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What are the best marine tactics?


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Depends on who your facing, but there is one tactic that seems key to every marine strategy:


Keep your forces close enough to support each other, far enough away to keep from being multicharged, and always always always focus fire.


Some more specific things for vanilla marines?


1) MM attack bikes = potential first turn dead landraider/leman russ. Amazing for their points.

2) Scouts in a LSS can do much the same, or be a scoring unit that can move 24" a turn to hold or contest... amazing.

3) Devastators with 4 Missile Launchers- a threat to anything in the game really, alot of fun, very versatile...

4) Empty DPs as terrain, or transports depending on your opponent and scenario. Gives you a huge amount of control over the battlefield and your positioning.

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One of the best is also the simplest: the Drive-By.


Tactical Squad in a Rhino; Rhino rolls up, Tacs hop out, rapid fire a unit off the board, hop back in the Rhino, repeat. (Note that this may be hard to repeat as your Rhino might not be there anymore.)

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