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gettothegone librarium painting challenge


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Okay, I'm going to start this here


This is the army I'm hoping to field for my 1850 tournament list.


1 @ Librarian / Bolter *Null Zone / Gate *

5 @ 5X Tacticals / Razorback *TL LASCAN*

3 @ TLAC/TLAC Dread

1 @ Typhoon Land Speeders / Hbolter

2 @ Typhoon Land Speeders / Multi Melta

3 @ Pred AC/HB


I've been proxying this list *which I hate, because I loath playing unpainted*, but the success with it has been pretty good.


Things that are done


Troops, HQ, Rifle Dreads


I have just finished my order for the rest of the Tanks, these should be in shortly.


Here's a quick shot of my rhinos. All my Razors and such should look very similar after.




More when things arrive.

What have been youre tactics its a really impressive list with not much bling but bucket loads of fire power . the only problem i see is the librarian with gate wht is the point if he has no suitable close ombat squad to accompany him that is my only concern
What have been youre tactics its a really impressive list with not much bling but bucket loads of fire power . the only problem i see is the librarian with gate wht is the point if he has no suitable close ombat squad to accompany him that is my only concern



Last second contests of objectives, possibly scoring, technically if he gets popped... hes going to go find somewhere safe to hide for the emperor and at the last second possibly gate out and jump on an objective.. also I run him with Avenger, it really depends, I just find that he really doesn't get out of Razorbacks often enough to shoot, so support seems to be where its at. He can scoot a 5 man tactical squad onto an objective 24" away. This has been pretty beneficial in some games vs faster armies. Tactics vary from army to army, but I try to steer people into side armor shots if I can, or just overload units till they die. If you're more specific I could probably provide a better answer for you.


As it stands.. If he's getting into close combat.. I've done something very very wrong and deserve to have him get eaten alive :)


Nice clean job on those Rhino's! I'd like to see more detailed pics of those if you've got the chance!


Absolutely will. I need better lighting, my normal room I take pictures in is now getting mini gettothegoneified.



Moar Rhino goodness.


2 Speeders and 3 Preds showed up on my doorstep today, so I'm going to get started on the building... next update when all models are built.



Nah, I just like throwing a single or small red highlights for the fists. I'm not a huge fan of throwing red everywhere for the sake of showing everyone we're fists. I'm a very minimalist painter, I don't do a lot of extra things to make my army flashy. I just try to get things looking realistic, and with small "Oh nice" things when you get close.


Utility Knife I was using did a number on the thumb last night so building is halted for a day or 2.


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