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How do you guys kill the avatar of Khaine?


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Right so, seeing as in the last two battles this guy killed off my venerable dreadnought before it got a chance to do much and in the first it was taken down though the combined fire power of a deathwing terminator squad and a leman russ exterminator w/plasma cannons (thats 5 plasma cannon templates if anyone dosn't know)


So whats your best way of killing him within 1000 points. Any tips?

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Sternguard with hellfire rounds or a couple of rounds of fire from 2 Typhoons should seriously dent it.


Thing with the Avatar is that it isnt that unkillable to regular high strength weapons, hell even Bolters can take a wound off it with some luck. However you want to be killing it with ranged guns that are S5+, force enough wounds and it will fall.


NEVER get dreadnoughts near it, the thing has a melta ranged weapon and is a monsterous creature with S6 (if memory serves) and a bucket load of attacks which will likely hit you on 3+ before you can swing.


Easiest thing again is Sternguard, failing that some Snipers (though you would have to be lucky).



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At 1000pts he shouldn't have much else left. Just evade it and kill his other filthy Xeno units.


I also see a 5 man Dev Squad with 4 Heavy Bolters or 4 Missile Launcher (Mmmm my favorite) putting some SERIOUS hurt to it too.


You could try tying it up with a unit of Assault Terminators with TH/SS (as striking last won't mean crap anyway).

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Epistolary Librarian in Terminator Armor, with a Storm Shield (3+ invuln) and Quickening.


Cast Quickening; the Librarian goes Initiative 10.

Charge the Avatar and swing first, three times.

Score ONE wound.

Cast Force Weapon; instant kill the Avatar.



That said, I fully endorse the use of Sternguard to hose down the Avatar, but if he gets too close to comfort, that very Librarian model is my last resort.


Also, if the Eldar player knows what he's doing, he's bringing a lot of melee-capable Eldar; the Avatar makes them Fearless, meaning they can't run from melee, which versus marines is suicide for any non-melee-centric Eldar unit. So if he's got Banshees and Striking Scorpions all over the place, hose them ALL with Holy Bolter-fire (start with the Banshees, those things are nasty).

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Epistolary Librarian in Terminator Armor, with a Storm Shield (3+ invuln) and Quickening.


Cast Quickening; the Librarian goes Initiative 10.

Charge the Avatar and swing first, three times.

Score ONE wound.

Cast Force Weapon; instant kill the Avatar.



That said, I fully endorse the use of Sternguard to hose down the Avatar, but if he gets too close to comfort, that very Librarian model is my last resort.


Also, if the Eldar player knows what he's doing, he's bringing a lot of melee-capable Eldar; the Avatar makes them Fearless, meaning they can't run from melee, which versus marines is suicide for any non-melee-centric Eldar unit. So if he's got Banshees and Striking Scorpions all over the place, hose them ALL with Holy Bolter-fire (start with the Banshees, those things are nasty).


monsterous cretures are immune to Instant death but good try.


I'll tell you what this guy had in 1000 points



phonix lord (the patron of fire dragons)

fire dragons


storm guardians (i think)


and I was playing deathwing so I can't get sternguard, scouts with hellfire heavy bolters or libraians with quickening though the typhoon sounds like a good try (its abit different from normal codex but hey!)

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monsterous cretures are immune to Instant death but good try.


As JamesI highlighted, not all Monstrous Creatures are immune to the Instant Death rule; example: The Avatar. :cuss Re-read the Monstrous Creature rules in the BRB (in summary, they don't benefit from Area Terrain for cover, ignore target armor saves, get 2d6 armor pen in melee, and have the Move Thru Cover USR...no Eternal Warrior) and the entry on the Avatar (he also does not have the Eternal Warrior USR...nor any other rule that ignores Instant Death).


In short, you CAN Force Weapon kill him with a codex Librarian. And it sounds like this: BAM!

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Toughness 6+ and Eternal Warrior often seem to be mutually exclusive and, I feel, with good reason, as both confer immunity to Instant Death via the most common method (a weapon 2x or more a model's toughness), but only one confers immunity to Instant Death itself. The latter is only Eternal Warrior and really only protects against Force Weapons (excluding, of course, Ordo Malleus).


Khaine is T6, so no weapon can Instant Kill him via raw Strength alone. At WS 10 only WS 5+ gets to hit him on 4+ (which, fortunately for we Marine players, means our Librarians have a good chance) but Str 4 VS T6 means you need a 6 to wound AND THEN you need to hope that he fails his 4+ invuln. Conversely, the Librarian could go with MotA and hope that his 3+ invuln (you did bring the Storm Shield, didn't you?) will weather the 2-3 wounds that are coming his way; Str 6 will more easily wound than Str 4. Finally you could use MotA and Quickening simultaneously and hope to do enough wounds alone (but having used two powers, you won't be able to Force Weapon him down this turn).


It would be a tremendous risk to charge Tigirius in there and use 3 powers all at once (MotA, Quicken, and Force Weap) but...if you fail to wound or fail the Force Weap, Tig is going down.


Again, the rule of thumb here is still massed fire power.

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It's not a cheap solution, but you could throw in an allied PAGK squad with two psycannons. The minimum squad of 5 plus the psycannons comes to 200pts, but the psycannons come with 3 shots each and the ability to fire at half-range on the move. They wound the Avatar on 4+ (Str 6) and ignore his Invulnerable Save. If all else fails the squad come with Str 6 CC weapons (power weapon for the Justicar) and WS 5. Once the Avatar's gone they make a decent infantry squad, albeit a bit pricy.
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It's not a cheap solution, but you could throw in an allied PAGK squad with two psycannons. The minimum squad of 5 plus the psycannons comes to 200pts, but the psycannons come with 3 shots each and the ability to fire at half-range on the move. They wound the Avatar on 4+ (Str 6) and ignore his Invulnerable Save. If all else fails the squad come with Str 6 CC weapons (power weapon for the Justicar) and WS 5. Once the Avatar's gone they make a decent infantry squad, albeit a bit pricy.


:facepalm: why didn't I think of that. Shame he has a 3+ armour save (I may be wrong there, I was wrong about monsterous cretures).

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I take it that null zone and nemisis weapon won't cut it? A thundershield will/might save him due to loss of init. but hitting on a 4+ AND wounding on a 6+ would suck.


If you want to melee Hamminators got the shields to survive getting hit at init 1, WS to hit 4+, S8 power weapon to wound and ignore his armor save the only thing you need then is a librarian to take his invuln save and he's dead. Problem is that takes a nice and even 300pts to kill a 155pt. unit.


GK Grand Master & Librarian? Lib is HQ and of course has null zone. The GM is WS5 and for 10pts. Grimoire of true names takes Khaine down to WS5. His Nemisis weapon blows through wounds, ignores armor, and gives you S6 vs. Khaine's T6. Two brave s.o.b.'s taking down a god, fluffy as all get out and cheaper but not by much.


Elsewise you're going to have "blast that fool". Command squad with 4x plasma guns will pump 8 S7 AP2 shots and put him back to a 4++. Mass bolter fire in general. Aren't Sternguard Helfire rounds ment to take on stuff like Khaine?

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Hammernators in 1k? If you want I suppose.

Does the Avatar have a 3+ save? If so then missile launchers are your friend.


In 1k games a libby with Null zone is a fine investment for any occasion and should be used in conjunction with a couple of combi/dakka preds or as Wan mentioned earlier speeder typhoons to lay the rightous smackdown on said gribbly. Nice idea to force weapon him to death but just not viable @ T6. Save this for stuff you have a reasonable chance of wounding.


My favourite method of fielding libby is with a biker squad but this can get a bit pricey for 1k, it would depend on your playstyle but dont leave your libby out in the open to get brightlanced.

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