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Heavily armored Razorback


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Fluff: This version of the common razorback was developed for a long-term campaign on *insert world-name here* as a means of serving as a highly mobile, yet heavily armored support unit. It became necessary for the Deathwing fighting the campaign to develop something that could function alone for an extended period of time and work as a separate unit apart from the main force. The battalion of Space Marines had no Land Raiders available and therefore the Baladus Heavy Razorback was brought forth. It carries no troops, but the space freed by this gives it room for a significantly increased capacity for ammunition feeding the two twin-linked heavy bolters and also an increased amount of fuel. It's armor has been heavily reinforced so that it almost matches that of a Land Raider. The extra weight this meant was compensated by increasing the output of the engine, actually making it faster than an ordinary Rhino. It also carries basically everything needed for any kind of repairs that might become necessary and highly enhanced communication systems, making it an effective scout. It's crew consists of a driver and a gunner, both whom have received training in vehicle maintenance and repairs. They are assisted by a strong-willed machine-spirit that can withstand the effort of being separated from any real tech-priests for a significant amount of time. This gives the Baladus a high usability for lone-wolf style missions, precision strikes behind enemy lines and extended periods of fighting cut off from any support.

Info: I know that it's not game-legal and fluff-wise the Deathwing doesn't carry Rhinos/Razorbacks but I made it for fun. Tried some more significant weathering compared to my earlier minis and I'm quite pleased with it. Posted some pics in the WIP section and if anyone remembers it, it did have some small dozers which I decided to ditch since they were quite askew... :P

On to some pictures!

Left side view:


Top view:


Right side view:


Front view (close-up):



Always trying to improve on my painting so any and all feedback is appreciated!

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Nice job!

Only suggestion I can make is to add mud to the tracks, the armour plates seem to be dirty with road-wear, but the tracks look clean! -_-


Yeah, those White Terminators don't actually have any rhino-chassis, but I'm sure they can 'borrow' Baladus now and then :P

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Awesome model, and if anyone needs light armour support of the type this beauty would provide, it's the Deathwing.


I mean, seriously, guys? Land Raiders are awesome and all, but wouldn't you rather have something to hide behind that DIDN'T have a eighteen metre blast radius when it pops?

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