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My first time fighting Nids tomorrow (let alone the new Dex)


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Just that. I'm a bit leery of Doom of Malen'tai, but I've got 4-6 missile launchers with it's name written on their rockets. I'm aware some things (Genestealers) can rend. Otherwise, I know nothing about them at all. You've likely seem my list and my tendencies...what do I have to worry about here? =(
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Okay, well on the surface of Nids:


1. The Swarmlord. Don't fight this guy with pretty much anything. He even gives Hammernators a run for their money. Shoot him a LOT and THEN send in the Hammernators if you feel the necessity to kill him.


2. The Doom. It's very annoying, but you've already got the best solution (massed MLs.)


3. The Tervigon. Basically be prepared for any objective it sits on to be as good as gone for your purposes.


4. Zoanthropes. If you let these guys get off Warp Lance, any Land Raiders you have will disappear.


5. Genestealers. Outflanking, rending, good amounts of attacks. Something to be aware of.


What works well against Nids?


1. Flamers. Flamersflamersflamers. Have I mentioned flamers? These will save your hide against the little guys in a Nid army, even one turn of firing from a Tac Squad with a flamer and combi-flamer will render even the largest, meanest mob of Hormagaunts pretty threatless.


2. Missile Launchers. With the advent of the new Nid 'dex, you don't have any T7, and you have very few 2+ saves. So, MLs all of a sudden become very good at shooting the really large monsters. They can also inflict ID on T4 models now, which is nice. You'll want to continuously use Krak missiles, though. Frags are nice, but with so many bolters and flamers on the board you shouldn't be worrying about hordes.


3. Hammernators are, like always, a good reserve counterattack unit. Now just don't expect to be able to lead a charge with them.


4. Librarians. The psychic hood REALLY screws with Tyrants, Broodlords, and the Swarmlord, but more importantly is it messes with Zoanthropes. It's a character that actually does better at keeping your vehicles alive than a fully loaded out MotF would do.


5. Vindicators. Of course, Vindies are good against EVERYTHING, but a large blast template to ID squads of Warriors is great, and also IF (very big if) you see any Fexes, one Vindicator can put tons of wounds on a squad of the bad boys.

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Adding onto what I AM THE AWESOME already said.


Warriors = 3 Wound T4 units, so S8+ them to death whenever possible. Having said that, if you have to dakka them they only have a 4+ save so its basically like trying to Bolter a Tac squad to death, slow but doable.


Trygons = Really these guys are the new assault MC. 200ish points gets you a Fleeting unit with S6 T6 unit with 7 attacks on the charge (that will probably be rerolled). Add in 6 wounds and you have one durable bastard. Plasma and Krak Missiles are again the answer.


Gargoyles/Hormagaunts = They will typically have a Poisoned attack and/or Furious Charge @ I5. The main use for them is to tie up your shooters and do some reasonable damage to your Tacticals.


Carnifex = Chances are you're going to see a few of these guys purely because everyone has the models. The only Dakkafex is now stronger but @ 150% of the old price its not as much of a steal. People can pod a single Carnifex which you'll basically have to handle in the same way as a SM player podding a Ironclad into your face. Its a big distraction you have to deal with.


Hive Guard = I saved this guy for last because he's probably one of their top 3 units. It has a 24" 2 shot S8 attack that does NOT need LOS. This will knock out your Rhinos and Speeders very quick and will be a threat to your Dreads and Predators even. Expect to see 2-4 of these guys in most competitive lists.


As for counters

1) Typhoon Speeders seemed tailor made to gun down the bugs.

2) Whirlwinds/Vindicators/TFC are all good at thinning the numbers especially since 2 of those ignore cover.

3) Combi-Predators are pretty decent at knocking out their MCs, since you can't insta-death any of them just stacking wounds from turn 1 works.

4) Keep the Power Fists, they'll be quite handy.

5) Sternguard are always welcome. Hellfire rounds work well against almost everything.

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Basically, the nids are going to come towards you, and it's up to you to make some good target prioritizing so you can shoot down the real killy stuff before it gets near.


Refused flank is a good idea, unless he's running lots and lots of outflanking genestealers.


If you're playing a kill points mission on dawn of war or pitched battle deployment, then do your best to make him get the first turn. That way he'll be forced to spread out his force, making it easier for you to avoid entire elements of his army by setting up in one corner.


Having a librarian with nullzone is a great thing when it comes to pwning zoanthropes and doom of malan'tai.


Assaulting zoanthropes with anything, tacticals included, is a valid option simply because zoanthropes being locked in combat = zoanthropes that aren't shooting.

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Thanks, guys; this has given me a lot to think about.


What's the average Toughness I'll be shooting at? 4? 5?


Hive Guard: A S8 shot that doesn't need LOS?! That's....I don't know that I want to know how that works. Can those things be buried in units? Do they form one unit? That thing will drastically reduce my mobility.

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What's the average Toughness I'll be shooting at? 4? 5?


Hive Guard: A S8 shot that doesn't need LOS?! That's....I don't know that I want to know how that works. Can those things be buried in units? Do they form one unit? That thing will drastically reduce my mobility.


T3 for the little stuff and T6 for the MCs. Warriors and such are inbetween but those are the two main categories.


Hive Guard is 2 S8 shots each. They are their own units of 1-3 basically like Oblits but only 67% of the price. The only real drawbacks is the semi-short range (but its the same as an Assault Cannon on a Dread) and that fact that Marines still get armor save. However neither of these is that big of a deal when you're talking about knocking out Rhinos.

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Beware the small stuff nowadays. 'Nid players by me have been having real success with their horde units. Toxin sacs are just plain evil--making every wound be a 4+, and if equal or better strength the chance to re-roll that. So termaguants can now do rotten things to small units, especially shooting then charging. That's a lot of damage, and has shocked some marine players to see the tarpit unit of last edition dealing out a fairly strong showing in close combat.


Oh, and don't tank shock the mycetic spores. Since they're immobile, a guy had the idea he would tank shock one with his land raider in order to eliminate it (since they are immobile creatures they must death or glory). But the spores are monstrous creatures. Thus 2d6 pen, and they're strength 6. His LR Redeemer was demolished with a lucky roll, and sadness ensured.



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