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Parking Lot Syndrome


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Does anyone get stuck in a parking lot of their own making? Using too many transports/tanks, you lose a few here and there and suddenly you can't move through an area or have to go around/through a piece of terrain and risk being stuck?
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I wonder if "too many transports" is possible. =) I have used my transports to form walls before, but I always build said-walls with a way out, just incase they DO all get grounded. Armor 11 isn't going to keep them alive very long, and whatever cover saves it might get - be it from terrain or smoke - eventually each will take enough shots to pop.


Just park your transports with this in mind.


Also, keep in mind that if it's a wreck, it's difficult terrain: just drive over/through it and risk rolling that 1. <3

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In the most recent game I was playing, I didn't get first turn, and the only useful spot to deploy the majority of my forces in was out in the open. As such, I decided to just form a wall with two land raiders and a vindicator in front of the rest of my stuff. I figure that it's a pretty safe bet, as there's no way the enemy can take out one AV 13 and two AV 14 vehicles on the first turn, right? Well, apparently all it takes is a krak missile and two lascannon shots to immobilize all three...blockaded myself in between two cliff faces.


Moral of the story is always build yourself a way out! At least he had a heck of a time (read: impossible) trying to get to my objective through three stationary objects with fully functional weapons, pulled out a tie.

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This is certainly a good technique to stopping a Rhino charge if there is a lot of terrain and natural choke points. Many a game have I imobilised the lead Rhino and really thrown a spanner in my opponents game plan. Though at this point you have to trust in the 5/6 chance of ploughing through that terrain piece.



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It all depends on terrain and situation.


Usually, unless the opponent is gathered in one spot, it's easy to spread out one's forces to avoid getting bogged down by your own immobilized transports. The only times when this can really be a problem is when we're playing on city terrain, where buildings are effectively impassable terrain as far as vehicles are concerned.

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Don't forget (I always do!) that if a Rhino is Immoblized you can attempt to repair that Immobilzed result by rolling a 6 during your Shooting Phase! Also, if you find that you'll have to start plowing through dead Rhinos, I recommend finding 5 points here and there to give those Rhinos dozer blades. =)
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Don't forget (I always do!) that if a Rhino is Immoblized you can attempt to repair that Immobilzed result by rolling a 6 during your Shooting Phase! Also, if you find that you'll have to start plowing through dead Rhinos, I recommend finding 5 points here and there to give those Rhinos dozer blades. =)


As a Chaos player I refuse to use Dozer Blades until they are brought in line with the SM codex. :blink:

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I don't run enough tanks to experience this problem. I have a maximum of three right now in a 1750-2000 game. Two for my tactical squads, and sometimes a Vindicator. The rest of my AV is taken up by Dreads. I have two HUGE bike squads in my force, so I'm usually pretty open on the board.


I do like using the parking lot against my foes, though. A couple of well-landed krak missiles against transports can really stall the advance into my line, allowing my bikers to get into nice positions before the lead starts flying.

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Don't forget (I always do!) that if a Rhino is Immoblized you can attempt to repair that Immobilzed result by rolling a 6 during your Shooting Phase! Also, if you find that you'll have to start plowing through dead Rhinos, I recommend finding 5 points here and there to give those Rhinos dozer blades. =)


As a Chaos player I refuse to use Dozer Blades until they are brought in line with the SM codex. :)

I'd kill for a dozer blade on my LR, even if it was a gimped chaos version. :)

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You guys....don't get dozer blades? @_@ But...your kits have the bits in them!

Weeeeeiiird. But then again, you do get Demon Princes. Perhaps it evens out? :)


We get weenie DB that only work if you move 6", since when are you only moving a transport 6"?


I'd kill for a useful Land Raider, even if it lacked a Dozer Blade :)

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I don't remember if it was here but someone did mention that keeping a Rhino squad in reserve isn't a bad idea. Helps clear the board some and keeps a scoring unit safe.


I do this for some games, for sure; I have heard it as well, and it works okay. Reduces fire power at the start but saves me a scoring unit for late game.

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