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Silent Tiger


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Long time ago, I found the Tiger of Veda Web site and I felt in love with the painting scheme of Kenton Kilgore's space marine even if I'm a Warhammer Battle player.

So when the AOBR painting contest in 2008 was launched, I had to participate.


The base was too simple (not enought time to do something more elaborate), no mark on the shoulder badge, but it was my first tiger and I was very pleased.

But at this time, the Silent Tiger army is more a shadow army. Only the other AOBR terminator were painted and are still waiting for a proper space hulk base.

So in this newly chinese year of the Tiger, I take a resolution : the Tiger army will live

This is the 3rd company sample test model :


I still have to write a background, what geneseed stock to choose and what style of battle (hand to hand, speed or heavy vehicule), but I have time to take a decision and during this time I can paint a squad or two.

With this post, I hope I can reach my objective and have a painted playable army at the end of the year.

Thank for looking (and to have read my poor English)

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I agree I think you did a great job with the stripes and the overall paint scheme looks great. My only biff is the shoulder mark. Instead of a paw print maybe a tiger head or a full tiger like these.




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Thank Boot Leather


The tiger paw is an idea of my daughter (12 year old). We like cats (I have one in front of me looking after me when I paint miniatures) and the French expression "patte de velours" (to draw in its claws in english I think) goes with the idea of a silent tiger hidden in the nature ready to spring up on his unmistrust prey .


Instead of a paw print maybe a tiger head .



But I like your tiger's head.

I'm new to 40K : Is it possible to have squads with different mark on the left shouder, or to mix mark in a squad for example the sergent mark different from the troup's mark or everyone must have the same ?

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I think it looks awsome. Can't wait to see more. What colour did you use for the armour?


As to your question, it's your chapter you can put whatever you like on the shoulder pads. The difference in logos could be to represent diffrent clans (like the space wolves have different great companies).

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Can't wait to see more. What colour did you use for the armour?

I use Prince August paint. It is know also as Model Color or Vallejo. The color is Yellow Ochre (n° 913) or GoldBrown (n° 877) (depends for termie or space marine)

Vallejo Color Chart


Thank Muzza for your answer about the shoulder pad.


I have two squads in work :

one orange average squad and a white squad for veteran white tiger. I think there will be almost finished for the paint at the end of next week. I will post some pictures, maybe some WIP if I have time.

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Unfortunately I am not at home this weekend, so work will not be done quickly.

Veteran white Tiger squad is in bits, waiting for their arms and heads.

A WIP picture


picture before stripes, and after stripes

Now only black and white

In the future :

Eagle on the chest will be in silver or gold

Back pack need some color for the lights and the wires inside, even if the head will hide them.

Purity seal will be red.

Painting white is very difficult. I feel sorry for white scars painters.

It takes long time to have a fine white and to darken the folds without dirty the white.

But the result seems correct for a lone squad.

Have a nice week end

To be continued next week.

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  • 2 months later...

Painting is advancing less quickly than envisaged, but the first squad is nearly finished.

Shoulder pads marking are missing, but I think I do them for all the squads in the same time at the end.

I need to draw some black arrows. GW transfers are all WHITE, on white shouder pads it is useless.

I will also add some pouches, grenades, blades to the belt.

Veteran Squad


Special weapons and sergeant reloading his weapon


(Need to name each of them when I do the bases)

I hope second squad (in orange) will take less time.

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Haha nice! I remember stumbeling across this paint scheme a few years back, nice to see someone adopting it.

I like the idea of making the vets white tigers, very good way of making them stand out!

Any idea for Devestators? You could always go with black but then they'd have to be panthers instead of tigers... Or mabe on their world there is a tiger-ish breen that is black with white stripes :)


Looking good, and I'm looking forward to more :lol:



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Thundercat Cavalry?


Sorry, just had to...

It is a project on the air.

I have already bought two High Elf White Lion Chariot,



so four lions to convert as ThunderCat Cavalery (proxy as space marine bike).

There is a lot of good links showing the conversion from lion to wolf :

_How to convert thunderwolves, A discussion on possible mods and tourny legal minis

_Thunderwolf Cavalry (Harald Thymodson) complete with picts., My newest creation...

_13th Company Update - Thunderwolf Cavalry Conversion


and convert a lion to a tiger should be easiest.




But it has to wait all the infantry will be finished.

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nice models-which codex are you planning on using? maybe the space wolf one?

I have bought the Standard Space Marine Codex and used it to build my list.

Now Space wolves is graphically interesting, but I think it will made a lot of modifications in the constitution of my army list and it is too late to change.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Second Squad WIP




special weapon


sargent catching a grenade in his back (the arm is not finished some green stuffing needed)


So now two important questions:

  • stripes or not on the helmet like the white squad?
  • I wanted also draw on one rounded knee the squad number in indi font and on the other knee a tige head (green circle) on the above picture , but I have a problem for the armor without rounded knee. Do I draw the number and the tiger head inside the stripes (red circle) or do I draw nothing ?

What do you think ?

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I really like the paint scheme of the tactical marines. The veterans are nice too, but they don't 'pop' as much. Personally, I'd add some stripes to the helmets as well, and keep the squad numbers and chapter iconography on the shoulder pad, if you place them on the knees, the black of the image could blend into the black of the stripes.

I can't wait to see the lion riders!

On a lighter note, I did find a perfect chapter master :(


P.S.: I'm terribly sorry, I'm an awful person, but I just couldn't resist :angry:

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I really like the color scheme.


To your questions:


I vote Yes..to painting the stripes on the helmets.


I also say put the numbers and "clan mark" where ever you want. If you look at some pictures of codex models you will see the squad numbers and squad symbols are in mixed spots.


I do have a question though. If the White Tigers are your veterans then shouldn't your sergeants in the tactical squads be painted white also? Or maybe have a white stripe down the center of their helmet or something to denote their "veteran" status.


Just a thought.

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These guys look very nice. I also vote for stripes on the helmet. I think for the guys without rounded knees if you have already painted stripes around the knee area then don't put any numbers or markings, but for future squads put the markings on before you put the stripes on. Also mabye paint the numbers or markings in white or some other color so they don't get muxed in with the stripes. I would love to see some of your marines riding the High Elf White Lions, they would look really cool.
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This is a great looking start! I myself am doing a lion-themed army (see my army fluff) and plan to have a Lion-rider as a captain, so I can't wait to see your attempt at the lion conversion! I'm using the lion and plan on making a saddle out of greenstuff and Space Wolf bitz, like pelts, for the actual marine. I'm not much of a converter, but perhaps you may be of inspiration!


Keep up the good work!



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