC than TH/SS that is my default distribution. Now if you know that you will be dealing with a metric :P -ton of low AP weaponry then by all means reverse that ratio, but I would always keep at least 2LC for survivability once you hit combat.
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Yeah but a lot can be said for striking at iniative with 4 power weapon attacks on the charge that let you re-roll wounds. It's no str 8 but hell it can give you a pretty good punch when you're not up against say a walker or bad-ass MC (which I know is really what hammernators go a-huntin)
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Let's not forget Khan to add FC! This is something of a Death Star tactic, but gives you a very nasty, highly mobile unit with great first strike capability. A unit of 5 LC Termies with Khan will generate 20 S5 I5 attacks, excluding Khan's captain-level attacks. Quite deadly overall!
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Let's not forget Khan to add FC! This is something of a Death Star tactic, but gives you a very nasty, highly mobile unit with great first strike capability. A unit of 5 LC Termies with Khan will generate 20 S5 I5 attacks, excluding Khan's captain-level attacks. Quite deadly overall!


i love this and use the same, however i put in two TH.. at S9 on the charge they can even be used against monoliths and raiders (6 attacks too)..


With a chappy to help with re-rolls, the claws benefit more, they have more attacks and also re-roll failed wounds

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