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How do you guys kill the avatar of Khaine?


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Null Zone + MLs = Dead Space Elf Demon

I lol'd when I read this; then I was a bit embarrassed. This is by far the best solution yet presented, as both a Librarian and MLs are useful for many other things as well.

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Marneus calgar. Fail that? Lysander smash! Fail that again? His list looks pretty weak. Shoot the crap out of them, ifnoring the avatar, fulfill the mission and /dance at the avatar.
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monsterous cretures are immune to Instant death but good try.


Even if the force power says otherwise? Is the psychic power instant death or does it simply kill whatever it is hitting?


(There is a difference ref. Vortex support missile.)




In 1000pt games you should treat large scary things like landraiders: Ignore them and kill everything else.


However the best way to kill it for cost-effect/cheapness is by hosing it with two devastator squads. Give 'em missiles and enjoy the fireworks.

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the absolute best way to kill him is rapid firing sternguard, they kill just about anything


failing that a bloodthirster in single combat should wipe that smile off his face

Nah I'll take an BT on with the Avatar :P but Sternguard + Nullzone libby :D = happy times... remember combi-meltas don't help :'(

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5 Assault Terminators with TH and SS. 200 points, killed the avatar in 2 turns of combat. lost 1 terminator.

of couse i did have He'Stan in the army letting them re-roll one missed hit. but still cheap and easy.


cheaper than Calgar and more wounds. and more attacks. and a better save.


Athiair :P

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5 Assault Terminators with TH and SS. 200 points, killed the avatar in 2 turns of combat. lost 1 terminator.

of couse i did have He'Stan in the army letting them re-roll one missed hit. but still cheap and easy.


cheaper than Calgar and more wounds. and more attacks. and a better save.


Athiair :D


not as epic :P

in the fluff he's already killed one with his bare hands :P

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Seems a few people have forgotten that the OP is a Dark Angel. Or at least that he uses that codex. Yes, he could switch, but maybe he doesn't want to?


My advice is to go for the hammernators. 215 pts for a total of 15 S8 attacks on the charge if no one croaks to the Avatar's attacks. And if he survives, he strikes at I1 the next round, meaning that if the Eldar can't put more troops into the fight (likely because you're sweeping them away with fire or you have more troops around the fight) the Avatar is going to struggle to get clear. 2 rounds going head-to-head with hammernator Deathwing? Dead Avatar.

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he walked up to it and bashed its head in, yeah.


is that not good enough, should he not have been wearing his blessed armour at all when they fought? perhaps just a loincloth then next time should even the odds out a bit. naked Calgar vs avatar of khaine. oh and the avatar gets a free swing too


you should know Space Marines always wear their power armor, let alone wear it into battle. HIS BARE HANDS!

the guys brushed his teeth in the morning wearing the gauntlets of Macragge

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the guys brushed his teeth in the morning wearing the gauntlets of Macragge


I know this is sarcasm but is actually true considering his arms are bionic, fluff has mentioned him holding a teacup with the power fists too

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Being an Eldar player myself I can say the avatar has some serious faults:


1:6" move, it'll threaten you...in about turn three

2: Oh noes, weight of fire!

3: Oh noes, mah fortuneseer is dead!


seriously they only become a problem with a seer around. The only reason it gets some credit is for molten body to negate some of the more common weapons used to wound high T models. Most people make the mistake of assuming a dread or two can kill it. The best methods are to either avoid it or make it take so many saves from long ditance it'll crumble into steaming iron slag.

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he walked up to it and bashed its head in, yeah.

That doesn't justify the claim that powerfists are bare hands. Or in this case that the gauntlets of ultramar are bare hands.


you should know Space Marines always wear their power armor, let alone wear it into battle. !

No. No they most certainly don't. I'm not going to sight the numerous fluff refereances that prove spacemarines don't always wear their armor. In fact a large portion of them are practically--for combat purposes, though on occasion literally--naked. But this is only when they are far from a combat zone of any kind.



I know this is sarcasm but is actually true considering his arms are bionic, fluff has mentioned him holding a teacup with the power fists too.


While that is probably true--I'm not certain as I have not read that--it does not change the fact that they are not his bare hands. They aren't even his hands per say...



But I digress... So back on topic:



Avatars of Khain are scary when they're womping a trio of carnifex's in CC. But I try hard not to laugh when they're trying to rush at me out in the open.

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Take a squad of 3 typhoon landspeeders + null zone. You can use the 6 missile launcher attacks against the Khaine and the 9 heavy bolters against... anything else. I will admit I'm still new to the game and have never played against eldar, but this seems like a smart idea.
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I'm surprised no one has said psycannons, sure you need 6's to wound, but you can't re-roll a save you don't get. Plus he's slow enough that you can shoot down everything else then open fire.


The Avatar would lose its 4++ but not its 3+ no? So... it wouldn't make much difference. Also wouldn't a psycannon need a 3/4 to wound.

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I'm surprised no one has said psycannons, sure you need 6's to wound, but you can't re-roll a save you don't get. Plus he's slow enough that you can shoot down everything else then open fire.


The Avatar would lose its 4++ but not its 3+ no? So... it wouldn't make much difference. Also wouldn't a psycannon need a 3/4 to wound.


Yes, with an AP of 4, it won't negate his armour save and with a S6, it'll wound on a 4+.

It's kind of slow, so it'll need to choose one direction and stick with that. You can avoid it. Though it is annoyingly tough if you try to kill it.

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I don't play games at the 1000pt level much any more, but my response in my 1850pt list is a Kor'sarro Khan + Grey Knight Grand Master.


Daemonhunter Nemesis Force Weapons + the Furious Charge from Khan = WS 5, Attacks 5 , Str 7, Int 6, and with a single wound taken I do a Psychic test to kill the model completely.

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