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WIP DaemonHunter Army (1850pts)


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Good day,


Well I signed up for this Painting Challenge thing, and one of the requirements is that I post some WIP’s of my pledge. I initially saw the painting challenge sign up and realized it was a great opportunity to get me to repaint my fledgling Daemon Hunters army, which I’m attempting to push to 1850pts. I currently have a 1850pt army for the DH, all ready to go- pure GK’s may I add. The problem that I came across however was that I ended up painting up a model for the GB competition, which I tried some new techniques on…and well it came out a helluva lot better than the rest of my army! Alas I now I have to repaint the whole damned army… Plus, I’m starting to move away from a full GK force…


My pledge is as follows:

To repaint a squad of Grey Knights. I had seen the sign up, and immediately started to paint, not having the good common sense to actually sign up until the next day whilst I was at work (I would like to blame zeal for wanting to get my army finished, but I think it was more along the lines of a fundamental lack of sleep).

For the GK squad I was originally going to paint 7x GK’s including a Justicar, and a GK with a Psycannon. Well I have finished that part of it, but I decided on for the actual squad to repaint a GK with an incinerator to be used instead of the Psycannon ( although you’ll notice the cannon armed GK is done as well!). This is due to a recent switch up in my list, which I’ll get into later.


The second part of my pledge was to repaint/ paint a squad of IST, including 5x IST, with two armed with melta-guns. Instead of the current red/ black paint scheme I’m going to repaint them semi-guard colors (think more camouflage than the standard =I= colors). Plus this way I can use them as IG ST’s if I ever start a non PA army (The road to heresy is a slippery one…best to wear boots)


The third and final part of my pledge was to either go back and repaint my commander (see my avatar picture thingie), or to simply paint up a new one. At the moment I’m leaning towards a new commander model.


Ok so being a bit ambitious…..but I think I got this. I did not take any WIP shots of the overall GK squad being painted up, but I took some WIP shots of the incinerator armed GK as I painted it up last night.




The was the best I could do with my paint scheme over the course of last summer break. Not bad for now 2 ½ years into back into the hobby, but not that great. Definitely table-top quality, but not much better. First things first, I stripped the flock off the base of the model with a hobby knife, and took off the power plant pack thing. I then ripped the model off the base, and cut off the metal stand piece for it- allowing me to place it on top of the rocks. I then started to repaint all of the non-armor pieces until they were fully repainted. My aim for the model was to have a big contrast between the details and the metal of the armor- so everything had to be redone. (I didn’t want to re-spray the model again as I don’t have anything to strip the paint off atm…so a simple full repaint like the other GK’s was in order). Plus, this is the 3rd time I’ve repainted my GK’s since I’ve come back to the hobby.




This is the model with most of the details repainted- the longest part of repainting GK’s may I add. I then went across the model painting the shaded areas boltgun metal, and then highlighting these areas first in chain mail. Then I used heavily watered down Regal blue to shade the armor a bit more- giving it a blue look to the models for additional contrast. The rest of the model’s details were highlighted, and corrections made to mistakes after the armor itself was wrapped up. I also added a WHFB Empire sword to the GK, slung to the models’ side. The base was then painted as well as the back pack piece. The model was then flocked, and sprayed with Purity Seal.




Painted up to my new standard lol.




Amazing what a little bit of paint can do.


This is the finished GK squad with an incinerator.




This is the same finished GK squad but with the Psycannon (See, I told you that I painted it!)




Next up on the painting block are the 5x IST.




Oh, and before I forget I made an objetive marker for the army (the ISTs will be painted up in the same paint scheme).



In the spirit of keeping this not just a “here’s three units…ok…bye” thread, but more of a army building thread I’ll include what I’ve painted thus far/ my original list- and my new and improved (and hopefully much better) list.


My original list…the all Grey Knight 1850pt



Grandmaster with the Icon of the Just, Sacred Incense, Psychic Hood, and Holocaust

4X GKT retinue, one with an incinerator

Mounted in a Land Raider Crusader with smoke launchers, and a dozar blade


Squad One-

7x GK’s, including 1x Justicar (frag grenades), and 1x Incinerator

Mounted in a Land Raider, with smoke launchers and extra armor

Squad Two-

7x GK’s, including 1x Justicar (frag grenades), and 1x Incinerator

Mounted in a Land Raider, with smoke launchers and extra armor

Squad Three-

7x GK’s, including 1x Justicar, and 1x Psycannon

1850/1850pts (8 Kill points, with 3x troops, and 3x tanks)



My new and improved Second List


Grandmaster with Sacred Incense, Psychic Hood, and Holocaust

4X GKT retinue, one with an incinerator

Mounted in a Land Raider Crusader with smoke launchers, and a dozar blade


Squad One-

7x GK’s, including 1x Justicar (frag grenades), and 1x Incinerator

Mounted in a Land Raider, with smoke launchers and extra armor

Squad Two-

7x GK’s, including 1x Justicar (frag grenades), and 1x Incinerator

Mounted in a Land Raider, with smoke launchers and extra armor

Squad Three-

5x IST, two with Meltaguns

Mounted in a Rhino with extra armor and smoke launchers

Squad Four-

5x IST, two with Meltaguns

Mounted in a Rhino with extra armor and smoke launchers


1850/1850pts (11 Kill points, with 4x troops, and 5x tanks)


At the moment I have only two more things to actually buy: another Rhino and 2x pack of the heavy IST.

But as far as painting goes… I have the Crusader, and the GK squad shown above done. I still have well the REST of the army to go…


That’s all for now, as always thank you for your time.



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I think the paint is good, but your army mounted up is insane. I think you'd get owned. I think GKT are shooter 1st and close combat second. I think incinerators are not as good as psycannons when your opponent can sit back and get an average of 36 spotting and annihilate you from range whilist the meat of your army is in transit.


That's how I've always felt about GK armies. They are too costly to not use as a shooter army 1st and close combat 2nd.

  • 2 weeks later...

Good day,


So I finally got down to paint again (that's a good thing!) :sick: I have the pics of the WIP IST's up above in my first post, and I wanted to give them a new coat of paint, as I disliked the older paint job that I had given em'. (The red and black- I knew that I could do a bit better than that now).


The main idea was to paint them in the IG Stormtrooper colors, and the Karkasin models (I dislike the older ST models).

Reasonsing behind the IG colors: I like the paint scheme/ camo idea better than red/ black, and plus if the Inqusition book gets pushed back for another year so- I could technically have some Vet guardsmen or something :lol: Although I would have paint over the =I= symbol on their shoulder pad...hm.....


ANYWHOO off to pictures:



The IST's take an objective marker (the second one I've made so far), with the assistance of a PAGK.



Comparison with a PAGK



This is what I've re-painted/ have done for my army thus far....alas I much more to repaint.


Anywhoo- that's 2/3 of my LPC pledge completed, just one more model left, the GK grandmaster...it'll be my second time trying at greenstuff sculpting, but who knows, maybe I'll actually pull off an OK looking job out of it.



  • 3 weeks later...

Good day, and thank you for the comments.


I've finally gotten a few moments to sit down and paint again, and I've managed to finish my LPC vow- by completeing my Grey Knight Grandmaster.


I always like to show how far, and how quickly someone can improve with painting- so I'm going to show some of my ealier Grand Master attempts:


The first GK that I had painted after getting back into the hobby. This was the best that I could possible do back in the late Spring/ early summer of 2008.


I was trying to make the model look more distinctive/ stand out a bit more than all of the metal colored Grey Knights.


My second try at painting a Grand Master- using an old Stern model (with the nose chopped off?!- hence the mouth resperator). This was also my first attempt at using green stuff (the hood), and free hand at the smaller scale. I painted this model towards the close of the summer.



My most recent attempt at painting a Grand Master. The hood was my second shot at using green stuff, which I think came out ALOT better than my pervious Grand Master. Just finished :P












Please tell me what you think, and as always any comments and suggestions are always appreciated.



  • 4 weeks later...

Good day,


Despite a large amount of homework, or perhaps because of it...I've finally managed to get my Terminator squad painted up, and ready to go.



All five of the terminators together- for a group shot ^)-






So....so far I've painted the following:

Grand Master with 4x GKT's

7x GKs

5x IST

2x Standard Land Raiders

1x Land Raider Crusader


Still have to paint the following:

5x IST

7x GKs

2x Rhinos


Hm...we'll see if I can get all that done quickly. Any feedback or responses to let me know how I've been doing thus far, it would be greatly appreciated.



  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for your comments on my army thus far. I’m really hoping to have a fully painted army ready to go for the tournament coming up. I think I’ll take a little break from painting 40k once I get that all wrapped up.


Well over the last week I managed to get 22 pages of work done and handed in, as well as get started on the last two big projects for the month. However, that pales in comparison to my painting work…I’ve finally managed to get the last of the PAGK for this tournament army done. I would feel a bit sad for finishing up with the PAGK…but they are a pain in the butt to paint with all of the details…the details….the horror….


The Squad:



The Free hand Heraldry on the shoulders:



The IST: Base-coated and will be hopefully painted this weekend…yes….paint…



Here’s an overall shot of everything that can be fielded/ is ready to go at the moment (there are three GK’s missing from the squad on the left as I had not yet finished them at the time of the photo).



So all that’s left are 5x IST’s, and two Rhinos.


I’ll be sure to update this once again as soon as I get a few more models wrapped up.


As always thank you for your time, and have a great day.



  • 2 weeks later...

Good day,


I realized that it has been a little while since I've updated this thread, or my army's progress in painting. I finally finished up my 1850pt Daemon Hunters army last week- and played it in my first tournament, where mind you- I had a blast.


Here are the pictures of the finished army: "The Holly Rollers" on the display board that I made for the army.











I also made a quick battle report of the tournament and posted it on these forums:





As I'm rather confident that a new Grey Knight book will soon grace store shelves I've once again look towards touching up my existing army- not fully repainting the darn thing over again- but touching up the troop models. I bought some Badab Black wash a while ago but never tried it on my GK's. I'm thinking of going back now since I do not have a time limit here- and darkening/ making more of a contrast on my troops- whilst looking towards possible forge world upgrades for my raiders.


To accomplish the high contrast I was thinking of blending black with a bit of blue up to a light silver color.



But we'll see...




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