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750/500 team tournament - Help!


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Hello im attending to a 750/1500 team tournament this saturday.

Im not the most experienced 40k player out there. And this, sadly often results in a lot of stupid decisions due to the lack of knowledge playing against armies. The only armies i really know how to handle is speez mehreenz and chaos marines.


What i wish from you guys are advices against like every army in the game which i could face. You dont need to learn me bushido or anything. Just how i should tackle armies, start games against different armies etc. <_<




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Hello im attending to a 750/1500 team tournament this saturday.

Im not the most experienced 40k player out there. And this, sadly often results in a lot of stupid decisions due to the lack of knowledge playing against armies. The only armies i really know how to handle is speez mehreenz and chaos marines.


What i wish from you guys are advices against like every army in the game which i could face. You dont need to learn me bushido or anything. Just how i should tackle armies, start games against different armies etc. :P


That is a big bill. We can try to help but at best we can only give you generic advice.


1) Understand that in the current edition, there is a heavy emphasis on being mechanized (infantry in transports). This means two things. First you should try to mechanize your armies whenever possible, luckily the Rhino is a cheap and effective way to go about this. Second it means you need to have ways of killing their transports. Autocannons/Missile Launchers and Lascannons all work well at range and Melta weapons work up close.


2) One of the great equalizers for Marines of all types is the Power Fist. Don't give it to your HQs (its a waste of their I5) but it works great in Tac squads/Assault Squads or the Chaos equivalents. However to get full use out of it, you want alot of body bag Marines to absorb the shooting so take it when you have squads of 8+.


3) A good army needs a mix of weapons/units to handle a variety of situations. The main situations are a) anti-AV14 (use Melta) :) anti-transport/walkers/MCs (use Autocannons/Missile Launchers/Plasma) c) assault/counter assault (to protect your shooty squads) d) anti-horde (Flamers, blast weapons, Bolters) and e) mobility (to get across the board and claim those objectives)


4) Remember that only Troops can claim objectives. For most people, they use roughly 1 Troop choice per 500 points. Now in games that smaller like 750 you might not have alot in the way of options so you have to be creative.


5) Marines (of all types) are a balanced army. This means they shoot well and assault well but there are armies out there that do either one better. To use Marines effectively, you have to support your units and try to go after what the opponent is weak at. Examples would be tying up his super shooty squad in HtH combat or using empty Rhinos to block his super assault squad from attacking you.


6) VERY generic advice for all the other armies out there

Eldar/Dark Eldar = They are faster then you and their skimmers can be difficult to take out. They are specialized units, so if you can deny a squad what its good at, you will have a strong advantage. Eldar rely very heavily on Psychic Powers so if you play Codex Marines, a Librarian is a good idea.


Tau/IG = These are both super shooty armies typically with alot of tanks on the field. In both cases the best way to win is to move your transports around/through cover and assault whenever possible. Try to deny them good shooting targets. Deepstriking units into their backfield can throw them off.


Orks/Tyranid = The two major "horde" races. They can easily bring 100+ bodies to the table in a 1k game. This means you need to bring alot of basic Bolters as well as template and blast weapons. However be aware that these armies can also field very small but very powerful forces as well, Orks using lots of Nobz on Bikers or walkers and Tyranids using lots of MCs. In either case you want to have some long range firepower like Missile Launchers to hurt them from across the board and keep those Power Fists for the big stuff up close.


Marines = Try to focus on busting their transports and then shooting the stranded Marines. Depending on what exact army you play, you might be more or less assault oriented then other Marines but shooting is almost always a strongpoint.


Thats all I got right now. Let us know if you have anything else or if you have an idea of what army you want to plyay or your opponents.

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For 750, I would take two full tac squads mounted in Rhinos at full strength (at least one with a melta gun upgrade, and otherwise flamers and missile launchers and power fists), and a stern guard - also in a Rhino - with a cheap but effective IC (probably a Librarian). If you have the points, make that third Rhino a Razorback.


Now play the porcupine, waiting in your boxes. If anybody gets close enough, melta their transports open from the Rhino hatch (or bust them open with long range missile launchers). If anybody without a transport gets close, disembark and show them the holy wrath of your rapid fire. <3


If you're not sure what to give the Librarian, I'd give him Null Zone (to screw with their ICs invuln saves) and Gate of Infinity (as a back-up plan to get the Libby and Stern Guard out of combat and across the table for more rapid-fire goodness).


Good luck!

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To help you all. This is how my list looks like.


Rune Priest - Runic Armor, Saga of the beastslayer

Storm Caller, Living Lightning



9 Grey Hunters - meltagun, standard, power fist, Mark of the wulfen




10 Grey Hunters - 2 melta, standard, Power fist, Mark of the wulfen





6 Long fangs - 5 missile launchers, plasmagun





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I'm not super familar with SW but it looks like a very good start. My only thought is what about trimming some points here and there and trying to get a TL HB Razorback for the Long Fangs. Gives them a transport plus some LOS blockers to protect them. MotW just does Rending or something like that right? If so, I think you could easily sacrifice that. Same with the Plasmagun.
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I got on 3'rd of 20 people :)

I Had some really good games, and great partners. I played with Tyranids against Flesh tearers & Black templars. We held 3 of 3 objectives. 2 Game; i played with eldar against two csm armies. We wiped them with 3 objectives out of 5 :) And i wiped both armies out too :).. I won the last game too plus i wiped out one of the players.

And i got a single point for my painting..


So it got me on 3'rd :) I got a gift certificate now for the shop, so im currently looking on starting a empire army

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